voxeet / voxeet-uxkit-cordova

Dolby.io UXKit for Cordova
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[Feature] Fire cordova window event whenever an action is performed #40

Closed weiz18 closed 3 years ago

weiz18 commented 3 years ago

Describe the bug

Currently, there is no way to know when the callkit is opened, closed , minimised or maximise apart from the visual feedback, so we can't perform any additional actions in respond to those, for instance, When a callkit is minimised, we would like to be notified and provide additional information to user such as a dialog.

Expected Behaviour

Getting notified when an action is performed in Uxkit. For instance, this keyboard plugin fire a window event whenever keyboard is shown or hidden (https://github.com/cjpearson/cordova-plugin-keyboard/blob/7897856fc9df9ae3d017c824e2ba59079aff44bd/www/keyboard.js#L55). Something similar to this would be really helpful, because currently,

FabienLavocat commented 3 years ago

Hi @weiz18 this Pull Request #44 will add the conference events into the Cordova layer for Android. You will be able to know when the status of a conference changes.

FabienLavocat commented 3 years ago

We are now propagating the conference events in the Cordova layer with the latest version of the plugin.