Closed NewOldMax closed 8 years ago
You can use the _thruway_eligible_authids
$client->publish("com.myapp.hello_pubsub", [$value], null, ["_thruway_eligible_authids"=>[$authid]]);
You can also publish to specific roles with the _thruway_eligible_authroles
Hi, @davidwdan
Thanks for answer. I tried your solution, but messages still published to all connected users, not for specific authid.
My client setup (ReactJS)
url: 'ws://',
realm: 'realm1',
authmethods: ["wampcra"],
authid: localStorage.getItem('jwt'),
let connection = AutobahnReact.Connection.reconnectWithAuth(localStorage.getItem('jwt'), '');
connection.then((session, details) => {
console.log("Hey, connection established!");
session[0].subscribe('app.tasks', (msg) => {
}).catch((details) => {
console.log("Hey, connection lost! " + details);
And I tried
$client = $this->getContainer()->get('thruway.client');
$authid = 'my_custom_jwt';
$client->publish('app.tasks', ['test'], null, ['_thruway_eligible_authids' => [$authid]]);
Use a separate channel for each user, for example "com.myapp.hello_pubsub.12345", where 12345 is the user id. Don't forget to use the authorization manager to check the permissions to subscribe to individual channels. I have a similar notification system in place and it works really well.
I have tested the following using the WampCRA router in the Examples folder and found it to properly publish to only selected authids:
use Thruway\Authentication\ClientWampCraAuthenticator;
use Thruway\ClientSession;
use Thruway\Peer\Client;
use Thruway\Transport\PawlTransportProvider;
require_once __DIR__ . '/vendor/autoload.php';
$client = new Client('realm1');
$client->addTransportProvider(new PawlTransportProvider('ws://'));
$client->addClientAuthenticator(new ClientWampCraAuthenticator('peter', 'secret1'));
$client->on('open', function (ClientSession $session) {
$session->publish('some.topic', ['Hello everyone']);
['Joe should not see this'],
['_thruway_eligible_authids' => ['peter']]
['This is for joe only'],
['_thruway_eligible_authids' => ['joe']]
I then added this to WampCraLogin.html:
session.subscribe('some.topic', function (args) {
Please note that this feature with be updated to match the current spec (eligible_authid
) in the future. (we will deprecate the _thruway_eligible_authids
for the next version prior to removable)
It strange, but your example the same sends message to all users (not only for 'peter') :(
Can you share full code of your example?
it does not matter, I found
@stingus , in you solution, how you defined subscribe routes? I think i can't use something like
* @Subscribe("com.tasks.{userid}")
i get wamp.error.invalid_uri
UPDATE: I figured out, standard annotations works well (@Subscribe("com.tasks")
) and handles com.tasks.userid
subscriptions. But in my case, I have user id like 25c722aa-58c8-477c-ac4d-17420137ded8
and uriIsValid function stuck with -
Can you add -
char to regex? It will solve my problems as well.
@davidwdan , @mbonneau , please, look at last update, if you have time.
@NewOldMax What version of Thruway are you using?
Adding a -
to the regex will violate WAMP's strict URI conventions, which is what Thruway uses.
I'm not specify version of Thruway, only install ThruwayBundle. In composer.lock Thruway version is 0.3.1
If there is a way to override regex for my use case? Or only use fork?
The ability to publish to specific users was added in 0.3.4. You should upgrade Thruway to at least that version.
Successfully upgraded to 0.3.10 and all issues gone. You can close this issue now. Thanks!
I'm trying to implement notifications in my project. My use case: User 1 creates Task 1 and subscribes to "tasks" channel. User 2 edits Task 1 and subscribes to "tasks" channel. User 1 must receive notification about task edit, and User 2 should not receive this notification.
I see in docs:
But as I understand, this code publishes message to all subscribed users.
Is there a way to push message for specific User, and not for all?