Open ORESoftware opened 7 years ago
I did my HW and cloned the repo and ran the optimizer, it produces this for app.js in the www-built dir:
define("app/messages", [], function () {
return {
getHello: function () {
return "Hello World"
}), define("print", [], function () {
return function (e) {
}), define("app/main", ["require", "./messages", "print"], function (e) {
var n = e("./messages"), i = e("print");
}), requirejs.config({baseUrl: "lib", paths: {app: "../app"}}), requirejs(["app/main"]),
define("app", function () {
I love it, it's dead f-ing simple. But what I don't understand is - what is the empty app modules for:
define("app", function () {
that makes no sense to have that
and I still don't know what the modules property does vs. bundles. TMK bundles is a newer feature than modules but I am not even sure if they are comparable.
to this day, I still don't understand what the "modules" property does here:
what is the difference between modules produced by the optimizer and bundles produced by the optimizer?