volotat / SD-CN-Animation

This script allows to automate video stylization task using StableDiffusion and ControlNet.
MIT License
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Support for TheLastBen/Paperspace? #163

Open pdannell opened 1 year ago

pdannell commented 1 year ago

Figured I would ask here, any known way to run this extension with this branches Paperspace version?


Its possible to run it with Google Collab branch but the Paperspace one produces the following since they don't use queue:

CoqueTornado commented 1 year ago


just in case they wanna repair this, I have been told that this could be the solution:

Identify the file or files mentioned in the error message (e.g., the file where the ValueError is raised).

Open the file(s) in a text editor or integrated development environment (IDE).

Look for the line of code that raises the ValueError, which is likely similar to:

python Copy code raise ValueError("Need to enable queue to use generators.") Replace the line with the following code:

python Copy code import torch.multiprocessing as mp mp.set_start_method('spawn', force=True) This code imports the torch.multiprocessing module and sets the start method to 'spawn', which enables the use of generators without encountering the ValueError.

Save the file(s) with the changes.