volumio / Volumio2

Volumio 2 - Audiophile Music Player
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dtoverlays gpio-shutdown and gpio-poweroff do not work on Raspberry Pi #1754

Open amanita-citrina opened 5 years ago

amanita-citrina commented 5 years ago

dtoverlays for shutdown and poweroff seem to have no effect. I added the following lines to /boot/config.txt: dtoverlay=gpio-shutdown,gpio_pin=6,active_low=1 dtoverlay-gpio-poweroff,gpiopin=5,active_low=1

Using gpio readall showed GPIO 6 as an input with value=1. When connecting it to GND, the value changed to 0 as expected, but no shutdown occurred.

The dtoverlays worked on another distribution (moode audio).

System configuration:

dubaleeiro commented 5 years ago

The HifiBerry DAC+ Pro uses the GPIOs 5 & 6: [https://www.hifiberry.com/build/documentation/gpio-usage-of-hifiberry-boards/] I would suggest that you change to other pins.

amanita-citrina commented 5 years ago

Actually, the HifiBerry Digi+ Pro uses GPIOs 5 and 6. On the DAC+ Pro, these GPIOs are unused. As I was able to use the dt_overlays with moode audio, this seems indeed a volumio issue.

dubaleeiro commented 5 years ago

You are right. I have now tested the 'gpio-shudown' overlay with pin 17 in a raspberry pi zero w with volumio and it did not work either. I am using JustBoom Zero AMP.

Jest0r commented 5 years ago

Same problem here with volumio2, Allo BOSS 1.2 + Allo Isolator 1.2. Tried with GPIO 26 and 23

Jest0r commented 5 years ago

Works for me now. The problem was in my case that the Isolator hat doesn't propagate the GPIO pins properly as input. Works nicely with a GPIO extension board in between (or without the Isolator)

dubaleeiro commented 5 years ago

Good news! Could you plz tell which pin are you using?