Closed svshubhm closed 4 years ago
Are you able to build and run Minicap? In the start script, the Minicap server is started, connects to the device, and begins displaying. Note that your emulator has to be up and running in order to be seen. You will also need Android's NDK installed.
# First, download dependencies
if [ ! -d "dependencies/" ]; then
# Control will enter here if $DIRECTORY doesn't exist.
mkdir dependencies
if [ ! -d "dependencies/minicap" ]; then
# Control will enter here if $DIRECTORY doesn't exist.
echo Installing Minicap... this may take a minute...
cd dependencies
git clone $MINICAP_REPO minicap
cd minicap
git submodule init
git submodule update
ndk-build -C . >> ../../log.txt
cd ../../
echo Minicap build finished!
echo Minicap ready
# Startup the emulator if not already started
echo Starting up emulator...
STARTEMCOMM="$EM -avd $EM_TO_USE -netdelay none -netspeed full -verbose -no-window"
$EM -avd $EM_TO_USE -netdelay none -netspeed full >> log.txt &
# possible -no-window
trap 'adb kill-server; echo Killed ABD server' 0
A=$(adb shell getprop sys.boot_completed | tr -d '\r')
while [ "$A" != "1" ]; do
printf '.'
sleep 2
A=$(adb shell getprop sys.boot_completed | tr -d '\r')
echo Emulator ready!
# Start running the minicap service
echo Starting up minicap...
cd dependencies/minicap/
./ -P 1080x1920@810x1440/0 >> ../../log.txt &
echo Minicap started! Forwarding feed...
adb forward tcp:1717 localabstract:minicap >> ../../log.txt
cd example/
echo Starting minicap casting server...
node app.js & >> ../../../log.txt
until $(curl --output /dev/null --silent --head --fail localhost:9002); do
printf '.'
sleep 1
echo Minicap casting server started
Do you get any errors when running the start script?
Yes Sir, I am to able build and run minicap server except the "fsevents" dependency which is optional as it says. I guess I am missing something regarding "ktor-server". I have attached the logs this time.
please find the attachment!
I see, @svshubhm do you have the Android NDK installed?
C++ issues caused when running minicap are usually caused by a lack of Android NDK being installed (note that the NDK is separate from the Android SDK). You will also need to make sure to have your Android NDK location set as an environment variable
Hello Sir, I tried building "Bility" on my local Ubuntu machine, everything went fine but I am unable to get the emulator on the bility-frontend. Please find the attached screenshot.