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Language Toggle in Main Nav #107

Open beausmith opened 5 years ago

beausmith commented 5 years ago


One of the first screens will the voter to select their preferred language. Most voters will not change this language once selected.

There is a smaller group of voters who may wish to toggle back and forth between English and a second language.

Solution in Comps

The "Language" button in the top navigation in the comps is a solution to provide voters wishing to toggle between English and a second language.

In the comps, the language button appears in the navigation as a primary item. It is not clear what happens when the user clicks the "Language" link vs what language options are available within the "Settings" page.

Other possible solutions

  1. Change main nav link to a button which toggles the UI between English and other language (eg. Spanish). Toggle button label changes between "Cambiar a Inglés" or "Toggle Spanish".
  2. As most users will not need this toggle and having it may be more confusing than helpful to most users, add a setting which enables a toggle.
  3. Another setting: provide UI (when a non-English language is selected) where English text is displayed along with the non-English language.
suzannechapman commented 5 years ago

The current plan is that clicking the language button in the nav will open a modal version of what's on the regular language page.

whitneyq commented 5 years ago

Adding the scenario in which we most commonly see voters switching languages: A bi-lingual voter starts in English, confident of their language skills. They do fine until they get to the ballot questions. At that point, they need support in their own language. Some switch back and forth comparing and checking translations.

Note that it's not a toggle (for example by limiting the list to English + what they selected) because

As a possible future feature: