volodymyr-lisniak / magento-2-gulp

Gulp for Magento 2. It works with core Magento styles (less) and structure. Uses default theme configs from dev/tools/grunt/configs/local-themes.js.
MIT License
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Browsersync only reloading once #28

Open williamengbjerg opened 3 years ago

williamengbjerg commented 3 years ago

I've been playing with browsersync: gulp watch-styles --base --bs It looks like it's only applying and reloading the browser the first time I make a changes in my _theme.less file. All other times it's like nothing is happening in terminal. It's not firing the command again.


bsConfig file:

module.exports = {
    proxy:  `${ptotocol}://${localConfig.hostname}.${localConfig.generic}/`,
    host:   `${localConfig.hostname}.${localConfig.generic}`,
    tunnel: `${localConfig.hostname}`,
    port:   3000,
    open:   false
volodymyr-lisniak commented 3 years ago

@williamengbjerg thanks!

The same behavior with _theme.less and Magento_Theme/web/css/source/_module.less. But everything is ok with other files Need to investigate

williamengbjerg commented 3 years ago

@bobmotor Confirming when changing other files it works pretty well. Except _variables.less. Maybe because it's imported through _theme.less? I'm not completely sure.