voltrb / volt

A Ruby web framework where your Ruby runs on both server and client
MIT License
3.22k stars 196 forks source link

Volt Status #357

Open ryanstout opened 8 years ago

ryanstout commented 8 years ago

Hello everyone, as you probably noticed, Volt development has slowed substantially in the past few months. I started working on Volt in October of 2014 and pushed things public six months later. After putting in a ton of time into Volt, I've had to step back because of commitments with my day job. While I hope to come back to Volt in the future, my day job project has been seeing lots of growth and the time commitment needed from me has increased.

After telling myself I was going to find more time soon for a while, I've finally realized I can't lead the project effectively with my limited time. Since so many people are using Volt and many more are interested in contributing, I am looking for someone to step up and take over as project lead for Volt.

I want to make sure project is in good hands. Ideally the person to take over would be: 1) a good ruby programmer - while I think Volt is fairly simple to use, under the hood writing things like efficient websocket servers and reactive bindings are a task best reserved for someone who has quite a bit of programming experience and some basic computer science background (though not necessarily a CS degree) A good understanding of O notation is very helpful. 2) somewhat personable - managing an open source project requires interacting with quite a few people, having the ability to build community, implement good suggestions (or accept good PR's) and reject the ones that aren't good or don't fit in a kind way that still builds community is important. 3) a good chunk of free time.

If you think this might be you, please let me know here or message @ryanstout on https://gitter.im/voltrb/volt


ghost commented 7 years ago