vowsjs / kyuri

A node.js cucumber implementation with a few extra asynchronous keywords. supports 160+ languages and exports to VowsJS stubs
198 stars 19 forks source link

Status of the project #12

Closed masylum closed 13 years ago

masylum commented 13 years ago

What's the status of the project? I would love to participate but I don't where to start as I never worked with cucumber before.

Marak commented 13 years ago

It's under active development, we are just a bit side tracked at the moment launching nodejitsu.

You should start out by cloning the kyuri repo and then running the test suite using vows.

from indexzero:

With respect to Kyuri, there are some small changes to the lexer that need to get implemented so we can become an upstream dependency to Cucumber itself. The project lead, Aslak Hellesøy has expressed a strong interest in merging in Kyuri as the Javascript Gherkin parser.

indexzero commented 13 years ago

Thanks for the comment, but I'm closing this issue since it's not a bug or feature request.