vookav2 / songlyrics

Find song lyrics just enter the song title
MIT License
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Ability to search with the song artists' names for better lyrics accuracy. #6

Closed Sandakan closed 2 years ago

Sandakan commented 2 years ago


Sometimes when I try to fetch lyrics from this package, it gives non-relevant lyrics to the song. I think this happens because there are many songs with the same name. Maybe adding an optional parameter to specify the artists' names can improve the accuracy of the results.

mr687 commented 2 years ago

Hi @Sandakan,

Have you tried to input the artist name along with the title? so the query format can be like {title} {artist's name}.

songlyrics('breezeblocks alt j')
  .then(lyrics => console.log(lyrics))

Thanks for reminds me with this issue, I will be updating the readme to include more usage examples.

mr687 commented 2 years ago

Hi @Sandakan,

Please check the latest version. Hope this can be fixed.

or you just run yarn add songlyrics to install the latest version directly.

Sandakan commented 2 years ago


Thanks for your help. It really improved the accuracy of the results.