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how to solve pnpm's problem #1743

Open xcsweb opened 2 months ago

xcsweb commented 2 months ago

image The current node is v18.8.0, volta install pnpm at the current directory , after that I use volta running pnpm but pnpm running at node@14.7.0,how to solve this problem

xcsweb commented 2 months ago

image I want to know what node @14.7 not support pnpm@9 but pnpm@9 runnning at node @14.7

xcsweb commented 2 months ago

ERROR: This version of pnpm requires at least Node.js v18.12 The current version of Node.js is v14.7.0,I sovled this problem by volta install node@20.12.2 and volta pin npm@10.5.2 and volta install pnpm image

rMaxiQp commented 2 months ago

Did you enable VOLTA_FEATURE_PNPM=1?

Support for pnpm is currently experimental. To enable it, ensure that the environment variable VOLTA_FEATURE_PNPM is set to 1. On Windows, this can be added to your user or system environment variables in the System Settings. On Linux/Mac, you can set the value inside of your profile script (e.g. .bash_profile, .zshrc, or similar).

Source: https://docs.volta.sh/advanced/pnpm