vovkos / doxyrest

A compiler from Doxygen XML to reStructuredText -- hence, the name. It parses XML databases generated by Doxygen and produces reStructuredText for the Python documentation generator Sphinx.
MIT License
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doxyres crashes, presumably due to missing refid #10

Closed dgront closed 5 years ago

dgront commented 5 years ago

My doxyrest run on Mac OS ends wtih (that is just last 5 lines):

warning: can't find inner compound refid: d0/d0f/classstd_1_1wostringstream
warning: can't find inner compound refid: d3/d05/classstd_1_1wstring
warning: can't find inner compound refid: d0/d29/classstd_1_1wstringstream
Segmentation fault: 11

When I try id under lldb, I see that:

warning: can't find inner compound refid: d0/d0f/classstd_1_1wostringstream
warning: can't find inner compound refid: d3/d05/classstd_1_1wstring
warning: can't find inner compound refid: d0/d29/classstd_1_1wstringstream
Process 10658 stopped
* thread #1, queue = 'com.apple.main-thread', stop reason = EXC_BAD_ACCESS (code=1, address=0x0)
    frame #0: 0x0000000100066da0 doxyrest`axl::io::ensureDirExists(axl::sl::StringRefBase<char, axl::sl::StringDetailsBase<char> > const&) + 144
->  0x100066da0 <+144>: movzbl 0x1(%rbx), %eax
    0x100066da4 <+148>: incq   %rbx
    0x100066da7 <+151>: cmpb   $0x2f, %al
    0x100066da9 <+153>: je     0x100066da0               ; <+144>
Target 0: (doxyrest) stopped.
(lldb) bt
* thread #1, queue = 'com.apple.main-thread', stop reason = EXC_BAD_ACCESS (code=1, address=0x0)
  * frame #0: 0x0000000100066da0 doxyrest`axl::io::ensureDirExists(axl::sl::StringRefBase<char, axl::sl::StringDetailsBase<char> > const&) + 144
    frame #1: 0x0000000100018a2b doxyrest`Generator::generate(axl::sl::StringRefBase<char, axl::sl::StringDetailsBase<char> > const&, axl::sl::StringRefBase<char, axl::sl::StringDetailsBase<char> > const&) + 155
    frame #2: 0x0000000100001fec doxyrest`run(CmdLine*) + 572
    frame #3: 0x0000000100002569 doxyrest`main + 793
    frame #4: 0x00007fff7d55c015 libdyld.dylib`start + 1
(lldb) f 0
frame #0: 0x0000000100066da0 doxyrest`axl::io::ensureDirExists(axl::sl::StringRefBase<char, axl::sl::StringDetailsBase<char> > const&) + 144

I understand the problem comes from the missing nodes (e.g. d0/d29/classstd_1_1wstringstream), but in fact I'm absolutely interested in them. All the missing nodes concern standard C++ libary which I'm not willing to document. Can doxyrest just go over this errors?

vovkos commented 5 years ago

Did you build Doxyrest from the latest sources or used the precompiled release v1.1.1? The call stack leads to the location where a bug in the support lib was causing crashes in Doxyrest under certain (usually, invalid or misspelled) command line options. The bug was fixed a while ago, but the binaries for Doxyrest have not been re-released after that.

I have just pushed a tag to re-build the GitHub release with patched support lib (if it passes all tests, Travis CI/Appveyor CI should upload binaries soon).

Meanwhile, one question -- what's the exact command line which leads to a crash?

vovkos commented 5 years ago

Also, the above warnings may be safely ignored, the segfault has no connection to those.

dgront commented 5 years ago

OK, so after a few quick tests I learned that "-o" command line flag was mandatory; it was crashing because I didn't use it.

vovkos commented 5 years ago

It shouldn't crash even if -o is omitted. Crash due to wrong/missing paths was fixed quite a while ago. There still was a problem -- doxyrest attempted to generate the output .rst files in the root directory whenever -o was omitted. The latest commit fd01477 should take care of that, too