volodymyr-lisniak / magento-2-gulp

Gulp for Magento 2. It works with core Magento styles (less) and structure. Uses default theme configs from dev/tools/grunt/configs/local-themes.js.
MIT License
41 stars 12 forks source link

The following tasks did not complete: critical #22

Closed mrtuvn closed 3 years ago

mrtuvn commented 3 years ago

Thanks for your great work I have setup in my local OS : ubuntu 20.04.1 node: 14.15.3 npm: 6.14.9 Magento use latest current branch

I have updated some dependencies in package.json to more recent version But when i try run command critical (Production mode in local + all cache enable + run static content deploy)

i got message show The following tasks did not complete: critical Did you forget to signal async completion? Is this normal ?

When i navigate to pub/static/theme i found critical.css file size seem to high comparing with sample luma theme file (Only ~8KB)

mrtuvn commented 3 years ago

Here is content package.json

"devDependencies": { "@babel/core": "^7.12.3", "@babel/plugin-transform-runtime": "^7.0.0", "@babel/preset-env": "^7.12.1", "browser-sync": "^2.26.13", "del": "^3.0.0", "eslint": "^4.17.0", "eslint-plugin-import": "^2.8.0", "eslint-plugin-promise": "^3.7.0", "eslint-plugin-standard": "^3.0.1", "exec-queue": "0.0.2", "gulp": "^4.0.2", "gulp-babel": "^8.0.0", "gulp-cache": "^1.0.2", "gulp-changed": "^3.2.0", "gulp-clean": "^0.4.0", "gulp-color": "0.0.1", "gulp-concat-css": "^3.1.0", "gulp-cssmin": "^0.2.0", "gulp-expect-file": "^1.0.2", "gulp-if": "^3.0.0", "gulp-less": "^3.5.0", "gulp-sass": "^4.1.0", "gulp-livereload": "^3.8.1", "gulp-load-plugins": "^1.5.0", "gulp-prettier-eslint": "^1.1.0", "gulp-rename": "^1.4.0", "gulp-replace": "^1.0.0", "gulp-sourcemaps": "^2.6.5", "gulp-svg-sprite": "^1.5.0", "gulp-svgmin": "^1.2.4", "lint-staged": "^6.1.0", "penthouse": "^2.3.2", "plugin-error": "^1.0.1", "require-dir": "^0.3.2", "run-sequence": "^2.2.1", "stylelint": "^11.1.1", "stylelint-order": "^0.8.1" }

vlisnyak commented 3 years ago

@mrtuvn Can you try to use node v10 (ex. v10.16.3)? I'm going to update repository to support gulp v4 and node v14 in the next update.

The size of the critical.css can be any, depending on your settings. dev/tools/gulp/configs/criticalConfig.js

module.exports = {
    width: 1920,
    height: 900,
mrtuvn commented 3 years ago

Thanks you for response. Will try again as your suggestions. I only got notes in command terminal. But file generated success and results make me supprise at file size compare with luma

vlisnyak commented 3 years ago

You can try to erase style-m.css and style-m.css or remove them and see what you get with the only critical.css. If you get the styled top side of the page (900px by default) - you're on the right track.