volkszaehler / vzlogger

Logging utility for various meters & sensors
GNU General Public License v3.0
143 stars 124 forks source link

Feature request: config-file editor "make menuconfig" like #130

Closed mbehr1 closed 9 years ago

mbehr1 commented 9 years ago

As more and more people struggle with the complexity of the configuration file I suggest to add a config-file editor like linux kernel "make menuconfig", raspi-config, opensips/makemenuconfig,...

The editor should support:

Using this approach we could make the etc/vzlogger.conf much more complex/unreadable by adding more detailed comments, descriptions,... (instead of trying to keep the documentation in sync in the wiki or source or conf file...) and generate a specific config file easy to read, maintain and understand.

What do you think about it? suggestions/comments welcome/requested.

Is anybody aware of such an editor or some other tool/source to start with? (opensips/makemenuconfig might be a starting point providing a simple ncurses based implementation, json parsing/stuff to be added,...)

andig commented 9 years ago

Excellent idea but imho not entirely necessary right now. Might even- bonus- start from type of meter to connect instead of from asking the parameters (Elster xyz...).

Is anybody aware of such an editor or some other tool/source to start with?


json parsing/stuff to be added

I guess that's the tricky part that gets complex. Maybe just have it as one-way or "initial" config tool? If json doesn't comply with/ or has tool-generated MD5 signature you'd get a warning of "overwriting" the config.

Also: as rules may be volatile such a tool should have more than 1 c-aware developer and should imho rather be based on a scripting language than c?

skre commented 9 years ago

I like the idea. Perhaps we could collect some typical configuration for meters out of the wiki. After an "auto-config" everybody would be free to adjust his/her config-file - what would be much easier.

dave-watts commented 9 years ago

I also like the idea, but as a start, can the config file not just be better documented with a repository for typical example applications with different meters (SML, IEC etc) different connection types (IR, TCP etc)?

mbehr1 commented 9 years ago

How about generating a json-schema for our json-conf-file? There are many editors and validators for json-schema. And references to other schemas (e.g. for meterOCR conf file) would be feasible as well. I'll provide an example the next days.

mbehr1 commented 9 years ago

see here an example: http://jeremydorn.com/json-editor/?schema=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&value=N4IgTgpgLmCeIC4AMAaEATAhhAtgewDtEYBXCNANwjACM8BnASyngQFY0AbPAc0RBBc8AY0ydEoCAUw1OEdIgBmY+hAC+aoA&theme=bootstrap2&iconlib=fontawesome4&object_layout=normal&show_errors=interaction&disable_edit_json "JSON Output" should be a valid conf file. Hint: the properties button can enable/hide optional settings. Schema definitions can be put in multiple files or areas within one file to make it more readable. The schema used looks like that:

  "$schema": "http://json-schema.org/draft-04/schema#",
  "id": "",
  "type": "object",
  "properties": {
    "retry": {
      "id": "/retry",
      "type": "integer",
      "description": "How long to sleep between failed requests, in seconds"
    "daemon": {
      "id": "/daemon",
      "type": "boolean",
      "default": "true",
      "description": "Enable daemon mode"
    "verbosity": {
      "id": "/verbosity",
      "type": "integer",
      "enum":[0, 5, 10, 15], "description":"log_error or log_warning",
      "default": 0,
      "description": "0 = log_error or log-warning, 5 = log_info, 10 = log-debug, 15 = log_finest"
    "log": {
      "id": "/log",
      "type": "string",
      "description": "path to log file"
    "local": {
      "id": "/local",
      "type": "object",
      "properties": {
        "enabled": {
          "id": "/local/enabled",
          "type": "boolean",
          "description": "should we start the local HTTPd for serving live readings?"
        "port": {
          "id": "/local/port",
          "type": "integer",
          "default": 8080,
          "description": "the TCP port for the local HTTPd"
        "index": {
          "id": "/local/index",
          "type": "boolean",
          "description": "should we provide a index listing of available channels if no UUID was requested?"
        "timeout": {
          "id": "/local/timeout",
          "type": "integer"
        "buffer": {
          "id": "/local/buffer",
          "type": "integer",
          "default": -1,
          "description": "how long to buffer readings for the local interface, in seconds (if greater 0) or how many tuples to return per channel if <0 (-3 = return 3 tuples)"
"required": [ "enabled" ]
  "required": [
mbehr1 commented 9 years ago

See here an example with the possibility to add meters (till now just with enabled? option): http://jeremydorn.com/json-editor/?schema=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&value=N4IgTgpgLmCeIC4AMAaEATAhhAtgewDtEYBXCNANwjACM8BnASyngQFY0AbPAc0RAD0FTGAHceQgF7ie1AHTiQXPAGNMnRKAgFMNThHSIAZuvoQAvmhzRq9RAG0tOvQeOmLAXXNA&theme=bootstrap2&iconlib=fontawesome4&object_layout=normal&show_errors=interaction&ajax

andig commented 9 years ago

Fancy. Can we integrate this an an online helper instead as separate binary?

Am 23.03.2015 um 22:01 schrieb Matthias Behr notifications@github.com:

See here an example with the possibility to add meters (till now just with enabled? option): http://jeremydorn.com/json-editor/?schema=N4IgJAzgxgFgpgWwIYgFwhgF0wB1QenwCsIB7AOwFpp5kA6UgJwHN8ATRpAM00oAYALPhqIkAYhAAaEGzhcAluXmZ5FCGlAAbUlCSaNITAE8ccNCFIAjInCiYpIHI1KnGKuOtSg45JJc1wbAbyQej42rqa+D5+AUHSxqbmlqSkAUjkDrLQjPI4KhTmEDCkAK6abAAEAO5wlRCYSG6VmPCVEXqVABIAKj0AClVcTPVwjABuiszt8uN1jHBIbFMQAPwgAL7SOEz2XiAh5uE6evg7bg6JZuiKmHDMY1lySOV7ABx8H9LZULn5qpl0K06j0AML9SrnTCVYaMFptDqabp9QabaSKWQAD2CoRAx0i+AxcGxCRM1xAKTSi0y3w8vzyBUBIGKZQqNTqTlIk1klSQlSJmJmDSmlVIXF54yQ8k0sTqsAy5Dgmgg/PF5FIlQAqpqAJIAERqSBVCwAjqUPHc2OstoZ5Ag 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&value=N4IgTgpgLmCeIC4AMAaEATAhhAtgewDtEYBXCNANwjACM8BnASyngQFY0AbPAc0RAD0FTGAHceQgF7ie1AHTiQXPAGNMnRKAgFMNThHSIAZuvoQAvmhzRq9RAG0tOvQeOmLAXXNA&theme=bootstrap2&iconlib=fontawesome4&object_layout=normal&show_errors=interaction&ajax

— Reply to this email directly or view it on GitHub.

mbehr1 commented 9 years ago

Yes. That's the idea. We could either host it somewhere on volkszaehler.org or provide the html-pages/-scripts for installation on the local webserver.

andig commented 9 years ago

Excellent. Depending on what it takes it might even be hostable in the github pages.

On Tue, Mar 24, 2015 at 8:39 AM, Matthias Behr notifications@github.com wrote:

Yes. That's the idea. We could either host it somewhere on volkszaehler.org or provide the html-pages/-scripts for installation on the local webserver.

— Reply to this email directly or view it on GitHub https://github.com/volkszaehler/vzlogger/issues/130#issuecomment-85378443 .

mbehr1 commented 9 years ago

@andig : the code for the editor is here: https://github.com/jdorn/json-editor (MIT license). Can you (or some other volunteer ;-) check whats needed for an installation and where it would fit best? A nice solution would be:

I'd work on the schema files.

andig commented 9 years ago

We could do this on github.io. See http://andig.github.io/vzlogger/ for an example. This page lives in the gh-pages branch.

We'll need the schema as separate file (preferably as part of the gh-pages branch to not clutter the master) and add some logic to load schema and default vzlogger.conf. If you have a working schema please let me know for an initial commit to vzlogger.

We can further link the editor to a volkszaehler.org subdomain (e.g. conf.volkszaehler.org or better volkszaehler.org/vzloggerconf) if @justinotherguy wants to set one up.

mbehr1 commented 9 years ago

Perfect. I’ll prepare the schema file. (For testing a button/possibility to upload a schema file would be handy.)

Am 25.03.2015 um 10:57 schrieb andig notifications@github.com:

We could do this on github.io. See http://andig.github.io/vzlogger/ http://andig.github.io/vzlogger/ for an example. This page lives in the gh-pages branch.

We'll need the schema as separate file (preferably as part of the gh-pages branch to not clutter the master) and add some logic to load schema and default vzlogger.conf. If you have a working schema please let me know for an initial commit to vzlogger.

We can further link the editor to a volkszaehler.org subdomain (e.g. conf.volkszaehler.org or better volkszaehler.org/vzloggerconf) if @justinotherguy https://github.com/justinotherguy wants to set one up.

— Reply to this email directly or view it on GitHub https://github.com/volkszaehler/vzlogger/issues/130#issuecomment-85965525.



mbehr1 commented 9 years ago

See here an updated schema file with support for meter (s0 and d0) and channel config: http://jeremydorn.com/json-editor/?schema=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&value=N4IgTgpgLmCeIC4AMAaEATAhhAtgewDtEYBXCNANwjACM8BnASynmTQBs8BzREEDvAGNM7RKAgFMNdhHSIAZiPoQAvmhzRq9RAG1xk6bIVLyIEZwDu9ANaMADsfbK0jAlGoURiALQBGNJhcXFCMGj7+ZkHyjAAesq7uYJ6iCIpOpoIAFpgEBBBOuqAkJIxyCGbeNN6C3ujeEPwgpRIh0dS8vt5ICL4AdAAcvUggakUlZSDFpQBMjc1ujG1gvDMjALpodmB4UEJ4KSD0w2joEBSMgg3lAPSnFNdQLACqAMoAQsMqaypAAAA==&theme=bootstrap2&iconlib=fontawesome4&object_layout=normal&show_errors=interaction

andig commented 9 years ago

Updated gh-pages. If you switch to that branch you can:

This seems buggy:


Instead of being able to add a meter I need to make sure it's an array first. Problem with the schema or the editor?

andig commented 9 years ago

Looks like a bug: https://github.com/jdorn/json-editor/issues/371

mbehr1 commented 9 years ago

strange because I tested using a page that should (tm) use the same editor. I'll take a look.

Gruß Matthias

Sent from a mobile device.

Am 26.03.2015 um 10:25 schrieb andig notifications@github.com:

Updated gh-pages. If you switch to that branch you can:

edit the schema in the editor itself then update schema.json which is committed as well This seems buggy:

Instead of being able to add a meter I need to make sure it's an array first. Problem with the schema or the editor?

— Reply to this email directly or view it on GitHub.

mbehr1 commented 9 years ago

There seems to be a bug in the schema. If I use this one it works (didn’t check the difference.)

I’ll post a PR where the schema file is contained.

{ "$schema": "http://json-schema.org/draft-04/schema#",

"definitions" : {

    "local": {
        "type": "object",
        "properties": {
            "enabled": {
                "id": "/local/enabled",
                "type": "boolean",
                "description": "should we start the local HTTPd for serving live readings?"
            "port": {
                "id": "/local/port",
                "type": "integer",
                "default": 8080,
                "description": "the TCP port for the local HTTPd"
            "index": {
                "id": "/local/index",
                "type": "boolean",
                "description": "should we provide a index listing of available channels if no UUID was requested?"
            "timeout": {
                "id": "/local/timeout",
                "type": "integer"
            "buffer": {
                "id": "/local/buffer",
                "type": "integer"
        "required": [ "enabled" ]

    "channel": {
        "type": "object",
        "title": "channel",
        "properties": {
            "uuid": { "type": "string", "description": "uuid of this channel towards the middleware" },
            "identifier": { "type": "string", "description": "identifier of this channel from the meter. E.g. 1-0:1.8.0" },
            "api": {
                "type": "string",
                "enum": ["volkszaehler", "mysmartgrid", "null"],
                "default": "volkszaehler",
                "description": "middleware api to be used. Defaults to volkszaehler.org"
            "aggmode": {
                "type": "string",
                "enum": ["avg", "max", "sum", "none"],
                "description": "Mittelwert fuer Leistung, MAX fuer Zaehler, SUM fuer Counter",
                "default": "none"
            "duplicates": {
                "type": "integer",
                "minimum": 0,
                "default": 0,
                "description": "default 0 (send duplicate values), >0 = send duplicate values only each <duplicates> seconds. Activate only for abs. counter values (Zaehlerstaende) and not for impulses!"
        "required": ["uuid", "identifier"]

    "meter": {
        "type": "object",
        "title": "meter",
        "properties": {
            "enabled": {
                "type": "boolean",
                "description": "enable or disable this meter. Disabled meter will be ignored.",
                "default": false
            "allowskip": {
                "type": "boolean",
                "description": "if enabled, errors when opening meter will lead to meter being ignored",
                "default": false
            "interval": {
                "type": "integer",
                "description": "delay in secs between queries to the meter",
                "default": -1
            "aggtime": {
                "type": "integer",
                "description": "aggregate all signals and give one update to middleware every <aggtime> seconds",
                "default": -1
            "aggfixedinterval": {
                "type": "boolean",
                "description": "round all timestamps to middleware to nearest aggtime",
                "default": false
            "channels": {"$ref": "#/definitions/channels"}
        "required": [  ]

    "meterS0": {
        "title": "S0 based meter",
      "allOf": [
        { "$ref": "#/definitions/meter" },
        { "properties": {
            "protocol": { "type": "string", "enum": ["s0"] },
            "device": { "type": "string", "description": "device the meter is connected to. E.g. /dev/ttyUSB0" }
        "required": [ "protocol", "device" ]

    "meterD0": {
        "title": "D0 based meter",
        "allOf": [
            { "$ref": "#/definitions/meter" },
            { "properties": {
                    "protocol": { "type": "string", "enum": ["d0"] },
                    "device": { "type": "string", "description": "device the meter is connected to. E.g. /dev/ttyUSB0" },
                    "host": { "type": "string", "description": "ip addr of the meter (if not directly connected)" },
                    "dump_file": { "type": "string", "description": "path/filename of the file for the serial dump" },
                    "pullseq": { "type": "string", "description": "todo with default" },
                    "ackseq": { "type": "string", "description": "todo", "default": "auto" },
                    "baudrate": { "enum": [50, 75, 110, 134, 150, 200, 300, 600, 1200, 1800, 2400, 4800, 9600, 19200, 38400, 57600, 115200, 230400], "default": 300, "description": "todo" },
                    "baudrate_read":  { "enum": [50, 75, 110, 134, 150, 200, 300, 600, 1200, 1800, 2400, 4800, 9600, 19200, 38400, 57600, 115200, 230400], "default": 300, "description": "todo" },
                    "parity": { "enum": ["8n1", "7n1", "7e1", "7o1"], "default": "7e1", "description": "todo"},
                    "wait_sync": { "enum": ["end", "off"], "default": "off", "description": "todo"},
                    "read_timeout": { "type": "integer", "default": 10, "description": "todo"},
                    "baudrate_change_delay": {"type": "integer", "default": 0, "description": "todo"}

    "channels": {
        "type": "array",
        "items": { "oneOf": [
                {"$ref": "#/definitions/channel"}

    "meters": {
        "type": "array",
        "minItems": 1,
        "items": { "oneOf": [
                {"$ref": "#/definitions/meterS0"},
                {"$ref": "#/definitions/meterD0"}


"type": "object", "properties": { "retry": { "id": "/retry", "type": "integer", "description": "How long to sleep between failed requests, in seconds" }, "daemon": { "id": "/daemon", "type": "boolean", "default": "true", "description": "Enable daemon mode" }, "verbosity": { "id": "/verbosity", "type": "integer", "enum":[0, 5, 10, 15], "description":"log_error or log_warning", "default": 0, "description": "0 = log_error or log-warning, 5 = log_info, 10 = log-debug, 15 = log_finest" }, "log": { "id": "/log", "type": "string", "description": "path to log file" }, "local": { "$ref": "#/definitions/local" }, "meters": { "$ref": "#/definitions/meters" } }, "required": [ "daemon", "log" ] }

Am 26.03.2015 um 10:25 schrieb andig notifications@github.com:

Updated gh-pages. If you switch to that branch you can:

edit the schema in the editor itself then update schema.json which is committed as well This seems buggy:

https://cloud.githubusercontent.com/assets/184815/6843359/4f7b8b84-d3a2-11e4-997c-6d7c85b64196.png Instead of being able to add a meter I need to make sure it's an array first. Problem with the schema or the editor?

— Reply to this email directly or view it on GitHub https://github.com/volkszaehler/vzlogger/issues/130#issuecomment-86419049.



andig commented 9 years ago

I think the bug is in the editor with use of definitions...

Am 26.03.2015 um 20:43 schrieb Matthias Behr notifications@github.com:

There seems to be a bug in the schema. If I use this one it works (didn’t check the difference.)

I’ll post a PR where the schema file is contained.

{ "$schema": "http://json-schema.org/draft-04/schema#",

"definitions" : {

"local": { "type": "object", "properties": { "enabled": { "id": "/local/enabled", "type": "boolean", "description": "should we start the local HTTPd for serving live readings?" }, "port": { "id": "/local/port", "type": "integer", "default": 8080, "description": "the TCP port for the local HTTPd" }, "index": { "id": "/local/index", "type": "boolean", "description": "should we provide a index listing of available channels if no UUID was requested?" }, "timeout": { "id": "/local/timeout", "type": "integer" }, "buffer": { "id": "/local/buffer", "type": "integer" } }, "required": [ "enabled" ] },

"channel": { "type": "object", "title": "channel", "properties": { "uuid": { "type": "string", "description": "uuid of this channel towards the middleware" }, "identifier": { "type": "string", "description": "identifier of this channel from the meter. E.g. 1-0:1.8.0" }, "api": { "type": "string", "enum": ["volkszaehler", "mysmartgrid", "null"], "default": "volkszaehler", "description": "middleware api to be used. Defaults to volkszaehler.org" }, "aggmode": { "type": "string", "enum": ["avg", "max", "sum", "none"], "description": "Mittelwert fuer Leistung, MAX fuer Zaehler, SUM fuer Counter", "default": "none" }, "duplicates": { "type": "integer", "minimum": 0, "default": 0, "description": "default 0 (send duplicate values), >0 = send duplicate values only each seconds. Activate only for abs. counter values (Zaehlerstaende) and not for impulses!" } }, "required": ["uuid", "identifier"] },

"meter": { "type": "object", "title": "meter", "properties": { "enabled": { "type": "boolean", "description": "enable or disable this meter. Disabled meter will be ignored.", "default": false }, "allowskip": { "type": "boolean", "description": "if enabled, errors when opening meter will lead to meter being ignored", "default": false }, "interval": { "type": "integer", "description": "delay in secs between queries to the meter", "default": -1 }, "aggtime": { "type": "integer", "description": "aggregate all signals and give one update to middleware every seconds", "default": -1 }, "aggfixedinterval": { "type": "boolean", "description": "round all timestamps to middleware to nearest aggtime", "default": false }, "channels": {"$ref": "#/definitions/channels"} }, "required": [ ] },

"meterS0": { "title": "S0 based meter", "allOf": [ { "$ref": "#/definitions/meter" }, { "properties": { "protocol": { "type": "string", "enum": ["s0"] }, "device": { "type": "string", "description": "device the meter is connected to. E.g. /dev/ttyUSB0" } }, "required": [ "protocol", "device" ] } ] },

"meterD0": { "title": "D0 based meter", "allOf": [ { "$ref": "#/definitions/meter" }, { "properties": { "protocol": { "type": "string", "enum": ["d0"] }, "device": { "type": "string", "description": "device the meter is connected to. E.g. /dev/ttyUSB0" }, "host": { "type": "string", "description": "ip addr of the meter (if not directly connected)" }, "dump_file": { "type": "string", "description": "path/filename of the file for the serial dump" }, "pullseq": { "type": "string", "description": "todo with default" }, "ackseq": { "type": "string", "description": "todo", "default": "auto" }, "baudrate": { "enum": [50, 75, 110, 134, 150, 200, 300, 600, 1200, 1800, 2400, 4800, 9600, 19200, 38400, 57600, 115200, 230400], "default": 300, "description": "todo" }, "baudrate_read": { "enum": [50, 75, 110, 134, 150, 200, 300, 600, 1200, 1800, 2400, 4800, 9600, 19200, 38400, 57600, 115200, 230400], "default": 300, "description": "todo" }, "parity": { "enum": ["8n1", "7n1", "7e1", "7o1"], "default": "7e1", "description": "todo"}, "wait_sync": { "enum": ["end", "off"], "default": "off", "description": "todo"}, "read_timeout": { "type": "integer", "default": 10, "description": "todo"}, "baudrate_change_delay": {"type": "integer", "default": 0, "description": "todo"} } } ] },

"channels": { "type": "array", "items": { "oneOf": [ {"$ref": "#/definitions/channel"} ]} },

"meters": { "type": "array", "minItems": 1, "items": { "oneOf": [ {"$ref": "#/definitions/meterS0"}, {"$ref": "#/definitions/meterD0"} ]} }


"type": "object", "properties": { "retry": { "id": "/retry", "type": "integer", "description": "How long to sleep between failed requests, in seconds" }, "daemon": { "id": "/daemon", "type": "boolean", "default": "true", "description": "Enable daemon mode" }, "verbosity": { "id": "/verbosity", "type": "integer", "enum":[0, 5, 10, 15], "description":"log_error or log_warning", "default": 0, "description": "0 = log_error or log-warning, 5 = log_info, 10 = log-debug, 15 = log_finest" }, "log": { "id": "/log", "type": "string", "description": "path to log file" }, "local": { "$ref": "#/definitions/local" }, "meters": { "$ref": "#/definitions/meters" } }, "required": [ "daemon", "log" ] }

Am 26.03.2015 um 10:25 schrieb andig notifications@github.com:

Updated gh-pages. If you switch to that branch you can:

edit the schema in the editor itself then update schema.json which is committed as well This seems buggy:

https://cloud.githubusercontent.com/assets/184815/6843359/4f7b8b84-d3a2-11e4-997c-6d7c85b64196.png Instead of being able to add a meter I need to make sure it's an array first. Problem with the schema or the editor?

— Reply to this email directly or view it on GitHub https://github.com/volkszaehler/vzlogger/issues/130#issuecomment-86419049.



— Reply to this email directly or view it on GitHub.

dave-watts commented 9 years ago

Nice idea to use the json-editor, If only the json-editor had the option to include help text in the schema for the html form elements that could help the user with configuration options

mbehr1 commented 9 years ago

I used the description field for help texts. But it would be really nice if some links or yaml code,… could be embedded in the description text.

Am 08.04.2015 um 15:45 schrieb Dave notifications@github.com:

Nice idea to use the json-editor, If only the json-editor had the option to include help text in the schema for the html form elements that could help the user with configuration options

— Reply to this email directly or view it on GitHub https://github.com/volkszaehler/vzlogger/issues/130#issuecomment-90921793.



skre commented 9 years ago

Looks nice. Could it be that setting "middleware" is missing?

mbehr1 commented 9 years ago

No, it’s there: add a Channel. The parameter is called „api“.

Am 11.04.2015 um 13:28 schrieb skre notifications@github.com:

Looks nice. Could it be that setting "middleware" is missing?

— Reply to this email directly or view it on GitHub https://github.com/volkszaehler/vzlogger/issues/130#issuecomment-91829166.



skre commented 9 years ago

Sorry, but I'm confused. In my old config I set middleware:

Now I can choose API between volkszaehler, mysmartgrid and none - without path..

mbehr1 commented 9 years ago

You’re right! I forgot the „middleware“. Will provide a patch.

Am 11.04.2015 um 18:27 schrieb skre notifications@github.com:

Sorry, but I'm confused. In my old config I set middleware:

Now I can choose API between volkszaehler, mysmartgrid and none - without path..

— Reply to this email directly or view it on GitHub https://github.com/volkszaehler/vzlogger/issues/130#issuecomment-91875996.



mbehr1 commented 9 years ago

See PR #155. Let me know if you miss any other parameters.

A „success“ message to have your config generated with the editor would be good as well ;-)

Am 11.04.2015 um 18:33 schrieb Matthias Behr mbehr@mcbehr.de:

You’re right! I forgot the „middleware“. Will provide a patch.

Am 11.04.2015 um 18:27 schrieb skre <notifications@github.com mailto:notifications@github.com>:

Sorry, but I'm confused. In my old config I set middleware:

Now I can choose API between volkszaehler, mysmartgrid and none - without path..

— Reply to this email directly or view it on GitHub https://github.com/volkszaehler/vzlogger/issues/130#issuecomment-91875996.



skre commented 9 years ago

I think "resolution" (number of impulses per kWh, feature of the meter) is missing as well.

mbehr1 commented 9 years ago

Isn’t that „scaler“? Can you send me an example config?

Am 12.04.2015 um 12:57 schrieb skre notifications@github.com:

I think "resolution" (number of impulses per kWh, feature of the meter) is missing as well.

— Reply to this email directly or view it on GitHub https://github.com/volkszaehler/vzlogger/issues/130#issuecomment-92032638.



skre commented 9 years ago

Hi Matthias, I'm refering to the config file on this wiki page: http://wiki.volkszaehler.org/hardware/controllers/ferrariszaehler_lesekopf

Best regards Stefan

skre commented 9 years ago

Hi Matthias, is resolution the same as scale? I would like to update the wiki page - if so.

mbehr1 commented 9 years ago


after greping the code I found „resolution“. It’s not an option for the api/middleware but for the MeterS0.

I’ll add it to the MeterS0 schema.. Thanks!

Am 14.04.2015 um 08:17 schrieb skre notifications@github.com:

Hi Matthias, is resolution the same as scale? I would like to update the wiki page - if so.

— Reply to this email directly or view it on GitHub https://github.com/volkszaehler/vzlogger/issues/130#issuecomment-92634543.



mbehr1 commented 9 years ago

I updated PR #155.

Am 14.04.2015 um 19:52 schrieb Matthias Behr mbehr@mcbehr.de:


after greping the code I found „resolution“. It’s not an option for the api/middleware but for the MeterS0.

I’ll add it to the MeterS0 schema.. Thanks!

Am 14.04.2015 um 08:17 schrieb skre <notifications@github.com mailto:notifications@github.com>:

Hi Matthias, is resolution the same as scale? I would like to update the wiki page - if so.

— Reply to this email directly or view it on GitHub https://github.com/volkszaehler/vzlogger/issues/130#issuecomment-92634543.





andig commented 9 years ago

I'd suggest to commit the obvious schema fixes right on master or pull immediately.

Am 14.04.2015 um 20:02 schrieb Matthias Behr notifications@github.com:

I updated PR #155.

Am 14.04.2015 um 19:52 schrieb Matthias Behr mbehr@mcbehr.de:


after greping the code I found „resolution“. It’s not an option for the api/middleware but for the MeterS0.

I’ll add it to the MeterS0 schema.. Thanks!

Am 14.04.2015 um 08:17 schrieb skre <notifications@github.com mailto:notifications@github.com>:

Hi Matthias, is resolution the same as scale? I would like to update the wiki page - if so.

— Reply to this email directly or view it on GitHub https://github.com/volkszaehler/vzlogger/issues/130#issuecomment-92634543.





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mbehr1 commented 9 years ago

issue can be closed, or?