voryx / Thruway

PHP Client and Router Library for Autobahn and WAMP (Web Application Messaging Protocol) for Real-Time Application Messaging
MIT License
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How to extend SimpleWsRouter to handle functions from autobahn? #363

Open kpebron opened 1 year ago

kpebron commented 1 year ago

I am using Laravel 8 and trying to integrate Thruway. Below is the code copied from SimpleWSRouter.php and added in my src.

        $port = 6001;

        $router = new Router();

        $transportProvider = new RatchetTransportProvider("", $port);




        var connection = new autobahn.Connection({
            url: 'ws://localhost:6001',
            realm: 'realm1'

        connection.onopen = function(session) {

            // 1) subscribe to a topic
            function onevent(args) {
                console.log("Event:", args[0]);
            session.subscribe('com.myapp.hello', onevent);

            // 2) publish an event
            session.publish('com.myapp.hello', ['Hello, world!']);

            // 3) register a procedure for remoting
            function procedureRegister(args) {
                return args[0] + " " + args[1];
            session.register('com.myapp.pr1', procedureRegister);

            // 4) call a remote procedure
            session.call('com.myapp.pr1', ["FNAME", "LNAME"]).then(
                function(res) {
                    console.log("Result:", res);


I can connect without problem but I dont know what to do next after this.

What I know:

session.subscribe: subscribe to a channel (in this case channel name is "com.myapp.hello") session.publish: Probably used to send message from user to user using the channel name.

What I dont know: session.register and session.call. I also dont know where should I add realm in my server to connect the code. I think realm1 is default realm.

I actually came from ratchet. with ratchet, I can register a websocket server to work on open, close, message, etc. However Ratchet and Autobahn is not compatible ( with wampv1 and 2) etc.

Any help would be appreciated.