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[PSA] yarn version discrepancy #1764

Closed Natetronn closed 1 month ago

Natetronn commented 1 month ago

Just an FYI for anyone else that might run into this.

I was getting two different versions of yarn via Volta.

$ volta list
⚡ Currently active tools:

    Node: v20.14.0 (default)
    pnpm: v9.1.4 (default)
    Yarn: v4.2.2 (default)
$ /home/nate/.volta/bin/yarn --version
$ where yarn
$ which yarn

That's when I realized there was something else changing the version. So I check in my home directory and found a .yarn directory and .yarnrc.yml file that were set to 4.1.1. Removed those and I now I get the proper version installed via Volta (4.2.2).

Not sure how that happened, but all is well in the world again.