voorkant / voorkant-core

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create a toonstore app #102

Open Habbie opened 1 month ago

Habbie commented 1 month ago

Even though we are not a QML app like other toonstore apps, there's no reason we could not be in their 'store' (all of which is free). My current thinking is a Voorkant button that opens a simple confirmation dialogue, that explains that returning to Toon will take a few minutes.

As for implementation, I do not know if QML apps can execute things, but I do know they can write files, so one approach might be that some voorkant-launcher-daemon is running, waiting for the appearance of some file somewhere, and then it kills qt-gui and starts voorkant-lvgl.

For bonus points (I've been pondering this for a while without a sensible outcome so far), find a way to suspend qt-gui -without- it getting delivered 500 touch events when it resumes, so we can cheaply switch back and forth. chvt does not appear to be the way, it's in the wrong layer.