vovkos / doxyrest

A compiler from Doxygen XML to reStructuredText -- hence, the name. It parses XML databases generated by Doxygen and produces reStructuredText for the Python documentation generator Sphinx.
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Doxyrest does not provide value for #define(s) in .rst files #50

Open mateasmario opened 2 years ago

mateasmario commented 2 years ago

I'm trying to generate documentation for a C++ source code (file main.cpp) using Doxygen, doxyrest and Sphinx. The source code looks like this:

/*! \file main.cpp
    \brief A Documented file.



    \brief A macro that returns the maximum

#define MAXIMUMSIZE 20

//! A public variable.
    int publicVar = 3;

I have both GENERATE_HTML and GENERATE_XML enabled in Doxygen, and everything seems to be fine. The problem is when I'm trying to generate .rst files based on my newly generated xml-dir folder. I've seen that the value of the publicVar integer is written in the rst(s), but MAXIMUMSIZE's value is not. image

I need my Sphinx documentation to also provide the value of the #define, not only its name.

This is how Sphinx looks like: image

And I want it to be like that: image

Is there any stuff in doxyrest-config.lua I need to change in order to keep the macro values?

LexouDuck commented 2 years ago

There is indeed a simple enough workaround for this, which I use in my own projects.

You need to add a line of code to the doxyrest/frame/cfamily/utils.lua file, at line 505:

function getDefineDeclString(define, nameTemplate, indent)
    local s = "#define "

    s = s .. fillItemNameTemplate(nameTemplate, define.name, define.id)

    if #define.paramArray > 0 then
        -- no space between name and params!

        s = s .. getParamArrayString(s, define.paramArray, false, "(", ")", indent, " \\\n")

>   s = s .. '\t' .. getLinkedTextString(define.initializer, true)

    return s

You can see the line of code in question, I put a > character at the beginning of the line.