voult2 / BetterPawnControl

A RimWorld mod that allows bulk assignment of animals to zones and colonists to outfits (or drugs) in one single action
MIT License
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BPC: Disabled Work Types Error #33

Closed XXDarrienX closed 1 year ago

XXDarrienX commented 2 years ago

I have a pawn that due to his role is disabled from hunting, every time I open any of the tabs either animal or the work tab I get this error. Seems that BPC does not work well with work types that are disabled for any reason?

Tried to change priority on disabled worktype Hunting for pawn O'Donnell UnityEngine.StackTraceUtility:ExtractStackTrace () (wrapper dynamic-method) Verse.Log:Verse.Log.Error_Patch2 (string) RimWorld.Pawn_WorkSettings:SetPriority (Verse.WorkTypeDef,int) BetterPawnControl.WorkManager:LoadPawnPriorities (Verse.Pawn,BetterPawnControl.WorkLink) BetterPawnControl.WorkManager:LoadState (System.Collections.Generic.List1<BetterPawnControl.WorkLink>,System.Collections.Generic.List1,BetterPawnControl.Policy) BetterPawnControl.MainTabWindow_PawnTable_OnPostOpen:Postfix () (wrapper dynamic-method) RimWorld.MainTabWindow_PawnTable:RimWorld.MainTabWindow_PawnTable.PostOpen_Patch1 (RimWorld.MainTabWindow_PawnTable) (wrapper dynamic-method) Verse.WindowStack:Verse.WindowStack.Add_Patch1 (Verse.WindowStack,Verse.Window) (wrapper dynamic-method) RimWorld.MainTabsRoot:RimWorld.MainTabsRoot.ToggleTab_Patch2 (RimWorld.MainTabsRoot,RimWorld.MainButtonDef,bool) RimWorld.MainButtonWorker_ToggleTab:Activate () RimWorld.MainButtonWorker:InterfaceTryActivate () (wrapper dynamic-method) RimWorld.MainButtonWorker:RimWorld.MainButtonWorker.DoButton_Patch0 (RimWorld.MainButtonWorker,UnityEngine.Rect) RimWorld.MainButtonsRoot:DoButtons () (wrapper dynamic-method) RimWorld.MainButtonsRoot:RimWorld.MainButtonsRoot.MainButtonsOnGUI_Patch1 (RimWorld.MainButtonsRoot) (wrapper dynamic-method) RimWorld.UIRoot_Play:RimWorld.UIRoot_Play.UIRootOnGUI_Patch2 (RimWorld.UIRoot_Play) (wrapper dynamic-method) Verse.Root:Verse.Root.OnGUI_Patch1 (Verse.Root)

voult2 commented 2 years ago

I assume this is some kind of mod conflict .. Is there a way to reproduce the issue easily?

XXDarrienX commented 2 years ago

So I put just BPC and character editor(just so I can skill up characters for the roles to block jobs) but the error happens still here is the hugs log


XXDarrienX commented 2 years ago

It also only shows up when you click the work tab

voult2 commented 2 years ago

yeah, this is probably a conflict with Character Editor mod..