vova07 / yii2-start

Yii2-Start application
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intall problems #91

Closed DavidDual closed 9 years ago

DavidDual commented 9 years ago


After instaled i change my web server as:

<VirtualHost *:8083> DocumentRoot "C:/dual/xampp_1_8_3/htdocs/alansre/" ServerName alansre.com ServerAlias www.alansre <Directory "C:/dual/xampp_1_8_3/htdocs/alansre/"> AllowOverride All Require all Granted

and when i go to : http://alansre.com:8083/frontend/

I get the yiiwebsite but whit a lot of 404 not found. When i look at the console i can see a lot of 404 like "http://alansre.com:8083/assets/c61bf103/css/main.css"

I tried to change my .htacces as follow but it not work. Any idea? Thans

Options +FollowSymlinks # Enable mod_rewrite RewriteEngine On ``` # Backend redirect RewriteCond %{REQUEST_URI} ^/backend RewriteRule ^backend/(.*)$ /backend/web/$1 [L] # Statics redirect RewriteCond %{REQUEST_URI} ^/statics RewriteRule ^statics/(.*)$ /statics/web/$1 [L] # Frontend redirect ``` RewriteCond %{REQUEST_URI} ^/frontend RewriteRule ^frontend/(.*)$ /frontend/web/$1 [L]
DavidDual commented 9 years ago

i still in the same point. The cuestion is that aplication look for assets in web directories but there is any asset . Y made instalation again and i think i follow all the steps.

DavidDual commented 9 years ago

I solved:

As i am working whit windows enviroment the symlinks dont work. I put in apache "Options FollowSymLinks" and still not. then i change in common/config/main.php:

'assetManager' => [ 'linkAssets' => true ],

to: 'assetManager' => [ 'linkAssets' => false ],

Everythink works again.

Y see the dev and master yii2 and they dont have symlinks to true. Maybe you shiuld advice peaople in git . Thanks realy nice work