vovs03 / pocket_coach

It's a code base for mobile App "Pocket Coach"
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macOS run iOS Simulator #44

Closed vovs03 closed 1 month ago

vovs03 commented 1 month ago

macOS run iOS Simulator

CocoaPods | Podfile

Stage :zero:: Settings

  1. cd ./ios
  2. $ pod init
  3. $ pod install
  4. Check section Tests in Podfile |> comment it.

🚀 Simulator



vovs03 commented 1 month ago

🍏 Build


[ERROR:flutter/shell/platform/darwin/graphics/FlutterDarwinContextMetalImpeller.mm(42)] Using the Impeller rendering backend.

🍏 Very important step befory deploy to Appstore

To disable Impeller on iOS when deploying your app, add the following tags under the top-level tag in your app’s Info.plist file.

<false />

The team continues to improve macOS support. If you encounter performance or fidelity issues with Impeller on macOS, file an issue in the GitHub tracker. Prefix the issue title with [Impeller] and include a small reproducible test case.

Source: https://docs.flutter.dev/perf/impeller