Source code of "Variational Imitation Learning with Diverse-quality Demonstrations" in ICML 2020. This github repository includes python code and datasets used in the experiments.
I'm trying to reproduce robosuite reacher task.
So far, I've found out the command below seems to reproduce robosuite reacher task.
cd code; python --il_method vild --env_id 21 --rl_method trpo --vild_loss_type BCE
I've also downloaded and unzipped RoboTurkPilot dataset under imitation_data folder.
But the thing is, I cannot find how to generate TRAJ-ID##.h5 file mentioned in code/core/
Where can I find that?
Using (100, 100) relu networks.
Using CUDA.
adding key: robot-state
adding key: object-state
/home/user/gym/gym/ UserWarning: WARN: Box bound precision lowered by casting to float32
warnings.warn(colorize('%s: %s'%('WARN', msg % args), 'yellow'))
adding key: robot-state
adding key: object-state
State dim: 44, action dim: 7, action bound 1
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "", line 370, in
File "", line 140, in main
discriminator_updater = VILD(state_dim=state_dim, action_dim=action_dim, args=args, policy_updater=policy_updater) # need entropy coefficient
File "/home/user/projects/vild_code/code/core/", line 8, in init
super().init(state_dim, action_dim, args)
File "/home/user/projects/vild_code/code/core/", line 18, in init
self.load_demo_list(args, verbose=initialize_net) File "/home/user/projects/vild_code/code/core/", line 82, in load_demo_list
hf = h5py.File(traj_filename + ".h5", 'r')
File "/home/user/.local/lib/python3.6/site-packages/h5py/_hl/", line 408, in init
File "/home/user/.local/lib/python3.6/site-packages/h5py/_hl/", line 173, in make_fid
fid =, flags, fapl=fapl)
File "h5py/_objects.pyx", line 54, in h5py._objects.with_phil.wrapper
File "h5py/_objects.pyx", line 55, in h5py._objects.with_phil.wrapper
File "h5py/h5f.pyx", line 88, in
OSError: Unable to open file (unable to open file: name = '../imitation_data/TRAJ_robo/SawyerNutAssemblyRound_reach/SawyerNutAssemblyRound_reach_TRAJ-ID12.h5', errno = 2, error message = 'No such file or directory', flags = 0, o_flags = 0)
Hello, I'm trying to reproduce robosuite reacher task. So far, I've found out the command below seems to reproduce robosuite reacher task.
cd code; python --il_method vild --env_id 21 --rl_method trpo --vild_loss_type BCE
I've also downloaded and unzipped RoboTurkPilot dataset under imitation_data folder. But the thing is, I cannot find how to generate TRAJ-ID##.h5 file mentioned in code/core/ Where can I find that?Thanks a lot!!