Do we actually agree with this? I think it is very common to think of elected officials as Sen. Heitkamp rather than Heidi, and I think the uppercase for the last names makes the most important detail more obvious. Also there may be hurdles in switching to title-case because of non-standard title casing in names (i.e. vanThiel versus Van Thiel versus van Thiel -- we could probably write rules for Mc/Mac but not necessarily some of the weirder historical edge cases).
Do we actually agree with this? I think it is very common to think of elected officials as Sen. Heitkamp rather than Heidi, and I think the uppercase for the last names makes the most important detail more obvious. Also there may be hurdles in switching to title-case because of non-standard title casing in names (i.e. vanThiel versus Van Thiel versus van Thiel -- we could probably write rules for Mc/Mac but not necessarily some of the weirder historical edge cases).