voluntadpear / vue-choropleth

Choropleth Map component for Vue.js
MIT License
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Problem with #7

Closed plicplic closed 6 years ago

plicplic commented 6 years ago

I have an issue with the new props and got this warning:

[Vue warn]: Invalid prop: type check failed for prop "strokeColor". Expected String, got Number. And same warning for currentStrokeColor too.

If I use a number (like 666 or 999) I got this message. It doesn't work with six-characters values.

Wondering if I use it wrong ?


voluntadpear commented 6 years ago

@plicplic Yes, you need to provide the prop as a string, it seems you're doing :strokeColor="666" and you would need to do either :strokeColor="'666'" or strokeColor="666" (without the v-bind directive) in order for it to work. Let me know if it works for you.

plicplic commented 6 years ago

@voluntadpear Oh yes, I failed to provide a string, indeed. Now that works like a charm. Thanks for your prompt response!