voult2 / BetterPawnControl

A RimWorld mod that allows bulk assignment of animals to zones and colonists to outfits (or drugs) in one single action
MIT License
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Animal tab doesn't display; error on click #20

Closed Daenyth closed 3 years ago

Daenyth commented 4 years ago

I'm not sure what happened, but my animal tab no longer displays (even though it used to work), and I get this error in my log:

Root level exception in OnGUI(): System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object
  at BetterPawnControl.AnimalManager+<>c__DisplayClass6_0.<UpdateState>b__0 (BetterPawnControl.AnimalLink x) [0x00000] in <7db7a9c0c7c842c8bbd28e7598605eba>:0 
  at System.Collections.Generic.List`1[T].FindAll (System.Predicate`1[T] match) [0x00013] in <567df3e0919241ba98db88bec4c6696f>:0 
  at BetterPawnControl.AnimalManager.UpdateState (System.Collections.Generic.List`1[T] links, System.Collections.Generic.List`1[T] pawns, BetterPawnControl.Policy policy) [0x0001f] in <7db7a9c0c7c842c8bbd28e7598605eba>:0 
  at BetterPawnControl.MainTabWindow_Animals_Policies.PreOpen () [0x00020] in <7db7a9c0c7c842c8bbd28e7598605eba>:0 
  at Verse.WindowStack.Add (Verse.Window window) [0x0001f] in <b9022531d79047b2b6baad3f7d519f01>:0 
  at (wrapper dynamic-method) RimWorld.MainTabsRoot.DMD<DMD<ToggleTab_Patch1>?66738048::ToggleTab_Patch1>(RimWorld.MainTabsRoot,RimWorld.MainButtonDef,bool)
  at RimWorld.MainButtonWorker_ToggleTab.Activate () [0x00005] in <b9022531d79047b2b6baad3f7d519f01>:0 
  at RimWorld.MainButtonWorker.InterfaceTryActivate () [0x0004d] in <b9022531d79047b2b6baad3f7d519f01>:0 
  at (wrapper dynamic-method) RimWorld.MainButtonWorker.DMD<DMD<DoButton_Patch0>?-1308741760::DoButton_Patch0>(RimWorld.MainButtonWorker,UnityEngine.Rect)
  at RimWorld.MainButtonsRoot.DoButtons () [0x0010c] in <b9022531d79047b2b6baad3f7d519f01>:0 
  at (wrapper dynamic-method) RimWorld.MainButtonsRoot.DMD<DMD<MainButtonsOnGUI_Patch1>?98404992::MainButtonsOnGUI_Patch1>(RimWorld.MainButtonsRoot)
  at RimWorld.UIRoot_Play.UIRootOnGUI () [0x00037] in <b9022531d79047b2b6baad3f7d519f01>:0 
  at (wrapper dynamic-method) Verse.Root.DMD<DMD<OnGUI_Patch1>?-1867099264::OnGUI_Patch1>(Verse.Root)
Verse.Log:Error(String, Boolean)
Daenyth commented 4 years ago

I'm suspicious of https://github.com/voult2/BetterPawnControl/blob/master/Source/Managers/AnimalManager.cs#L145 - I think x.zone might be the null, because I have noticed that among all my animal mods I've managed to get some in state where no zone was selected before. I think this might be an interaction with the 'Area inclusion & exclusion' mod.

I'm able to use the Numbers mod animal tab as a workaround for now, I'll check that all animals have some assigned zone and if that makes the problem go away

Daenyth commented 4 years ago

It's not due to Area inclusion - I removed that to test, and the problem persists.

Daenyth commented 3 years ago

I cloned the project to open it in Rider, and looking at the source a bit more carefully, it seems like more likely the problem is that one of the AnimalLink values in the links argument is null.

If so, this might help; I'll try to figure out how to build and test on my world locally

-            //get all links from the current map
-            mapLinks = links.FindAll(x => x.mapId == currentMap);
-            //get all links from the selected zone
-            zoneLinks = mapLinks.FindAll(x => x.zone == policy.id);
+            //get all links from the current map
+            mapLinks = links.FindAll(x => x != null && x.mapId == currentMap);
+            //get all links from the selected zone
+            zoneLinks = mapLinks.FindAll(x => x != null && x.zone == policy.id);
Daenyth commented 3 years ago

OK, I was able to confirm that AnimalManager.links contains a null value by having PreOpen for the tab invoke PrintAllAnimalPolicies;

[BPC] ### List Animal links [67] ###
[BPC]   Policy:0  Animal:   Master:   Area:   FollowDrafted: False  FollowFieldwork: False  MapID: 0
[BPC]   Policy:0  Animal: Cow69680  Master:   Area:   FollowDrafted: False  FollowFieldwork: False  MapID: 0
[BPC]   Policy:1  Animal:   Master:   Area:   FollowDrafted: False  FollowFieldwork: False  MapID: 0
[BPC]   Policy:1  Animal: Cow69680  Master:   Area:   FollowDrafted: False  FollowFieldwork: False  MapID: 0
[BPC]   Policy:0  Animal: Dromedary29608  Master:   Area:   FollowDrafted: False  FollowFieldwork: False  MapID: 0
[BPC]   Policy:1  Animal: Dromedary29608  Master:   Area:   FollowDrafted: False  FollowFieldwork: False  MapID: 0
[BPC]   Policy:0  Animal:   Master:   Area:   FollowDrafted: False  FollowFieldwork: False  MapID: 0
[BPC]   Policy:0  Animal:   Master:   Area:   FollowDrafted: False  FollowFieldwork: False  MapID: 0
[BPC]   Policy:1  Animal:   Master:   Area:   FollowDrafted: False  FollowFieldwork: False  MapID: 0
[BPC]   Policy:1  Animal:   Master:   Area:   FollowDrafted: False  FollowFieldwork: False  MapID: 0
[BPC]   Policy:0  Animal:   Master:   Area: RimWorld.Area_Home  FollowDrafted: False  FollowFieldwork: False  MapID: 0
[BPC]   Policy:0  Animal:   Master:   Area:   FollowDrafted: False  FollowFieldwork: False  MapID: 0
[BPC]   Policy:0  Animal:   Master:   Area:   FollowDrafted: False  FollowFieldwork: False  MapID: 0
[BPC]   Policy:0  Animal:   Master:   Area:   FollowDrafted: False  FollowFieldwork: False  MapID: 0
[BPC]   Policy:0  Animal:   Master:   Area:   FollowDrafted: False  FollowFieldwork: False  MapID: 0
[BPC]   Policy:0  Animal: Cow151497  Master:   Area:   FollowDrafted: False  FollowFieldwork: False  MapID: 0
Root level exception in OnGUI(): System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object
  at BetterPawnControl.AnimalManager.PrintAllAnimalPolicies (System.String spacer) [0x00126] in <6c6ec8003e37446fbc185f6a5ee0140b>:0
  at BetterPawnControl.MainTabWindow_Animals_Policies.PreOpen () [0x0000e] in <6c6ec8003e37446fbc185f6a5ee0140b>:0
  at Verse.WindowStack.Add (Verse.Window window) [0x0001f] in <b9022531d79047b2b6baad3f7d519f01>:0
  at (wrapper dynamic-method) RimWorld.MainTabsRoot.DMD<DMD<ToggleTab_Patch1>?-2069195392::ToggleTab_Patch1>(RimWorld.MainTabsRoot,RimWorld.MainButtonDef,bool)
  at RimWorld.MainButtonWorker_ToggleTab.Activate () [0x00005] in <b9022531d79047b2b6baad3f7d519f01>:0
  at RimWorld.MainButtonWorker.InterfaceTryActivate () [0x0004d] in <b9022531d79047b2b6baad3f7d519f01>:0
  at (wrapper dynamic-method) RimWorld.MainButtonWorker.DMD<DMD<DoButton_Patch0>?-1203342208::DoButton_Patch0>(RimWorld.MainButtonWorker,UnityEngine.Rect)
  at RimWorld.MainButtonsRoot.DoButtons () [0x0010c] in <b9022531d79047b2b6baad3f7d519f01>:0
  at (wrapper dynamic-method) RimWorld.MainButtonsRoot.DMD<DMD<MainButtonsOnGUI_Patch1>?952941952::MainButtonsOnGUI_Patch1>(RimWorld.MainButtonsRoot)
  at RimWorld.UIRoot_Play.UIRootOnGUI () [0x00037] in <b9022531d79047b2b6baad3f7d519f01>:0
  at (wrapper dynamic-method) Verse.Root.DMD<DMD<OnGUI_Patch1>?1404324992::OnGUI_Patch1>(Verse.Root)