If there is a paper jam while deactivating a voting session (when it rejects the paper back out) when you clear the jam it makes you reinsert a piece of paper and go back into an activated voting state and then when you remove the pollworker card it deactivates the voting session and spits the paper back out at you #5661
If there is a paper jam while deactivating a voting session (when it rejects the paper back out) when you clear the jam it makes you reinsert a piece of paper and go back into an activated voting state and then when you remove the pollworker card it deactivates the voting session and spits the paper back out at you
If there is a paper jam while deactivating a voting session (when it rejects the paper back out) when you clear the jam it makes you reinsert a piece of paper and go back into an activated voting state and then when you remove the pollworker card it deactivates the voting session and spits the paper back out at you
Issue automatically created from Slack feedback reported by caroline: https://votingworks.slack.com/archives/CJU9MSC6S/p1731615387548939?thread_ts=1731615387.548939&cid=CJU9MSC6S