von / PerProxy

A python-based proxy that uses Perspectives to detect and thwart SSL MITM attacks.
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PerProxy fails with https://www.calopps.org #29

Open von opened 13 years ago

von commented 13 years ago

The logs below are from the current master branch, but I see a similar if not identical error with current develop branch.

PerProxy: Initializing Perspectives checker with notaries from ./http_notary_list.txt PerProxy: Loading CA from ./ca-cert.crt and ./ca-key.pem No handlers could be found for logger "Perspectives.Checker" PerProxy: Loading error template from ./error_template.html PerProxy: Initializing M2Crypto threading PerProxy: Starting SSL MITM proxy on localhost port 8080 PerProxy: Server thread started PerProxy: Connection received. PerProxy:Thread-2:www.calopps.org: Connecting to www.calopps.org:443 PerProxy: Connection received. PerProxy:Thread-3:www.calopps.org: Connecting to www.calopps.org:443 PerProxy:Thread-3:www.calopps.org: Server subject is O=www.calopps.org, CN=www.calopps.org, OU=Domain Control Validated PerProxy:Thread-3:www.calopps.org: Checking certificate with Perspectives PerProxy:Thread-2:www.calopps.org: Server subject is O=www.calopps.org, CN=www.calopps.org, OU=Domain Control Validated PerProxy:Thread-2:www.calopps.org: Checking certificate with Perspectives PerProxy:Thread-2:www.calopps.org: Connection to server established PerProxy:Thread-3:www.calopps.org: Connection to server established PerProxy:Thread-2:www.calopps.org: Responding to client. PerProxy:Thread-2:www.calopps.org: Cert = /tmp/tmpSt72oQ PerProxy:Thread-2:www.calopps.org: Key = /tmp/tmpts86T5 PerProxy:Thread-2:www.calopps.org: Starting SSL with client... PerProxy:Thread-3:www.calopps.org: Responding to client. PerProxy:Thread-3:www.calopps.org: Cert = /tmp/tmp2nbIME PerProxy:Thread-3:www.calopps.org: Key = /tmp/tmp4b5XHI PerProxy:Thread-3:www.calopps.org: Starting SSL with client... PerProxy:Thread-2:www.calopps.org: SSL with client successful PerProxy:Thread-2:www.calopps.org: Entering pass_through mode PerProxy:Thread-2:www.calopps.org: Reading from client at PerProxy:Thread-2:www.calopps.org: Writing 500 bytes to server at www.calopps.org:443 PerProxy:Thread-2:www.calopps.org: Reading from server at www.calopps.org:443 PerProxy:Thread-2:www.calopps.org: Writing 232 bytes to client at PerProxy:Thread-2:www.calopps.org: Reading from server at www.calopps.org:443 PerProxy:Thread-2:www.calopps.org: Ignoring read of None from server at www.calopps.org:443 PerProxy:Thread-2:www.calopps.org: Reading from server at www.calopps.org:443 PerProxy:Thread-2:www.calopps.org: Ignoring read of None from server at www.calopps.org:443 PerProxy:Thread-2:www.calopps.org: Reading from server at www.calopps.org:443 PerProxy:Thread-2:www.calopps.org: Ignoring read of None from server at www.calopps.org:443 PerProxy:Thread-2:www.calopps.org: Reading from server at www.calopps.org:443 PerProxy:Thread-2:www.calopps.org: Ignoring read of None from server at www.calopps.org:443 PerProxy:Thread-2:www.calopps.org: Reading from server at www.calopps.org:443 PerProxy:Thread-2:www.calopps.org: Got error reading: unexpected eof PerProxy:Thread-2:www.calopps.org: Got EOF from server at www.calopps.org:443 PerProxy:Thread-2:www.calopps.org: Pass through done. PerProxy:Thread-2:www.calopps.org: Done. PerProxy:Thread-3:www.calopps.org: SSL with client successful PerProxy:Thread-3:www.calopps.org: Entering pass_through mode

von commented 13 years ago

I'm seeing a similar problem on https://freedom-to-tinker.com/blog