volkanunsal / ndwa

Contract builder for National Domestic Workers Alliance
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Bugs and enhancements #1

Closed volkanunsal closed 9 years ago

volkanunsal commented 9 years ago


volkanunsal commented 9 years ago
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alixfcl commented 9 years ago
volkanunsal commented 9 years ago

@alixfcl Can you clarify this item?

Evaluations tab: Please add words "written job" to "The Employer will also provide a WRITTEN JOB evaluation" to the PDF version

I already have something like that in the pdf

The Employer will provide Employee a written job evaluation after three months, and will provide an evaluation every year.

@volkanunsal Yes, it's just that we need it to say that there will be a "written" evaluation every year and a 'written' job evaluation after 3 months. The in writing/written part is important so that it's not just 'verbal' which means they can say anything but not really do anything. I hope that clarifies.

volkanunsal commented 9 years ago
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volkanunsal commented 9 years ago

In-House Agreements makes it easier to create a work agreement for domestic workers and their employers. More than your standard sample contract, In-House Agreements helps you through the process in a way that is friendly, easy to understand, and informative.

volkanunsal commented 9 years ago

@alixfcl When you edit one of my comments, I don't get a notification. So it's best to reply with a comment on this thread.

gaiafcl commented 9 years ago

Replace image with lightbulb image https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B8_ZOrBlhAekOGZlVUF4QVFVM2M&authuser=0

alixfcl commented 9 years ago

got it. tnx

On Fri, Jun 12, 2015 at 10:30 AM, Volkan Unsal notifications@github.com wrote:

@alixfcl https://github.com/alixfcl When you edit one of my comments, I don't get a notification. So it's best to reply with a comment on this thread.

— Reply to this email directly or view it on GitHub https://github.com/volkanunsal/ndwa/issues/1#issuecomment-111512991.

Alix Ford

Fair Care Labs http://www.faircarelabs.org/

alix@faircarelabs.org P. 917.513.7051

alixfcl commented 9 years ago
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gaiafcl commented 9 years ago

Apply style guide to contract tool: https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B8_ZOrBlhAekNTNoSXFXRi1PLVk&authuser=0

alixfcl commented 9 years ago

CONGRATULATIONS: screen shot 2015-06-12 at 12 01 55 pm

DONATE: Current verbiage is fine. (see next check list item re: functionality of Donate page0 PRINT: Verbiage fine as is

volkanunsal commented 9 years ago

@alixfcl The PDF content is on the last page to make it easy to QA. I'm going to remove it once you have a chance to look at it.

alixfcl commented 9 years ago

aha! got it! thank you!! am reviewing it now.

On Fri, Jun 12, 2015 at 12:29 PM, Volkan Unsal notifications@github.com wrote:

@alixfcl https://github.com/alixfcl The PDF content is on the last page to make it easy to QA. I'm going to remove it once you have a chance to look at it.

— Reply to this email directly or view it on GitHub https://github.com/volkanunsal/ndwa/issues/1#issuecomment-111547500.

Alix Ford

Fair Care Labs http://www.faircarelabs.org/

alix@faircarelabs.org P. 917.513.7051

gaiafcl commented 9 years ago

add images to these above pages: print, donate and save, found in this folder: https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B8_ZOrBlhAekQkYtYU54bUhUYTA&authuser=0

gaiafcl commented 9 years ago

Use this document to create linkage in the on boarding page: https://docs.google.com/document/d/139eWszhkQBkJsL0QZM_27MEC_j5kmkmJDzBAKcjBytU/edit

volkanunsal commented 9 years ago

@gaiafcl Where can I find the font face?

gaiafcl commented 9 years ago

@volkanunsal https://www.google.com/fonts/specimen/Bree+Serif https://www.google.com/fonts/specimen/Muli

volkanunsal commented 9 years ago

Got it, thanks!

volkanunsal commented 9 years ago

@gaiafcl In the style guide, you missed the appearance of the tabs that are active and valid/invalid. My suggestion is to indicate activeness as an underline, rather than a background color.

alixfcl commented 9 years ago
gaiafcl commented 9 years ago

@volkanunsal thanks, good point. proceed with colored-underline.

volkanunsal commented 9 years ago

Can you guys create the share buttons from Facebook? I need to create an app to get the share buttons. If you guys are going to track the engagement, you should create the app yourselves, and then send me the code.

gaiafcl commented 9 years ago

apply confetti on congratulations page: confetti flash image for 2 seconds.

gaiafcl commented 9 years ago

@volkanunsal is this what you need:

  1. Include the JavaScript SDK on your page once, ideally right after the opening tag.

  2. Place the code for your plugin wherever you want the plugin to appear on your page.

volkanunsal commented 9 years ago

Yeah, but before that you need to create a Facebook app because it asks you which app you want to use to create the share button.

volkanunsal commented 9 years ago

The last page doesn't make sense to me. They first see a Congratulations page with a print button. When they click on that, they see the "We need your support" page. And when they make a donation, they see another page with another print button –– they cannot download this PDF, it's print only. Why don't we combine the first and second pages, and change the first print button to Donate button?

alixfcl commented 9 years ago

The Congratulations page shouldn't have a print button. It can be a "Next" button. We can combine the first two pages, sounds good.

On Fri, Jun 12, 2015 at 1:45 PM, Volkan Unsal notifications@github.com wrote:

The last page doesn't make sense to me. They first see a Congratulations page with a print button. When they click on that, they see the "We need your support" page. And when they make a donation, they see another page with another print button –– they cannot download this PDF, it's print only. Why don't we combine the first and second pages, and change the first print button to Donate button?

— Reply to this email directly or view it on GitHub https://github.com/volkanunsal/ndwa/issues/1#issuecomment-111571548.

Alix Ford

Fair Care Labs http://www.faircarelabs.org/

alix@faircarelabs.org P. 917.513.7051

alixfcl commented 9 years ago
volkanunsal commented 9 years ago

Ok, in that case we should move the "Reminder" to the last page, where the new print button is...

volkanunsal commented 9 years ago

Everything is ready except for the share buttons.

volkanunsal commented 9 years ago

I'm going to use ShareThis. It looks easier to set up than Facebook. What do you guys think?


gaiafcl commented 9 years ago

@volkanunsal that works too. apologies social media is not my jam. I do have a fbook app ( i think) image


alixfcl commented 9 years ago

i completed the agreement, and even with all "green" tabs I still see the "Validation error" Page and cannot proceed to the Congratulations page

On Fri, Jun 12, 2015 at 2:04 PM, Volkan Unsal notifications@github.com wrote:

Everything is ready except for the share buttons.

— Reply to this email directly or view it on GitHub https://github.com/volkanunsal/ndwa/issues/1#issuecomment-111576654.

Alix Ford

Fair Care Labs http://www.faircarelabs.org/

alix@faircarelabs.org P. 917.513.7051

gaiafcl commented 9 years ago

update favicon and home logo to this: favi_inhouse_yellow or other, whatever looks best

gaiafcl commented 9 years ago

bug: date cannot be in the past image

gaiafcl commented 9 years ago

Schedule: on hover change color to: 3c4049 image

volkanunsal commented 9 years ago

Ok, took care of everything. Check again.

gaiafcl commented 9 years ago

thanks can we play with the vertical and horizontal spacing? maybe only occupying 75% screen horizontally in situations like this: image

gaiafcl commented 9 years ago

Thanks! sorry I wasn't clear: in schedule switch the bright blue bg to: image

gaiafcl commented 9 years ago

replace image with image (in image folder)

volkanunsal commented 9 years ago

There is a border around it...

gaiafcl commented 9 years ago

sorry the image is in the image folder as oops, the images I put here are screen grabs


volkanunsal commented 9 years ago

It's all good.

Can you guys run through the form once again? I believe it's working well now.

alixfcl commented 9 years ago

will do!

Alix Ford Fair Care Labs

On Jun 12, 2015, at 3:12 PM, Volkan Unsal notifications@github.com wrote:

It's all good.

Can you guys run through the form once again? I believe it's working well now.

— Reply to this email directly or view it on GitHub.

gaiafcl commented 9 years ago

:( image

volkanunsal commented 9 years ago

It's temporary. When I deploy, it takes down the existing site for a few seconds. Try now.

gaiafcl commented 9 years ago


volkanunsal commented 9 years ago

You can test the credit card payment with the following fake number: 4242 4242 4242 4242. For expiration date and cvc, just enter anything.

gaiafcl commented 9 years ago

now good

volkanunsal commented 9 years ago

@alixfcl You need to activate your stripe account by entering bank information, etc.