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adding Web Radio through common m3u/pls playlist files #581

Open heis2201 opened 8 years ago

heis2201 commented 8 years ago

When adding a Web Radio stream, how do I add local m3u/pls file?

apinner commented 8 years ago

IIRC you don't any more. Radio stations are added to a json file.

heis2201 commented 8 years ago

I see, but I don't like to add all my custom stations manually (by creating a new station and point to the remote .m3u or .pls). How about an import function of the old radio files?

And what if you push an update to the .json radio library? Will it kill my custom stations? Where is the .json file stored? Thanks

apinner commented 8 years ago

There will be a backup function added at some point that will allow you to download a complete configuration backup from volumio that can be imported into a new instance.

The file is located at /data/favourites/my-web-radio

Yes you can update and edit it using nano.

heis2201 commented 8 years ago

I see how they are all in the .json file but I would like to suggest an import feature of .m3u or .pls files, because that's the format that one would use to import radio stations.

Not sure if this could be implemented as plugin.

Moreover, I'd like to suggest to import the vast list of internet-radios found here: https://github.com/jprjr/internet-radio-streams

volumio commented 8 years ago

Yes we'll add the import function like we did with previous volumio

heis2201 commented 8 years ago

Great! Thanks!

buzink commented 7 years ago

Would it not be better to just have a +-button in the Browse-tab which you can click and than paste an url and type a name?

heis2201 commented 7 years ago

Dear friends, is there any update in this regards? I am still looking for a function to "mass import" .m3u and .pls into Volumio2. (For example, how to use the good selection of webradios presented in Volumio 1.5x, in addition to my personal 20+ favorites?)

xipmix commented 7 years ago

I think this is the same issue as #334

suuuehgi commented 6 years ago

I had the same problem today. I have a long .m3u-file with web radios I use on different computers that is being updated from time to time.

As a workaround, I wrote a simple script m3u2volumio to convert standard and extended .m3u files into volumio-readable syntax. It can be directly used in combination with SSH and just relies on python3 >= 3.1:

m3u2volumio playlist.m3u | ssh volumio@volumiocomputer 'cat > /data/playlist/newplaylistname'

Let me know if you have any trouble with it. Maybe I add a volumio2m3u version just in case ...

EDIT There it is: volumio2m3u