It would be nice if 'single file requests' would ignore the Volo settings in a repo. Here is an example for Lodash:
"volo": {
"dependencies": {
"lodash": "github:bestiejs/lodash/master#dist/lodash.underscore.js"
But after updating to Volo 0.3 (and their latest commit) no file gets installed! (and existing file is deleted) when running 'volo add -f'. Is this related to their volo.ignore?
It would be nice if 'single file requests' would ignore the Volo settings in a repo. Here is an example for Lodash: "volo": { "dependencies": { "lodash": "github:bestiejs/lodash/master#dist/lodash.underscore.js"
In Volo 0.2.10 this did the expected thing (install as lodash.js) until they added a Volo config to their package.json in: Then it installs as lodash/lodash.js (since they specify "type": "directory"?), not a big deal.
But after updating to Volo 0.3 (and their latest commit) no file gets installed! (and existing file is deleted) when running 'volo add -f'. Is this related to their volo.ignore?