volta-cli / website

Production repo for the volta.sh website.
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Consider adding Volta testimonials to the front page #108

Open shamrin opened 2 years ago

shamrin commented 2 years ago

It may be a good idea to add testimonials to Volta front page. For example:

Armin Ronacher:

We’re using Volta for a long time now and it’s so good that i often forget i use it. That’s the best kind of tool. It just works.


shamrin commented 2 years ago

At LinkedIn, we've standardized on Yarn and Volta (https://volta.sh) for JavaScript dependency and toolchain management. Our engineers are much happier (as reflected in survey results) and previously common sources of build errors have almost entirely disappeared. Having a reproducible development environment is important even on small teams, but at our scale (with several hundred UI engineers committing to the same Ember app every week) getting this right is non-negotiable.
