volumetricperformance / raspberry-capture-kit

A simple opencv, gstreamer python code to stream a realsense camera feed to twitch using RTMP
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Encode depth as hsv #3

Closed thomaswester closed 3 years ago

thomaswester commented 3 years ago

The depthkit client assumes the depth data is hsv encoded as rgb. Depth data should be mapped to a 0-1 range and then passed in as Hue (h) in the hsv-rgb conversion.

See realsense-hsv-viewer.py as a reference: https://github.com/volumetricperformance/realsense-rtmp-twitch/blob/master/realsense-hsv-viewer.py

thomaswester commented 3 years ago

This has been implemented, the approach has been testing and works decently on RPI4 and well on macos.