voxeet / voxeet-uxkit-cordova

Dolby.io UXKit for Cordova
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liveRecording param seems to be ignored #16

Closed youssmak closed 4 years ago

youssmak commented 4 years ago

Describe the bug

No recording is generated and no webhook is received.

Expected Behaviour

Record the conference, same as through the react web version

Minimalistic code (recommended)

const { Voxeet, UserType } = VoxeetSDK;

.then(() => Voxeet.defaultBuiltInSpeaker(true))
.then(() => Voxeet.defaultVideo(true))
.then(() => Voxeet.connect(new UserInfo(id, name, avatar)))
.then(() => Voxeet.create({alias: conferenceAlias, params: {liveRecording: true}}))
.then(result => Voxeet.join(result.conferenceId))
.catch(err => alert(err));


VTCoco commented 4 years ago

Hello @youssmak, liveRecording parameter isn't enough to start a recording. The liveRecording parameter is only here to activate the record during the conference (mp3, MP4), but it will not start the record automatically.

We need to expose the record method for Cordova: https://github.com/voxeet/voxeet-ios-sdk#record-conferences so it's more like an improvement than a bug.

codlab commented 4 years ago

Bundled within the 1.2.2, this feature is available through

conferenceAlias: "something",
  params: {
    liveRecording: true

to actually trigger the recording (or stop it :

startRecording(): Promise<void>
stopRecording(): Promise<void>
youssmak commented 4 years ago

Thks @codlab Doest i have to start recording afeter calling the broadcast method? Is the recording automatically stopped when the end call red button is touched ?

const { Voxeet, UserType } = VoxeetSDK;

Voxeet.initializeToken("YOUR_CONSUMER_KEY", "YOUR_CONSUMER_SECRET") .then(() => Voxeet.defaultBuiltInSpeaker(true)) .then(() => Voxeet.defaultVideo(true)) .then(() => Voxeet.connect(new UserInfo(id, name, avatar))) .then(() => Voxeet.create({alias: conferenceAlias, params: {liveRecording: true}})) .then(result => Voxeet.broadcast(result.conferenceId)) .then(result => Voxeet. startRecording(result.conferenceId)) .catch(err => alert(err));