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Display enemy rate per hour #54

Open DeOlijus opened 2 months ago

DeOlijus commented 2 months ago

For liberation planets on the active planets display, display "super earth impact per hour" and "enemy impact per hour", rather than the current "net win rate per hour".

Rationale: The net win rate appears to be a redundant way to calculate a "time until victory", which is already displayed.

Displaying super earth impact (net win + enemy % per hour) helps estimate how many helldivers contribute to the percentage, and thus how many more Helldivers would be needed to increase that percentage when necessary. This would also make it consistent with the Defend Planets, which displays "super earth impact per hour" rather than "net win % per hour".

Displaying the enemy impact per hour (Regenpersec *3600/[max health]) helps identify planets with lower/higher resistance and will aid in strategic planning.

vonbeardy commented 2 months ago

I can add the hourly rate for the enemy.