vouch-opensource / krell

Simple ClojureScript React Native Tooling
Eclipse Public License 1.0
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Parameterize index.js outfile location #150

Open joshuamiller opened 1 year ago

joshuamiller commented 1 year ago

I am using Krell to develop an app that has a share extension. In order to run both the main app and the share extension simultaneously, two different Krell processes need to be running. Krell handles everything for this already except for allowing you to specify where the index.js file is written to. Locally I've been able to add an option for this and update the write-index-js fn pretty easily. The result is I can run clj -M -m krell.main -co share.edn --index-js krell_index_share.js --index-js-out index.share.js -c -r in one terminal and the standard Krell repl in another and have repls into both.

Happy to provide more details or the implementation if desired.

jeyasankar commented 1 month ago

Hi @joshuamiller , I plan to add an extension to my react native ios app and wanted to use Krell to generate two index files like you had done. Also I wanted to use two Krell repl connections - one to the app and another to the extension. It seems you have already done those changes locally for you. Can you share the changes you have made ?


joshuamiller commented 1 month ago

@jeyasankar I pushed my changes that handle this here: https://github.com/vouch-opensource/krell/compare/master...joshuamiller:krell:joshuamiller-parameterize-index-js

It adds a --index-js-out repl option, so you can do clj -M -m krell.main -co share-compiler-opts.edn --index-js-out index.share.js ...

jeyasankar commented 1 month ago

Thanks @joshuamiller for a quick reply. That helped.