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Front end for the Carpool Vote website. Support every American's right to vote!
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Front End - Donation Link - Bug Fix #372

Open PamelaJohn opened 5 years ago

PamelaJohn commented 5 years ago


Work flow issue exists with regard to potential donations, resulting in seriously delayed response time and missed opportunity to receive donations at peak donation season when people want to contribute to the transition from to the launch of

User Story:

  1. I am a potential donor who wants to contribute to the volunteer community working on I navigate through the website looking for a donate button but can't find one.
  2. Finally, at the last line of the landing page, I see the statement directing potential donors to email for more information about how to donate.
  3. I email and ask how to donate.
  4. Sasjkia receives the email at
  5. Sasjkia forwards the donations request email to
  6. A ProgCode admin reads the email and composes a response to the potential donor giving them a link to Crowdpac.


Create a sticky header with a donate button which links to Crowdpac to make it easier for donors to contribute and cuts out the extraneous processes and multiple day delay of forwarding and responding to emails.

AyahRamahi commented 5 years ago

Hi , I am beginner. How can I help ?

jkbits1 commented 5 years ago

@AyahRamahi thanks for offering to help us out again 🙂 your previous contribution was a big help 👍 @PamelaJohn you've described the issue really well. Perhaps you can offer some initial steps to work on? Even if that doesn't completely solve this issue, it will get things under way.

adamosimpson21 commented 5 years ago

Hello everyone! First time contributing to this project. It seems like the steps to fix this would include 2 parts.

  1. Change the link on the landing page to link to crowdpac (easy text fix)
  2. Create a button that could be inserted into other areas and pages that link to the same page. (not too difficult)

If these seem like the right steps to take, I could take up this issue :)

jkbits1 commented 5 years ago

@adamosimpson21 hi there, thanks for the offer of help, much appreciated 🙂 @PamelaJohn this is your issue, what do you think of this suggestion? Feel free to ping me about the tech side of things