volotat / SD-CN-Animation

This script allows to automate video stylization task using StableDiffusion and ControlNet.
MIT License
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[UI issue]there‘s two“Wildcards Manager”tab(Manage wildcards for Dynamic Prompts) after installed this extension! #88

Closed yin3331 closed 1 year ago

yin3331 commented 1 year ago

look the picture: 屏幕截图 2023-05-13 103848

volotat commented 1 year ago

Most likely the problem is not related to SD-CN-Animation and is the issue of the WM extension.

chenshaoju commented 1 year ago

Sorry for my English.

I'm from Google Search to here.

This issue looks like Wildcards Manager's issue or sd-webui it self, It same happened on stable-diffusion-webui-two-shot extension, see: https://github.com/opparco/stable-diffusion-webui-two-shot/issues/52 .

please follow up here: https://github.com/adieyal/sd-dynamic-prompts/issues/429

Rojinski commented 1 year ago

It's a problem with the "two shot" extension. Go to your web ui directrory / extensions and delete the "two shot" directory and everything will be fine again.

chenshaoju commented 1 year ago

I don't have two shot folder in the extensions folder, or the whole system/storage.

this is odd. :/ Snipaste_2023-05-18_18-25-56

jlitz commented 10 months ago

yes no two shot ext folder in my ext folder--- diabling SD CN animation ext solves double wildcard manager tab fwiw