voronianski / soundcloud-audio.js

:musical_note: SoundCloud tracks and playlists with HTML5 Audio API
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Playlists #1

Closed scottwvw closed 9 years ago

scottwvw commented 9 years ago

Has anyone got an example of using this tool with playlists? The single example works great but I'm having trouble getting it to work with a playlist and pulling in the individual track data

voronianski commented 9 years ago

@scottwvw take a look at:

// to load PLAYLIST and resolve it's data
scPlayer.resolve('http://soundcloud.com/jxnblk/sets/yello', function (err, playlist) {
    // do smth with array of `playlist.tracks` or playlist's metadata
    // e.g. display playlist info in a view etc.

    // once playlist is loaded it can be played

    // for playlists it's possible to switch to another track in queue
    // e.g. we do it here when playing track is finished 
    scPlayer.on('ended', function () {

    // play specific track from playlist by it's index
    scPlayer.play({playlistIndex: 2});

Maybe you have some specific question?