voorkant / voorkant-core

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non-HA widgets/screens #37

Open Habbie opened 6 months ago

Habbie commented 6 months ago

It feels unavoidable that at some point we need to display some data that does not come from HA. I see two classes of candidates:

information about the world

these could conceivably come from HA

information about the device we are running on

this cannot come from HA.

this thread

please post comments in this thread if you think of something you would like to easily view on your wall panel (like Toon), that may or may not be a stock HA thing

Habbie commented 6 months ago

could come from HA, I guess? or maybe we take it from HA whenever the occasion arrives (might be every websocket message? I don't know) so we can show server time that we then 'tick' with the local clock. Can't assume every device has a reliable local clock.

cyclops1982 commented 6 months ago

Could theoretically come from HA if the device itself is reporting it's status to HA, but the elecrow devices have a battery and it would be great if the status of that battery could be displayed.

Similarly, showing if we're plugged in and/or charging would be nice...

this is however very device specific!

Habbie commented 3 months ago

Given #9 / #59 / #74, it would be nice to configure the presence of these non-HA widgets in HA anyway, perhaps by writing custom YAML for a card. Sadly, HA does not allow you to save your YAML if HA does not understand it. Maybe we can sneak under the radar on some boring existing card? I hoped for a Text one where you can see "in Voorkant, this would show something nice" and then write more YAML to make Voorkant do things, but I don't see that.