Just finished the project - really nice. I used a 128x64 I2C OLED display which is a lot cheaper than the Maxim part and it can display more info. I used this library https://github.com/AndrewFromMelbourne/libSSD1306 with appropriate mods to display.cpp
Some errors and omissions on a Pi Zero for installation with Buster release 1/2022:
install package missing: sudo apt-get install libconfig++-dev
modlink.service: execution path should be: ExecStart=/home/pi/modular-link/bin/modlink
settings.cpp: /etc/modlink.cfg is not writable by user so I changed it to /home/pi/modular-link/modlink.cfg
10k pullups for encoder missing on schematic
all GPIO pullups should go to 3.3v NOT 5V. Pi Zero is not 5V tolerant. Pulling to 5V with 10k should not hurt it but its not a good idea.
your demo shows clock and reset LEDs which are not on the schematic. Easy to add with transistor drivers from the clock and reset outs.
Just finished the project - really nice. I used a 128x64 I2C OLED display which is a lot cheaper than the Maxim part and it can display more info. I used this library https://github.com/AndrewFromMelbourne/libSSD1306 with appropriate mods to display.cpp
Some errors and omissions on a Pi Zero for installation with Buster release 1/2022: install package missing: sudo apt-get install libconfig++-dev modlink.service: execution path should be: ExecStart=/home/pi/modular-link/bin/modlink settings.cpp: /etc/modlink.cfg is not writable by user so I changed it to /home/pi/modular-link/modlink.cfg 10k pullups for encoder missing on schematic all GPIO pullups should go to 3.3v NOT 5V. Pi Zero is not 5V tolerant. Pulling to 5V with 10k should not hurt it but its not a good idea. your demo shows clock and reset LEDs which are not on the schematic. Easy to add with transistor drivers from the clock and reset outs.