voloko / twitter-stream

Twitter realtime API client
MIT License
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HTTP::Parser::Error: Could not parse data entirely (EDIT: with a fix) #27

Open thbar opened 12 years ago

thbar commented 12 years ago

Tested against master today - when I do this to change what I track:

stream.options[:content] = new_content

I get this error (after 2 on_reconnect calls):

[GEM_ROOT]/gems/twitter-stream-0.1.14/lib/twitter/json_stream.rb:121:in `<<'
[GEM_ROOT]/gems/twitter-stream-0.1.14/lib/twitter/json_stream.rb:121:in `receive_data'
[GEM_ROOT]/gems/eventmachine-1.0.0.beta.4/lib/eventmachine.rb:179:in `run_machine'
[GEM_ROOT]/gems/eventmachine-1.0.0.beta.4/lib/eventmachine.rb:179:in `run'

I updated to master and it still applies.

Does anyone else meet this issue?

thbar commented 12 years ago

Just realized that the first line in the code I maintain was doing a bit of monkey patching:

module Twitter
  class JSONStream < EventMachine::Connection
    attr_reader :options

My guess is that the use case may not be currently supported by the gem, then. I'll dive more and see if I can make this work somehow.

Any hint welcome if you read this!

thbar commented 12 years ago

Figured out: on reconnect, the @parser also needs to be reset, otherwise it will attempt to continue parsing as defined by the previous connection.

I made a fix that works for me, although beware, I'm only discovering this gem so there will be a better way IMO.


How to use:

Signal.trap('USR1') do
  @should_restart = true

EventMachine::add_periodic_timer(1) do
  if @should_restart
    tracked = get_updated_keywords.map { |e| CGI.escape(e) }.join(',')
    stream.reconnect_with_updated_config do |options|
      options[:content] = "track=#{tracked}"
    @should_restart = false

Let me know if you find a better way to do this.

thbar commented 12 years ago

@mgreen @rud @abuiles if this stuff makes sense, let me know and I'll wrap a proper pull-request! (I suspect there's probably a built-in way to achieve that already, but unsure).

tibbon commented 12 years ago

So how does one use this again? Just put in that code anywhere and it runs?

cromulus commented 12 years ago

n'thing tibbon: can you provide some examples of a configuration or implementation of this fix or is this something that is going to be included in a release of the gem?

thbar commented 12 years ago

@tibbon see my sample above; basically you need a way to detect you need to change the keywords (for my customer's app here I used a signal because it was convenient to inform the program from outside), then use reconnect_with_updated_config. (all this after applying my patch at https://github.com/thbar/twitter-stream/compare/fix-for-27-could-not-parse-data-entirely).

Hope this helps!