votrai123 / integrate-multiple-react-native

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Having installed realm, iOS cannot open bundle & the screen becomes blank #15

Open mereka-ta opened 6 months ago

mereka-ta commented 6 months ago

Issue If I installed realm package, (only install, no intialization in js yet), when triggering openApp in iOS, it shows blank screen with metro message Connect to metro to develop javascript. In XCode, the bundle initialProperties is successfully passed but with no other error log.

I've tested for these version combination of react-native & realm:

mereka-ta commented 6 months ago

@votrai123 I've looked at the realm source code in Pods/Development Pods/RealmReact/RealmReact.mm, looks like there is additional logic for bridging :

- (void)setBridge:(RCTBridge *)bridge {
  _bridge = bridge;

  if (objc_lookUpClass("RCTWebSocketExecutor") &&
      [bridge executorClass] == objc_lookUpClass("RCTWebSocketExecutor")) {
    // Skip native initialization when in legacy Chrome debugging mode
#if !DEBUG
    @throw [NSException
        exceptionWithName:@"Invalid Executor"
                   reason:@"Chrome debug mode not supported in Release builds"
  } else if ([bridge isKindOfClass:objc_lookUpClass("RCTCxxBridge")] ||
             [NSStringFromClass([bridge class]) isEqual:@"RCTCxxBridge"]) {
    __weak __typeof__(self) weakSelf = self;
    __weak __typeof__(bridge) weakBridge = bridge;

          __typeof__(self) self = weakSelf;
          __typeof__(bridge) bridge = weakBridge;
          if (!self || !bridge) {

          // Make sure the previous JS thread is completely finished before
          // continuing.
          static __weak NSThread *s_currentJSThread;
          while (s_currentJSThread && !s_currentJSThread.finished) {
            [NSThread sleepForTimeInterval:0.1];
          s_currentJSThread = [NSThread currentThread];

          auto &rt = *static_cast<facebook::jsi::Runtime *>(bridge.runtime);
          auto exports = jsi::Object(rt);
          realm_jsi_init(rt, exports, ^{
            // Calling jsCallInvokver->invokeAsync tells React Native to execute the lambda passed
            // in on the JS thread, and then flush the internal "microtask queue", which has the
            // effect of flushing any pending UI updates.
            // We call this after we have called into JS from C++, in order to ensure that the RN
            // UI updates in response to any changes from Realm. We need to do this as we bypass
            // the usual RN bridge mechanism for communicating between C++ and JS, so without doing
            // this RN has no way to know that a change has occurred which might require an update
            // (see #4389, facebook/react-native#33006).
            // Calls are debounced using the waitingForUiFlush flag, so if an async flush is already
            // pending when another JS to C++ call happens, we don't call invokeAsync again. This works
            // because the work is performed before the microtask queue is flushed - see sequence
            // diagram at https://bit.ly/3kexhHm. It might be possible to further optimize this,
            // e.g. only flush the queue a maximum of once per frame, but this seems reasonable.
            if (!waitingForUiFlush) {
              waitingForUiFlush = true;
              [bridge jsCallInvoker]->invokeAsync(
                  [&]() { waitingForUiFlush = false; });

I think your code works fine without realm package, I've opened an issue on the realm-js repo regarding this, let's stay tuned for their response.

votrai123 commented 5 months ago

Let you try install this library in React Native init other. It’s working, right? @mereka-ta RN 0.71.3 | Realm 11.5.1 OR RN 0.72.3 | Realm 12.6.0

I think you should follow https://www.mongodb.com/docs/realm/sdk/react-native/install/#std-label-react-native-install

mereka-ta commented 5 months ago

It's working fine if I setup & use realm in the main bundle.

The issue only happen once I trigger the openApp if realm is included (even without actually use it, just include in package.json).

For react native v0.70 & below, everything works perfect with its compatible realm

votrai123 commented 5 months ago

image image Sample for Android, You make sure linked the lib in project super app @mereka-ta related: #1

votrai123 commented 5 months ago

https://github.com/votrai123/integrate-multiple-react-native/commit/5b2b69319b0043f37ded1736962358b6fde86867 this commit is a sample for install other lib, You can see it Branch: https://github.com/votrai123/integrate-multiple-react-native/tree/example-install-lib

mereka-ta commented 5 months ago

https://github.com/votrai123/integrate-multiple-react-native/commit/5b2b69319b0043f37ded1736962358b6fde86867 this commit is a sample for install other lib, You can see it Branch: https://github.com/votrai123/integrate-multiple-react-native/tree/example-install-lib

@votrai123 Yes, thank you for your guidance on android.

I've no issue on android (every RN version is working, even with realm) as I read your explanation in other thread.

This issue occurs specifically on iOS for newer version of RN.

As I mentioned previously, I've created an issue on realm's repo & just want to let you know if they have rolled up a patch, I'll update it here too.