volumio / Volumio2-UI

Volumio2 Web Based User Interface
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Outdated/Unused dev-dependencies #808

Open ashthespy opened 2 years ago

ashthespy commented 2 years ago

Just gave this a whirl, and npm spat out a bunch of warning and vulnerabilities. It technically should really matter, but putting this out there.

Also, there seems to be quite some redundant stuff checked into the repo - perhaps some with a better idea of the architecture should have a look at what is still valid? (e.g config files, gulp-plug-ins, test frameworks, etc)

compare-versions@^3.1.0:  latest: 4.1.1 
fs-extra@^0.30.0:  latest: 10.0.0 
babel-core@~5.5.8: DEPRECATED
babel-loader@~5.1.4:  latest: 8.2.3 
babel-polyfill@^6.5.0:  latest: 6.26.0 
browser-sync@~2.26.7:  latest: 2.27.7 
browser-sync-spa@~1.0.2:  latest: 1.0.3 
chalk@~1.0.0:  latest: 5.0.0 
concat-stream@~1.5.0:  latest: 2.0.0 
del@~1.2.0:  latest: 6.0.0 
gulp@^3.9.1: DEPRECATED
gulp-angular-templatecache@~1.6.0:  latest: 3.0.0 
gulp-angular-translate-extract@^0.1.8:  latest: 0.1.8 
gulp-autoprefixer@~2.3.1:  latest: 8.0.0 
gulp-csso@~1.0.0:  latest: 4.0.1 
gulp-filter@~2.0.2:  latest: 7.0.0 
gulp-flatten@~0.0.4:  latest: 0.4.0 
gulp-if@^1.2.5:  latest: 3.0.0 
gulp-inject@~1.3.1:  latest: 5.0.5 
gulp-jshint@~1.11.0:  latest: 2.1.0 
gulp-load-plugins@~0.10.0:  latest: 2.0.7 
gulp-minify-html@~1.0.3: DEPRECATED
gulp-ng-annotate@~1.0.0:  latest: 2.1.0 
gulp-ng-config@^1.2.1:  latest: 1.5.1 
gulp-ng-constant@^1.1.0:  latest: 1.2.0 
gulp-protractor@~1.0.0: DEPRECATED
gulp-rename@~1.2.2:  latest: 2.0.0 
gulp-replace@~0.5.3:  latest: 1.1.3 
gulp-rev@~5.0.0:  latest: 9.0.0 
gulp-rev-replace@~0.4.2:  latest: 0.4.4 
gulp-sass@^4.0.2:  latest: 5.0.0 
gulp-size@~1.2.1:  latest: 4.0.1 
gulp-sourcemaps@~1.5.2:  latest: 3.0.0 
gulp-uglify@~1.2.0:  latest: 3.0.2 
gulp-useref@~1.2.0:  latest: 5.0.0 
gulp-util@~3.0.5: DEPRECATED
gulp-webpack@~1.5.0: DEPRECATED
http-proxy-middleware@~0.0.5:  latest: 2.0.1 
jshint-loader@~0.8.3:  latest: 0.8.4 
jshint-stylish@~2.0.0:  latest: 2.2.1 
karma@^5.0.1:  latest: 6.3.9 
karma-jasmine@^3.1.1:  latest: 4.0.1 
karma-ng-html2js-preprocessor@^1.0.0:  latest: 1.0.0 
karma-phantomjs-launcher@^1.0.4:  latest: 1.0.4 
lodash@~4.17.5:  latest: 4.17.21 
main-bower-files@~2.8.0:  latest: 2.13.3 
map-stream@0.0.6:  latest: 0.0.7 
merge-stream@~0.1.7:  latest: 2.0.0 
npm@~6.14.6:  latest-1: 1.4.29 
request@^2.69.0: DEPRECATED
require-dir@~0.3.0:  latest: 1.2.0 
uglify-save-license@~0.4.1:  latest: 0.4.1 
wiredep@~2.2.2:  latest: 4.0.0 
wrench@~1.5.8: DEPRECATED