volosoft / jtable

A JQuery plugin to create AJAX based CRUD tables.
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Bootstrap jtable #2225

Open dasguptahirak opened 5 years ago

dasguptahirak commented 5 years ago

Is it possible to apply bootstrap css properties in jtable? i.e if I open jtable in small screen device it will auto adjust accordingly.

DiomedesDominguez commented 5 years ago

You can, but you will need to rewrite the library. For example, in my version not only you can apply css to the table but also to the forms thanks to the fact that I'm using bootstrap classes and modal, https://github.com/DiomedesDominguez/jtable/blob/master/jquery.jtable.js

dasguptahirak commented 5 years ago

@DiomedesDominguez Thanks for your prompt reply. Can you provide an example usage of your jtable version?

DiomedesDominguez commented 5 years ago

The usage is the same as the original version. Some of the main differences are:

            defaultSorting: "Nombre ASC",
            actions: GetjTableActions(baseUri),
            toolbar: {
                items: [
                        tooltip: "Haga clic aquí para importar sus propios datos.",
                        icon: "glyphicon-import",
                        text: "Importar",
                        click: function () {
                        icon: "glyphicon-refresh",
                        text: "Refrescar",
                        click: function () {
            fields: {
                Id: {
                    key: true,
                    list: false
                Codigo: {
                    title: "Código",
                    inputClass: "validate[required]",
                    divClass: "col-md-3"
                Nombre: {
                    title: "Nombre",
                    inputClass: "validate[required]",
                    divClass: "col-md-4"
                Descripcion: {
                    title: "Descripción",
                    list: false,
                    type: "textarea",
                    inputClass: "",
                    divClass: "col-md-5"
                EstadoId: {
                    title: "Provincia",
                    divClass: "col-md-3",
                    //list: false,
                    inputClass: "validate[required] selectpicker LiveSearch",
                    options: GetCombos("/Provincias/"),
                    display: function (data) {
                        return data.record.EstadoNombre;
                CiudadId: {
                    title: "Municipio",
                    dependsOn: "EstadoId",
                    divClass: "col-md-3",
                    //list: false,
                    inputClass: "validate[required] selectpicker LiveSearch",
                    options: function (data) {
                        return GetCombos("/Municipios/") + "?Id=" + data.dependedValues.EstadoId;
                    display: function (data) {
                        return data.record.CiudadNombre;
                Direccion: {
                    title: "Dirección",
                    width: "20%",
                    type: "textarea",
                    inputClass: "validate[required]",
                    divClass: "col-md-3"
                Referencia: {
                    title: "Referencia",
                    divClass: "col-md-3",
                    list: false,
                    inputClass: "",
                    type: "textarea"
                Latitud: {
                    title: "Latitud",
                    list: false,
                    divClass: "col-md-3",
                    inputClass: "validate[required,custom[number]]"
                Longitud: {
                    title: "Longitud",
                    list: false,
                    divClass: "col-md-3",
                    inputClass: "validate[required,custom[number]]"
                EstadoRegistro: {
                    title: "Estado",
                    width: "5%",
                    options: function (data) {
                        return GetCombos("/Estados/");
                    inputClass: "validate[required] selectpicker",
                    divClass: "col-md-3"
                LastModifiedAt: {
                    title: "Modificado",
                    width: "5%",
                    create: false,
                    edit: false,
                    display: function (data) {
                        return moment(data.record.LastModifiedAt).format("YYYY-MMM-DD hh:mm:ss A");
            formCreated: function (event, data) {
                jTableFormCreatedOverload(event, data);
                $("#Edit-EstadoId").on("changed.bs.select", function () {

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dasguptahirak commented 5 years ago

Thanks a lot for your reply. So I have to use your version of jquery.jtable.js for using divClass in fields?

DiomedesDominguez commented 5 years ago

Thanks a lot for your reply. So I have to use your version of jquery.jtable.js for using divClass in fields?
