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Front end for the Carpool Vote website. Support every American's right to vote!
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Text on landing page needs to be mobile-optimised #393

Closed sasjkia closed 5 years ago

sasjkia commented 5 years ago

The text at the top of the landing page, that says that Carpool Vote is not taking signups, shows up fine on a desktop but does not adjust to the screen when viewed on the mobile. As this is the top of the page, anyone viewing the site from the mobile is likely to conclude that it's no longer in use.

Please fix, so that the text is mobile-optimised.

jkbits1 commented 5 years ago

@sasjkia thanks for this. At the moment, the priority is to get the system running, tested then let everyone know how best to make use of it

sndurkin commented 5 years ago

Hi @jkbits1, I know you said this was low priority but it was an easy fix and I figured I would take it as a first contribution.