volkszaehler / app-android

Volkszaehler frontend for Android
GNU General Public License v3.0
12 stars 7 forks source link

Version 0.9.2 #26

Closed SirkoVZ closed 7 years ago

SirkoVZ commented 7 years ago

I'm not sure about all the .idea files, are they really necessary?

SirkoVZ commented 7 years ago

...and the gradle files...? ...necessary?

l3d00m commented 7 years ago

I'll look into ignoring some more files / fixing some files

l3d00m commented 7 years ago

I've removed some more of the specific .idea files I missed before by adding


to my gitignore and removing them from git (not from your system) with

git rm -r --cached .idea/markdown-navigator
git rm -r --cached .idea/markdown-navigator.xml
git rm -r --cached projectFilesBackup

It is quite common to keep the gradle files as you can see in other big android projects e.g. 1 2 3. They are not user specific and have to get generated by Android Studio otherwise. The inspection settings are recommended to keep as they should be the same for everyone at the project.

Btw: Are you German? And is there a better way to reach you than through github or the mailing list?

Sorry for the troubles

SirkoVZ commented 7 years ago

Ja, per mail, z.B: mail_ist@nurfuerspam.de