voroshkov / Chorus-RF-Laptimer

MIT License
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Temperature Problem #97

Open ALopes90 opened 5 years ago

ALopes90 commented 5 years ago

Hi mates, here in Portugal we have a long Summer with high temperatures so many times we have problems with the receivers over heating, I know nothing about arduino, so I ask to you, it would be very difficult to implement a temperature sensor with a fan control like what this does?


Thanks for all your work, this is just one ideia that I think will help many people, I'm going to make a box for the 4in1 project to use a fan and a controller like the one in the link.

voroshkov commented 5 years ago

Hi @ALopes90. I think that the fan control is a kind of excess. Instead you may just run your fan at full speed and have no worries about implementing/tuning the fan control.

ALopes90 commented 5 years ago

I was thinking about that to have a way to monitor the temperature and don't have the fan killing the battery.

voroshkov commented 5 years ago

I got your point. If someone would be interested in implementing and testing this, I'll add the code to the project.

ALopes90 commented 5 years ago

Thanks, I can't help in that part, I don't know how. Keep up the great work you all are doing.