voxeet / voxeet-uxkit-reactnative

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Error importing com.reactlibrary.RNReactNativeVoxeetConferencekitPackage #19

Closed techiespace closed 3 years ago

techiespace commented 3 years ago

Describe the bug

I followed the setup instructions for uikit configuration for react native. After doing react-native run-android I get an error while trying to import com.reactlibrary.RNReactNativeVoxeetConferencekitPackage

Steps to Reproduce the Problem

Followed the exacts steps for installation here.

Minimalistic code (recommended)

WARNING: Configuration 'compile' is obsolete and has been replaced with 'implementation' and 'api'.
It will be removed soon. For more information see: http://d.android.com/r/tools/update-dependency-configurations.html

> Task :app:compileDebugJavaWithJavac FAILED

Deprecated Gradle features were used in this build, making it incompatible with Gradle 7.0.
Use '--warning-mode all' to show the individual deprecation warnings.
See https://docs.gradle.org/6.3/userguide/command_line_interface.html#sec:command_line_warnings
610 actionable tasks: 7 executed, 603 up-to-date
/home/shreyas/workspace/codecommit/Native/New/live-consumer-mobile/android/app/src/main/java/live/streamstyle/MainActivity.java:16: error: package com.reactlibrary does not exist
import com.reactlibrary.RNReactNativeVoxeetConferencekitPackage;
/home/shreyas/workspace/codecommit/Native/New/live-consumer-mobile/android/app/src/main/java/live/streamstyle/MainActivity.java:20: error: cannot find symbol
    private RNVoxeetActivityObject mActivityObject;
  symbol:   class RNVoxeetActivityObject
  location: class MainActivity
/home/shreyas/workspace/codecommit/Native/New/live-consumer-mobile/android/app/src/main/java/live/streamstyle/MainApplication.java:31: error: package com.reactlibrary does not exist
import com.reactlibrary.RNReactNativeVoxeetConferencekitPackage;
/home/shreyas/workspace/codecommit/Native/New/live-consumer-mobile/android/app/src/main/java/live/streamstyle/MainApplication.java:34: error: cannot find symbol
  private RNReactNativeVoxeetConferencekitPackage voxeet;
  symbol:   class RNReactNativeVoxeetConferencekitPackage
  location: class MainApplication
/home/shreyas/workspace/codecommit/Native/New/live-consumer-mobile/android/app/src/main/java/live/streamstyle/MainActivity.java:25: error: cannot find symbol
        mActivityObject = new RNVoxeetActivityObject();
  symbol:   class RNVoxeetActivityObject
  location: class MainActivity
/home/shreyas/workspace/codecommit/Native/New/live-consumer-mobile/android/app/src/main/java/live/streamstyle/MainApplication.java:87: error: cannot find symbol
    voxeet = new RNReactNativeVoxeetConferencekitPackage(MainApplication.this);
  symbol:   class RNReactNativeVoxeetConferencekitPackage
  location: class MainApplication
Note: /home/shreyas/workspace/codecommit/Native/New/live-consumer-mobile/android/app/src/debug/java/com/localliveconsumermobile/ReactNativeFlipper.java uses or overrides a deprecated API


codlab commented 3 years ago

Following the release of our latests versions, the only modification required are the following and will be updated soon

in the MainActivity.java file :

in the MainApplication.java file :

  <application ...>

            android:value="your.package.name.MainActivity" />

        <!-- copy the following meta-data tag if you have a drawable to represent the notification icon for your app -->
            android:resource="@drawable/ic_stat_notification_android" />

        <!-- copy the following meta-data if you also want to change the default notification color for your app -->
            android:resource="@android:color/white" />
techiespace commented 3 years ago

@codlab I've removed the previous imports and only added the snippets you mentioned above. This allowed me to compile for android. However the (react functions) to create and join conference do not work for native. Same for the streamAdded and streamUpdated callbacks. Can you please help on how we can create and join a conference and set streamAdded and streamUpdated callbacks in react native>

FabienLavocat commented 3 years ago

@techiespace Hi, I've seen your second support ticket about the streamAdded, streamUpdated as well as the VoxeetSDK functions from React.JS. This is not something the UXKit is capable of doing today. Using the UXKit, you should not need to use these events as the UXKit will handle the management of the video streams directly in the overlay.

techiespace commented 3 years ago

@FabienLavocat Hi, can you give any code example on how to used the UXKit. The docs provide examples and tutorials for React web only. I see the following imports available from index.d.ts in my React Native node modules.

export { ConferenceUser, CreateConference, JoinConference, MediaStream } from "./types";
export { VoxeetSDK, VoxeetEvents, VideoView };

A quick example of how to use these would be very helpful.

FabienLavocat commented 3 years ago

We are going to publish a new version of the UXKit for React Native this week or next week. It will contain an updated documentation (See the readme preview) as well as documented TypeScript definition of the VoxeetSDK object (preview of the definition).

You can use this import:

import { VoxeetSDK } from "@voxeet/react-native-voxeet-conferencekit";

Then, following the TypeScript definition on the link I just gave you, it should be fairly straightforward. You need to call initialize, then connect, create and join.

techiespace commented 3 years ago

After calling initialize, connect, create and join, what is the next step? What should I have my render method?

FabienLavocat commented 3 years ago

The join function will open the UXKit layout on top of your application. The end user will be directly in the conference. If you want to invite someone, you can also call the invite function to have someone joining your conference.

techiespace commented 3 years ago
  1. Code:

    const conferenceAlias = '12345678_QA_voxeet_back_stage_state';
    // 1. Create the conference
    await VoxeetSDK.create({ alias: conferenceAlias })
      .then((conference) => {
        console.log('voxeet conference: ', conference);    //call successful
        // 2. Join the conference
          VoxeetSDK.join(conference.conferenceId, {
            .then((participant) => {
              console.log('voxeet joined particiapnt : ', participant);  //App crashes before reaching this line
            .catch((e) => {
              Logger.log('error ', e);
      .catch((e) => {
        Logger.log('error-2 ', e);

    The app just exits without any error in console.

  2. Usecase: We have an admin and consumer. Admin sends an invite to multiple consumers and consumer joins the conference. Before joining consumer should see a camera preview in a small window which is also sent to the admin(So admin can see previews of all consumers and then select which ones to allow in the main conference). Once they are satisfied with their lighting conditions they can join in the call. The way we did this on web was by creating two conferences. One for preview and one main conference which the consumer joins after preview. How would you suggest we handle this on react native?

codlab commented 3 years ago

The crash of the app indicates that you must likely haven’t set Hermes as the default engine runner for your app. Please follow the mandatory steps for Android in the main readme section and retry from there.

techiespace commented 3 years ago

@codlab I have this line added in my app/build.gradle

project.ext.react = [
    enableHermes: true
codlab commented 3 years ago

With it you normally will use the hermes engine and won’t have the issue.

note that the snippet you posted before has an asynchronous bug. The await won’t wait for the join to return: please add a return statement before the VoxeetSDK’s join call (for the promise to be propagate to the main).

codlab commented 3 years ago

You can use the following to be more concise :

try {
  const conferenceAlias = '12345678_QA_voxeet_back_stage_state';
  const conference = await VoxeetSDK.create({ alias: conferenceAlias });
  const joined = await VoxeetSDK.join(conference.conferenceId, { });
} catch(e) {
  Logger.log('error ', e);
codlab commented 3 years ago

If you still have a crash, can you forward your adb logcat results but it won't likely happen since the Hermes engine, the new one, is compatible with our library as well as all the other ones

techiespace commented 3 years ago

I'll check it and get back to you. Can you please see the aforementioned use-case, is possible using uxkit? Also, do we have any control(like resizing and changing its styles) over the overlay that will be displayed after join?

techiespace commented 3 years ago

@codlab adb logcat printed the below error message just before the app crashed.

02-22 22:24:58.158  6995  6995 D FirebaseProvider: FirebaseInstanceId.getInstance().getAccessToken() returned an IllegalStateException, you have an issue with your project configuration (google-services.json for instance)
02-22 22:24:58.158  6995  6995 W System.err: java.lang.IllegalStateException: Default FirebaseApp is not initialized in this process live.streamstyle. Make sure to call FirebaseApp.initializeApp(Context) first.
02-22 22:24:58.158  6995  6995 W System.err:    at com.google.firebase.FirebaseApp.getInstance(com.google.firebase:firebase-common@@16.0.2:240)
02-22 22:24:58.158  6995  6995 W System.err:    at com.google.firebase.iid.FirebaseInstanceId.getInstance(Unknown Source:1)
02-22 22:24:58.158  6995  6995 W System.err:    at com.voxeet.uxkit.firebase.implementation.FirebaseProvider.getToken(FirebaseProvider.java:75)
02-22 22:24:58.158  6995  6995 W System.err:    at com.voxeet.sdk.services.VoxeetHttp.lambda$identifyChain$6$VoxeetHttp(VoxeetHttp.java:272)
02-22 22:24:58.158  6995  6995 W System.err:    at com.voxeet.sdk.services.-$$Lambda$VoxeetHttp$GmbFHlozwHthoal4u5BNnrUgNBA.onCall(Unknown Source:4)
02-22 22:24:58.159  6995  6995 W System.err:    at com.voxeet.promise.PromiseInOut$9.run(PromiseInOut.java:261)
02-22 22:24:58.159  6995  6995 W System.err:    at android.os.Handler.handleCallback(Handler.java:938)
02-22 22:24:58.159  6995  6995 W System.err:    at android.os.Handler.dispatchMessage(Handler.java:99)
02-22 22:24:58.159  6995  6995 W System.err:    at android.os.Looper.loop(Looper.java:223)
02-22 22:24:58.159  6995  6995 W System.err:    at android.app.ActivityThread.main(ActivityThread.java:7656)
02-22 22:24:58.159  6995  6995 W System.err:    at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Native Method)
02-22 22:24:58.159  6995  6995 W System.err:    at com.android.internal.os.RuntimeInit$MethodAndArgsCaller.run(RuntimeInit.java:592)
02-22 22:24:58.159  6995  6995 W System.err:    at com.android.internal.os.ZygoteInit.main(ZygoteInit.java:947)
02-22 22:24:59.256  6995  7105 D VoxeetHttp: intercept: builderIdentify
02-22 22:24:59.298  6995  6995 D VoxeetHttp: Successful login with id d7d30262-288f-3170-835e-f0e1074e889e
02-22 22:24:59.323  6995  6995 D SessionService: onCall: first login part done success ? true
02-22 22:24:59.509  6995  7110 D WebSocketProxy: onOpen: websocket:=okhttp3.internal.ws.RealWebSocket@a4411c8 response:=Response{protocol=http/1.1, code=101, message=Switching Protocols, url=https://ws-in.voxeet.com/v2/session?Token=eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJpYXQiOjE2MTQwMTI5MDAsImRldmljZVR5cGUiOiJBTkRST0lEIiwidGhpcmRQYXJ0eUlkIjoiU3BtOUxHdE40WldfZXUtaEhZSldUQT09Iiwidm94ZWV0UmVnaW9uIjoiaW4iLCJuYW1lIjoidGVzdEBnbWFpbC5jb20iLCJleHRlcm5hbElkIjoidGVzdEBnbWFpbC5jb20iLCJzZXNzaW9uSWQiOiI1MTNjMzc1Mi02ODUwLTQ1Y2ItOWVhOS01NjBmYzQ4MjE4NWUiLCJ1c2VySWQiOiJkN2QzMDI2Mi0yODhmLTMxNzAtODM1ZS1mMGUxMDc0ZTg4OWUifQ.XOjn2etU9LYiLjgsiwxsl52sjARc5RG-NW-OWciUTSg}
02-22 22:24:59.510  6995  7110 D WebSocketProxy: startPing
02-22 22:24:59.510  6995  7110 D VoxeetWebSocket: onStateChanged: newState:=CONNECTED
02-22 22:24:59.511  6995  6995 D ConferenceService: onEvent: SocketConnectEvent not rejoined </3 DEFAULT null
02-22 22:24:59.512  6995  6995 D SessionService: onEvent: calling resolved true
02-22 22:24:59.516  6995  6995 D ConferenceService: onEvent: SocketConnectEvent not rejoined </3 DEFAULT null
02-22 22:24:59.554  6995  6995 D DefaultRootViewProvider: onEvent: state CREATING null
02-22 22:24:59.556  6995  6995 D VoxeetConferenceView: onEvent: ConferenceStatusUpdatedEvent live.streamstyle.MainActivity@72d55c4
02-22 22:24:59.558  6995  6995 D CreateConferencePromiseable: Attempting to create conferene alias:=12345678_QA_voxeet_back_stage_state
02-22 22:24:59.698  6995  7118 D VoxeetHttp: intercept: builder
02-22 22:24:59.878  6995  7115 D VoxeetHttp: intercept: builder
02-22 22:24:59.905  6995  7114 D VoxeetHttp: intercept: builder
codlab commented 3 years ago

It seems that you are using the uxkit's firebase module but did not actually set up Firebase inside your project which then in turn crash your app

techiespace commented 3 years ago

I'm not using firebase explicity anywhere in the project. Followed the readme here for adding it. Is there any change apart from the readme there?

02-23 00:10:25.672   516   886 I system_server: oneway function results will be dropped but finished with status OK and parcel size 4
02-23 00:10:25.672   516   886 I system_server: oneway function results will be dropped but finished with status OK and parcel size 4
02-23 00:10:25.715 10599 10663 D VoxeetSDK: initExceptionIfOk: checking for exception to log internally
02-23 00:10:25.719 10599 10663 D io.sentry.android.AndroidSentryClientFactory: Construction of Android Sentry.
02-23 00:10:25.721 10599 10663 D io.sentry.android.AndroidSentryClientFactory: Sentry init with ctx='live.streamstyle.MainApplication@825e14' and dsn='Dsn{uri=https://sentry.io/}'
02-23 00:10:25.729 10599 10663 D io.sentry.android.AndroidSentryClientFactory: Using buffer dir: /data/user/0/live.streamstyle/cache/sentry-buffered-events
02-23 00:10:25.734 10599 10663 D VoxeetSentry: internalInit: handler ? io.sentry.SentryUncaughtExceptionHandler@611a0c3
02-23 00:10:25.734 10599 10663 D VoxeetSentry: internalInit: overriding the default thread uncaught handler ? false
02-23 00:10:25.734 10599 10663 D VoxeetSentry: internalInit: if it's not the intended behaviour, please use the method VoxeetSentry.enableOverride(true/false)
02-23 00:10:25.734 10599 10663 D VoxeetSentry: VoxeetSentry: sentry := com.voxeet.sentry.VoxeetSentry@e4f0d40
02-23 00:10:25.734 10599 10663 D VoxeetSentry: VoxeetSentry: onException := public void com.voxeet.sentry.VoxeetSentry.onException(java.lang.Throwable)
02-23 00:10:25.734 10599 10663 D VoxeetSDK: initExceptionIfOk: finished to try implementing error management
02-23 00:10:25.734 10599 10663 D VoxeetHttp: VoxeetHttp: initializing using appId/password
02-23 00:10:25.728 10599 10599 W mqt_native_modu: type=1400 audit(0.0:331): avc: denied { read } for name="version" dev="proc" ino=4026532035 scontext=u:r:untrusted_app_29:s0:c155,c256,c512,c768 tcontext=u:object_r:proc_version:s0 tclass=file permissive=0 app=live.streamstyle
02-23 00:10:25.743 10599 10599 D SessionService: onCall: start login in promise
02-23 00:10:25.743 10599 10599 D SessionService: onCall: having the list with elements := []
02-23 00:10:25.743 10599 10599 D SessionService: onCall: start login done... can take a time
02-23 00:10:25.762 10599 10599 D FirebaseProvider: FirebaseInstanceId.getInstance().getAccessToken() returned an IllegalStateException, you have an issue with your project configuration (google-services.json for instance)
02-23 00:10:25.762 10599 10599 W System.err: java.lang.IllegalStateException: Default FirebaseApp is not initialized in this process live.streamstyle. Make sure to call FirebaseApp.initializeApp(Context) first.
02-23 00:10:25.762 10599 10599 W System.err:    at com.google.firebase.FirebaseApp.getInstance(com.google.firebase:firebase-common@@16.0.2:240)
02-23 00:10:25.762 10599 10599 W System.err:    at com.google.firebase.iid.FirebaseInstanceId.getInstance(Unknown Source:1)
02-23 00:10:25.762 10599 10599 W System.err:    at com.voxeet.uxkit.firebase.implementation.FirebaseProvider.getToken(FirebaseProvider.java:75)
02-23 00:10:25.762 10599 10599 W System.err:    at com.voxeet.sdk.services.VoxeetHttp.lambda$identifyChain$6$VoxeetHttp(VoxeetHttp.java:272)
02-23 00:10:25.762 10599 10599 W System.err:    at com.voxeet.sdk.services.-$$Lambda$VoxeetHttp$GmbFHlozwHthoal4u5BNnrUgNBA.onCall(Unknown Source:4)
02-23 00:10:25.762 10599 10599 W System.err:    at com.voxeet.promise.PromiseInOut$9.run(PromiseInOut.java:261)
02-23 00:10:25.762 10599 10599 W System.err:    at android.os.Handler.handleCallback(Handler.java:938)
02-23 00:10:25.762 10599 10599 W System.err:    at android.os.Handler.dispatchMessage(Handler.java:99)
02-23 00:10:25.762 10599 10599 W System.err:    at android.os.Looper.loop(Looper.java:223)
02-23 00:10:25.762 10599 10599 W System.err:    at android.app.ActivityThread.main(ActivityThread.java:7656)
02-23 00:10:25.762 10599 10599 W System.err:    at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Native Method)
02-23 00:10:25.763 10599 10599 W System.err:    at com.android.internal.os.RuntimeInit$MethodAndArgsCaller.run(RuntimeInit.java:592)
02-23 00:10:25.763 10599 10599 W System.err:    at com.android.internal.os.ZygoteInit.main(ZygoteInit.java:947)
02-23 00:10:25.806   516  1465 I system_server: oneway function results will be dropped but finished with status OK and parcel size 4
02-23 00:10:26.650 10599 10705 D VoxeetHttp: intercept: builderIdentify
02-23 00:10:26.696 10599 10599 D VoxeetHttp: Successful login with id d7d30262-288f-3170-835e-f0e1074e889e
02-23 00:10:26.701 10599 10599 D SessionService: onCall: first login part done success ? true
02-23 00:10:26.814 10599 10710 D WebSocketProxy: onOpen: websocket:=okhttp3.internal.ws.RealWebSocket@1c5dcfa response:=Response{protocol=http/1.1, code=101, message=Switching Protocols, url=https://ws-in.voxeet.com/v2/session?Token=eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJpYXQiOjE2MTQwMTkyMjcsImRldmljZVR5cGUiOiJBTkRST0lEIiwidGhpcmRQYXJ0eUlkIjoiU3BtOUxHdE40WldfZXUtaEhZSldUQT09Iiwidm94ZWV0UmVnaW9uIjoiaW4iLCJuYW1lIjoidGVzdEBnbWFpbC5jb20iLCJleHRlcm5hbElkIjoidGVzdEBnbWFpbC5jb20iLCJzZXNzaW9uSWQiOiIxZjcwOWQ0Yy0zZjE3LTRmZGMtOTMwMy0wN2ZkY2I5Nzg2NjIiLCJ1c2VySWQiOiJkN2QzMDI2Mi0yODhmLTMxNzAtODM1ZS1mMGUxMDc0ZTg4OWUifQ.KXblCTLb0-DYomh2CtsQfmGaOb6qRHt_m4h2GGZNK4Y}
02-23 00:10:26.814 10599 10710 D WebSocketProxy: startPing
02-23 00:10:26.814 10599 10710 D VoxeetWebSocket: onStateChanged: newState:=CONNECTED
02-23 00:10:26.816 10599 10599 D ConferenceService: onEvent: SocketConnectEvent not rejoined </3 DEFAULT null
02-23 00:10:26.816 10599 10599 D SessionService: onEvent: calling resolved true
02-23 00:10:26.819 10599 10599 D ConferenceService: onEvent: SocketConnectEvent not rejoined </3 DEFAULT null
02-23 00:10:26.843 10599 10599 D DefaultRootViewProvider: onEvent: state CREATING null
02-23 00:10:26.844 10599 10599 D VoxeetConferenceView: onEvent: ConferenceStatusUpdatedEvent live.streamstyle.MainActivity@1b968d7
02-23 00:10:26.845 10599 10599 D CreateConferencePromiseable: Attempting to create conferene alias:=12345678_QA_voxeet_back_stage_state
02-23 00:10:26.961 10599 10718 D VoxeetHttp: intercept: builder
02-23 00:10:27.001 10599 10715 D VoxeetHttp: intercept: builder
02-23 00:10:27.017 10599 10599 D ConferenceService: createOrSetConferenceWithParams: set conference id := b51e08a1-5426-4bcc-8441-1ae721fbbd5d
02-23 00:10:27.019 10599 10599 D Conference: log: updateParticipants: create RestParticipant from RestParticipant := Participant{id='d7d30262-288f-3170-835e-f0e1074e889e', participantInfo=ParticipantInfo{name='test@gmail.com', externalId='test@gmail.com', avatarUrl='null'}, status=null, quality='null'}
02-23 00:10:27.019 10599 10599 D Conference: log: 
02-23 00:10:27.020 10599 10599 D DefaultRootViewProvider: onEvent: state CREATED null
02-23 00:10:27.020 10599 10599 D SoundPool: stop: []
02-23 00:10:27.020 10599 10599 D SoundPool: stop: testing out.mp3 1
02-23 00:10:27.020 10599 10599 D VoxeetConferenceView: onEvent: your current conference type is not compatible with ringing
02-23 00:10:27.020 10599 10599 D CreateConferencePromiseable: internalCreate onNext: join with := b51e08a1-5426-4bcc-8441-1ae721fbbd5d 12345678_QA_voxeet_back_stage_state
02-23 00:10:27.020 10599 10599 D CreateConferencePromiseable: now conference is b51e08a1-5426-4bcc-8441-1ae721fbbd5d
02-23 00:10:27.023 10599 10663 D com.voxeet.sdk.utils.Validate: hasPermissionInManifest: permission android.permission.RECORD_AUDIO is in manifest
02-23 00:10:27.024 10599 10663 D RNVoxeetConferencekitModule: join: joining as listener ? false
02-23 00:10:27.025 10599 10599 D ConferenceService: createOrSetConferenceWithParams: set conference id := b51e08a1-5426-4bcc-8441-1ae721fbbd5d
02-23 00:10:27.025 10599 10599 D JoinPromise: Attempting to join conference alias:=12345678_QA_voxeet_back_stage_state conferenceId:=b51e08a1-5426-4bcc-8441-1ae721fbbd5d
02-23 00:10:27.025 10599 10599 D JoinPromise: onNext: having conference
02-23 00:10:27.025 10599 10599 D JoinPromise: onNext: join with := b51e08a1-5426-4bcc-8441-1ae721fbbd5d 12345678_QA_voxeet_back_stage_state
02-23 00:10:27.025 10599 10599 D ConferenceService: joining b51e08a1-5426-4bcc-8441-1ae721fbbd5d
02-23 00:10:27.026 10599 10599 D com.voxeet.sdk.utils.Validate: hasPermissionInManifest: permission android.permission.RECORD_AUDIO is in manifest
02-23 00:10:27.026 10599 10599 D ConferenceInformation: isOwnVideoStarted: false
02-23 00:10:27.026 10599 10599 D com.voxeet.sdk.utils.Validate: hasPermissionInManifest: permission android.permission.RECORD_AUDIO is in manifest
02-23 00:10:27.044 10599 10599 D HostConnection: HostConnection::get() New Host Connection established 0xbcdd55c0, tid 10599
02-23 00:10:27.054 10599 10599 D HostConnection: HostComposition ext ANDROID_EMU_CHECKSUM_HELPER_v1 ANDROID_EMU_native_sync_v2 ANDROID_EMU_native_sync_v3 ANDROID_EMU_native_sync_v4 ANDROID_EMU_dma_v1 ANDROID_EMU_direct_mem ANDROID_EMU_host_composition_v1 ANDROID_EMU_host_composition_v2 ANDROID_EMU_vulkan ANDROID_EMU_deferred_vulkan_commands ANDROID_EMU_vulkan_null_optional_strings ANDROID_EMU_vulkan_create_resources_with_requirements ANDROID_EMU_YUV_Cache ANDROID_EMU_async_unmap_buffer ANDROID_EMU_vulkan_ignored_handles ANDROID_EMU_vulkan_free_memory_sync ANDROID_EMU_vulkan_shader_float16_int8 ANDROID_EMU_vulkan_async_queue_submit GL_OES_vertex_array_object GL_KHR_texture_compression_astc_ldr ANDROID_EMU_host_side_tracing ANDROID_EMU_async_frame_commands ANDROID_EMU_gles_max_version_2 
02-23 00:10:27.055 10599 10599 I org.webrtc.Logging: EglBase10Impl: Using OpenGL ES version 2
02-23 00:10:27.055 10599 10599 D EGL_emulation: eglCreateContext: 0xbcdd4130: maj 2 min 0 rcv 2
02-23 00:10:27.056 10599 10599 I org.webrtc.Logging: EglBase14Impl: Using OpenGL ES version 2
02-23 00:10:27.057 10599 10599 D EGL_emulation: eglCreateContext: 0xbcde4dd0: maj 2 min 0 rcv 2
02-23 00:10:27.057 10599 10599 D EventBus: No subscribers registered for event class com.voxeet.sdk.media.EglBaseRefreshEvent
02-23 00:10:27.057 10599 10599 D EventBus: No subscribers registered for event class org.greenrobot.eventbus.NoSubscriberEvent
02-23 00:10:27.057 10599 10599 W org.webrtc.Logging: WebRtcAudioManager: Overriding default output behavior: setStereoOutput(true)
02-23 00:10:27.061   516  1465 I system_server: oneway function results will be dropped but finished with status OK and parcel size 4
02-23 00:10:27.061   516  1465 I system_server: oneway function results will be dropped but finished with status OK and parcel size 4
02-23 00:10:27.064 10599 10599 I org.webrtc.Logging: WebRtcAudioManagerExternal: Sample rate is set to 44100 Hz
02-23 00:10:27.064 10599 10599 I org.webrtc.Logging: WebRtcAudioManagerExternal: Sample rate is set to 44100 Hz
02-23 00:10:27.064 10599 10599 I org.webrtc.Logging: JavaAudioDeviceModule: createAudioDeviceModule
02-23 00:10:27.064 10599 10599 I org.webrtc.Logging: JavaAudioDeviceModule: HW NS will not be used.
02-23 00:10:27.064 10599 10599 I org.webrtc.Logging: JavaAudioDeviceModule: HW AEC will not be used.
02-23 00:10:27.064 10599 10599 I org.webrtc.Logging: WebRtcAudioEffectsExternal: ctor@[name=main, id=2]
02-23 00:10:27.069 10599 10723 E MediaSDK: JNI Init
02-23 00:10:27.087 10599 10723 I VideoCapabilities: Unsupported profile 4 for video/mp4v-es
02-23 00:10:27.096 10599 10723 F libc    : Fatal signal 6 (SIGABRT), code -1 (SI_QUEUE) in tid 10723 (SDK), pid 10599 (ive.streamstyle)
02-23 00:10:27.088 10599 10599 W SDK     : type=1400 audit(0.0:332): avc: denied { ioctl } for path="socket:[254946]" dev="sockfs" ino=254946 ioctlcmd=0x8927 scontext=u:r:untrusted_app_29:s0:c155,c256,c512,c768 tcontext=u:r:untrusted_app_29:s0:c155,c256,c512,c768 tclass=udp_socket permissive=0 app=live.streamstyle
02-23 00:10:27.181 10731 10731 I crash_dump32: obtaining output fd from tombstoned, type: kDebuggerdTombstone
02-23 00:10:27.181   284   284 I tombstoned: received crash request for pid 10723
02-23 00:10:27.182 10731 10731 I crash_dump32: performing dump of process 10599 (target tid = 10723)
02-23 00:10:27.190 10731 10731 F DEBUG   : *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** ***
02-23 00:10:27.190 10731 10731 F DEBUG   : Build fingerprint: 'google/sdk_gphone_x86_arm/generic_x86_arm:11/RSR1.201013.001/6903271:userdebug/dev-keys'
02-23 00:10:27.190 10731 10731 F DEBUG   : Revision: '0'
02-23 00:10:27.190 10731 10731 F DEBUG   : ABI: 'x86'
02-23 00:10:27.190 10731 10731 F DEBUG   : Timestamp: 2021-02-23 00:10:27+0530
02-23 00:10:27.190 10731 10731 F DEBUG   : pid: 10599, tid: 10723, name: SDK  >>> live.streamstyle <<<
02-23 00:10:27.190 10731 10731 F DEBUG   : uid: 10155
02-23 00:10:27.190 10731 10731 F DEBUG   : signal 6 (SIGABRT), code -1 (SI_QUEUE), fault addr --------
02-23 00:10:27.190 10731 10731 F DEBUG   :     eax 00000000  ebx 00002967  ecx 000029e3  edx 00000006
02-23 00:10:27.190 10731 10731 F DEBUG   :     edi f219581e  esi ad53c8c0
02-23 00:10:27.190 10731 10731 F DEBUG   :     ebp f5454b90  esp ad53c868  eip f5454b99
02-23 00:10:27.274 10731 10731 F DEBUG   : backtrace:
02-23 00:10:27.274 10731 10731 F DEBUG   :       #00 pc 00000b99  [vdso] (__kernel_vsyscall+9)
02-23 00:10:27.274 10731 10731 F DEBUG   :       #01 pc 0005ad68  /apex/com.android.runtime/lib/bionic/libc.so (syscall+40) (BuildId: 6e3a0180fa6637b68c0d181c343e6806)
02-23 00:10:27.275 10731 10731 F DEBUG   :       #02 pc 00076511  /apex/com.android.runtime/lib/bionic/libc.so (abort+209) (BuildId: 6e3a0180fa6637b68c0d181c343e6806)
02-23 00:10:27.275 10731 10731 F DEBUG   :       #03 pc 000b8d4c  /data/app/~~RDLAYsM92iuD86Jete5ZWg==/live.streamstyle-Mi0SeBq6jtxNXO5NCyDgLA==/lib/x86/libc++_shared.so (BuildId: 8771d1ad0fbd042529aa00a1937ddbc7b237a107)
02-23 00:10:27.275 10731 10731 F DEBUG   :       #04 pc 000b29d0  /data/app/~~RDLAYsM92iuD86Jete5ZWg==/live.streamstyle-Mi0SeBq6jtxNXO5NCyDgLA==/lib/x86/libc++_shared.so (__gxx_personality_v0+416) (BuildId: 8771d1ad0fbd042529aa00a1937ddbc7b237a107)
02-23 00:10:27.275 10731 10731 F DEBUG   :       #05 pc 000a4ec4  /data/app/~~RDLAYsM92iuD86Jete5ZWg==/live.streamstyle-Mi0SeBq6jtxNXO5NCyDgLA==/lib/x86/libreactnativejni.so (BuildId: 930803d0b368271f5f896b0cefe51d5c5c2e92b3)
02-23 00:10:27.275 10731 10731 F DEBUG   :       #06 pc 000a51b6  /data/app/~~RDLAYsM92iuD86Jete5ZWg==/live.streamstyle-Mi0SeBq6jtxNXO5NCyDgLA==/lib/x86/libreactnativejni.so (_Unwind_RaiseException+263) (BuildId: 930803d0b368271f5f896b0cefe51d5c5c2e92b3)
02-23 00:10:27.275 10731 10731 F DEBUG   :       #07 pc 000b6d6c  /data/app/~~RDLAYsM92iuD86Jete5ZWg==/live.streamstyle-Mi0SeBq6jtxNXO5NCyDgLA==/lib/x86/libfbjni.so (__cxa_throw+108) (BuildId: 3546c1351f83366cb88b3802c4c63ee907e2db98)
02-23 00:10:27.275 10731 10731 F DEBUG   :       #08 pc 0005c7a4  /data/app/~~RDLAYsM92iuD86Jete5ZWg==/live.streamstyle-Mi0SeBq6jtxNXO5NCyDgLA==/lib/x86/libc++_shared.so (std::__ndk1::locale::use_facet(std::__ndk1::locale::id&) const+212) (BuildId: 8771d1ad0fbd042529aa00a1937ddbc7b237a107)
02-23 00:10:27.275 10731 10731 F DEBUG   :       #09 pc 0006d922  /data/app/~~RDLAYsM92iuD86Jete5ZWg==/live.streamstyle-Mi0SeBq6jtxNXO5NCyDgLA==/lib/x86/libMediaEngineJni.so (BuildId: 645cb905670cf05b212cacfe708ad9bf26cff493)
02-23 00:10:27.275 10731 10731 F DEBUG   :       #10 pc 0006bc79  /data/app/~~RDLAYsM92iuD86Jete5ZWg==/live.streamstyle-Mi0SeBq6jtxNXO5NCyDgLA==/lib/x86/libMediaEngineJni.so (sole::uuid::str() const+361) (BuildId: 645cb905670cf05b212cacfe708ad9bf26cff493)
02-23 00:10:27.275 10731 10731 F DEBUG   :       #11 pc 0006b0ea  /data/app/~~RDLAYsM92iuD86Jete5ZWg==/live.streamstyle-Mi0SeBq6jtxNXO5NCyDgLA==/lib/x86/libMediaEngineJni.so (mxe::media_engine<mxe::media_mixer>::create_local_media_stream()+170) (BuildId: 645cb905670cf05b212cacfe708ad9bf26cff493)
02-23 00:10:27.275 10731 10731 F DEBUG   :       #12 pc 0005f372  /data/app/~~RDLAYsM92iuD86Jete5ZWg==/live.streamstyle-Mi0SeBq6jtxNXO5NCyDgLA==/lib/x86/libMediaEngineJni.so (mxe::media_engine<mxe::media_mixer>::init(std::__ndk1::unique_ptr<webrtc::VideoEncoderFactory, std::__ndk1::default_delete<webrtc::VideoEncoderFactory> >, std::__ndk1::unique_ptr<webrtc::VideoDecoderFactory, std::__ndk1::default_delete<webrtc::VideoDecoderFactory> >, rtc::scoped_refptr<webrtc::VideoTrackSourceInterface>, rtc::scoped_refptr<webrtc::AudioDeviceModule>, webrtc::MediaConstraints const&)+322) (BuildId: 645cb905670cf05b212cacfe708ad9bf26cff493)
02-23 00:10:27.275 10731 10731 F DEBUG   :       #13 pc 0005adf9  /data/app/~~RDLAYsM92iuD86Jete5ZWg==/live.streamstyle-Mi0SeBq6jtxNXO5NCyDgLA==/lib/x86/libMediaEngineJni.so (Java_com_voxeet_android_media_MediaEngine_Init+2185) (BuildId: 645cb905670cf05b212cacfe708ad9bf26cff493)
02-23 00:10:27.275 10731 10731 F DEBUG   :       #14 pc 00142132  /apex/com.android.art/lib/libart.so (art_quick_generic_jni_trampoline+82) (BuildId: 8191579dfafff37a5cbca70f9a73020f)
02-23 00:10:27.275 10731 10731 F DEBUG   :       #15 pc 0013b922  /apex/com.android.art/lib/libart.so (art_quick_invoke_stub+338) (BuildId: 8191579dfafff37a5cbca70f9a73020f)
02-23 00:10:27.275 10731 10731 F DEBUG   :       #16 pc 001d0381  /apex/com.android.art/lib/libart.so (art::ArtMethod::Invoke(art::Thread*, unsigned int*, unsigned int, art::JValue*, char const*)+241) (BuildId: 8191579dfafff37a5cbca70f9a73020f)
02-23 00:10:27.275 10731 10731 F DEBUG   :       #17 pc 00386701  /apex/com.android.art/lib/libart.so (art::interpreter::ArtInterpreterToCompiledCodeBridge(art::Thread*, art::ArtMethod*, art::ShadowFrame*, unsigned short, art::JValue*)+385) (BuildId: 8191579dfafff37a5cbca70f9a73020f)
02-23 00:10:27.275 10731 10731 F DEBUG   :       #18 pc 0037bcad  /apex/com.android.art/lib/libart.so (bool art::interpreter::DoCall<true, false>(art::ArtMethod*, art::Thread*, art::ShadowFrame&, art::Instruction const*, unsigned short, art::JValue*)+829) (BuildId: 8191579dfafff37a5cbca70f9a73020f)
02-23 00:10:27.275 10731 10731 F DEBUG   :       #19 pc 007a83d8  /apex/com.android.art/lib/libart.so (MterpInvokeDirectRange+504) (BuildId: 8191579dfafff37a5cbca70f9a73020f)
02-23 00:10:27.275 10731 10731 F DEBUG   :       #20 pc 00135ba1  /apex/com.android.art/lib/libart.so (mterp_op_invoke_direct_range+33) (BuildId: 8191579dfafff37a5cbca70f9a73020f)
02-23 00:10:27.275 10731 10731 F DEBUG   :       #21 pc 001f610c  [anon:dalvik-classes3.dex extracted in memory from /data/app/~~RDLAYsM92iuD86Jete5ZWg==/live.streamstyle-Mi0SeBq6jtxNXO5NCyDgLA==/base.apk!classes3.dex] (com.voxeet.android.media.MediaEngine.lambda$new$0$MediaEngine+80)
02-23 00:10:27.275 10731 10731 F DEBUG   :       #22 pc 007a14fe  /apex/com.android.art/lib/libart.so (MterpInvokeVirtual+1806) (BuildId: 8191579dfafff37a5cbca70f9a73020f)
02-23 00:10:27.275 10731 10731 F DEBUG   :       #23 pc 001357a1  /apex/com.android.art/lib/libart.so (mterp_op_invoke_virtual+33) (BuildId: 8191579dfafff37a5cbca70f9a73020f)
02-23 00:10:27.275 10731 10731 F DEBUG   :       #24 pc 001f5288  [anon:dalvik-classes3.dex extracted in memory from /data/app/~~RDLAYsM92iuD86Jete5ZWg==/live.streamstyle-Mi0SeBq6jtxNXO5NCyDgLA==/base.apk!classes3.dex] (com.voxeet.android.media.-$$Lambda$MediaEngine$TiQYYqUayy_SdGDCyVCifERtZYA.run+20)
02-23 00:10:27.275 10731 10731 F DEBUG   :       #25 pc 0036fb02  /apex/com.android.art/lib/libart.so (art::interpreter::Execute(art::Thread*, art::CodeItemDataAccessor const&, art::ShadowFrame&, art::JValue, bool, bool) (.llvm.16375758241455872412)+370) (BuildId: 8191579dfafff37a5cbca70f9a73020f)
02-23 00:10:27.275 10731 10731 F DEBUG   :       #26 pc 00379b00  /apex/com.android.art/lib/libart.so (art::interpreter::EnterInterpreterFromEntryPoint(art::Thread*, art::CodeItemDataAccessor const&, art::ShadowFrame*)+176) (BuildId: 8191579dfafff37a5cbca70f9a73020f)
02-23 00:10:27.275 10731 10731 F DEBUG   :       #27 pc 0078b325  /apex/com.android.art/lib/libart.so (artQuickToInterpreterBridge+1061) (BuildId: 8191579dfafff37a5cbca70f9a73020f)
02-23 00:10:27.275 10731 10731 F DEBUG   :       #28 pc 0014220d  /apex/com.android.art/lib/libart.so (art_quick_to_interpreter_bridge+77) (BuildId: 8191579dfafff37a5cbca70f9a73020f)
02-23 00:10:27.275 10731 10731 F DEBUG   :       #29 pc 02016892  /memfd:jit-cache (deleted) (offset 0x2000000) (android.os.Handler.handleCallback+66)
02-23 00:10:27.275 10731 10731 F DEBUG   :       #30 pc 020014e1  /memfd:jit-cache (deleted) (offset 0x2000000) (android.os.Handler.dispatchMessage+65)
02-23 00:10:27.275 10731 10731 F DEBUG   :       #31 pc 02028d40  /memfd:jit-cache (deleted) (offset 0x2000000) (android.os.Looper.loop+1584)
02-23 00:10:27.276 10731 10731 F DEBUG   :       #32 pc 0013baf2  /apex/com.android.art/lib/libart.so (art_quick_invoke_static_stub+418) (BuildId: 8191579dfafff37a5cbca70f9a73020f)
02-23 00:10:27.276 10731 10731 F DEBUG   :       #33 pc 001d0392  /apex/com.android.art/lib/libart.so (art::ArtMethod::Invoke(art::Thread*, unsigned int*, unsigned int, art::JValue*, char const*)+258) (BuildId: 8191579dfafff37a5cbca70f9a73020f)
02-23 00:10:27.276 10731 10731 F DEBUG   :       #34 pc 00386701  /apex/com.android.art/lib/libart.so (art::interpreter::ArtInterpreterToCompiledCodeBridge(art::Thread*, art::ArtMethod*, art::ShadowFrame*, unsigned short, art::JValue*)+385) (BuildId: 8191579dfafff37a5cbca70f9a73020f)
02-23 00:10:27.276 10731 10731 F DEBUG   :       #35 pc 0037aa3e  /apex/com.android.art/lib/libart.so (bool art::interpreter::DoCall<false, false>(art::ArtMethod*, art::Thread*, art::ShadowFrame&, art::Instruction const*, unsigned short, art::JValue*)+1070) (BuildId: 8191579dfafff37a5cbca70f9a73020f)
02-23 00:10:27.276 10731 10731 F DEBUG   :       #36 pc 007a4d2d  /apex/com.android.art/lib/libart.so (MterpInvokeStatic+637) (BuildId: 8191579dfafff37a5cbca70f9a73020f)
02-23 00:10:27.276 10731 10731 F DEBUG   :       #37 pc 00135921  /apex/com.android.art/lib/libart.so (mterp_op_invoke_static+33) (BuildId: 8191579dfafff37a5cbca70f9a73020f)
02-23 00:10:27.276 10731 10731 F DEBUG   :       #38 pc 0036e914  /system/framework/framework.jar (offset 0x92b000) (android.os.HandlerThread.run+56)
02-23 00:10:27.276 10731 10731 F DEBUG   :       #39 pc 0036fb02  /apex/com.android.art/lib/libart.so (art::interpreter::Execute(art::Thread*, art::CodeItemDataAccessor const&, art::ShadowFrame&, art::JValue, bool, bool) (.llvm.16375758241455872412)+370) (BuildId: 8191579dfafff37a5cbca70f9a73020f)
02-23 00:10:27.276 10731 10731 F DEBUG   :       #40 pc 00379b00  /apex/com.android.art/lib/libart.so (art::interpreter::EnterInterpreterFromEntryPoint(art::Thread*, art::CodeItemDataAccessor const&, art::ShadowFrame*)+176) (BuildId: 8191579dfafff37a5cbca70f9a73020f)
02-23 00:10:27.276 10731 10731 F DEBUG   :       #41 pc 0078b325  /apex/com.android.art/lib/libart.so (artQuickToInterpreterBridge+1061) (BuildId: 8191579dfafff37a5cbca70f9a73020f)
02-23 00:10:27.276 10731 10731 F DEBUG   :       #42 pc 0014220d  /apex/com.android.art/lib/libart.so (art_quick_to_interpreter_bridge+77) (BuildId: 8191579dfafff37a5cbca70f9a73020f)
02-23 00:10:27.276 10731 10731 F DEBUG   :       #43 pc 0013b922  /apex/com.android.art/lib/libart.so (art_quick_invoke_stub+338) (BuildId: 8191579dfafff37a5cbca70f9a73020f)
02-23 00:10:27.276 10731 10731 F DEBUG   :       #44 pc 001d0381  /apex/com.android.art/lib/libart.so (art::ArtMethod::Invoke(art::Thread*, unsigned int*, unsigned int, art::JValue*, char const*)+241) (BuildId: 8191579dfafff37a5cbca70f9a73020f)
02-23 00:10:27.276 10731 10731 F DEBUG   :       #45 pc 0062f37c  /apex/com.android.art/lib/libart.so (art::JValue art::InvokeVirtualOrInterfaceWithJValues<art::ArtMethod*>(art::ScopedObjectAccessAlreadyRunnable const&, _jobject*, art::ArtMethod*, jvalue const*)+620) (BuildId: 8191579dfafff37a5cbca70f9a73020f)
02-23 00:10:27.276 10731 10731 F DEBUG   :       #46 pc 0062f595  /apex/com.android.art/lib/libart.so (art::JValue art::InvokeVirtualOrInterfaceWithJValues<_jmethodID*>(art::ScopedObjectAccessAlreadyRunnable const&, _jobject*, _jmethodID*, jvalue const*)+85) (BuildId: 8191579dfafff37a5cbca70f9a73020f)
02-23 00:10:27.276 10731 10731 F DEBUG   :       #47 pc 00697701  /apex/com.android.art/lib/libart.so (art::Thread::CreateCallback(void*)+1537) (BuildId: 8191579dfafff37a5cbca70f9a73020f)
02-23 00:10:27.276 10731 10731 F DEBUG   :       #48 pc 000e6974  /apex/com.android.runtime/lib/bionic/libc.so (__pthread_start(void*)+100) (BuildId: 6e3a0180fa6637b68c0d181c343e6806)
02-23 00:10:27.276 10731 10731 F DEBUG   :       #49 pc 00078567  /apex/com.android.runtime/lib/bionic/libc.so (__start_thread+71) (BuildId: 6e3a0180fa6637b68c0d181c343e6806)
02-23 00:10:27.494     0     0 D logd    : logdr: UID=10155 GID=10155 PID=10731 n tail=50 logMask=8 pid=10599 start=0ns timeout=0ns
02-23 00:10:27.497     0     0 D logd    : logdr: UID=10155 GID=10155 PID=10731 n tail=50 logMask=1 pid=10599 start=0ns timeout=0ns
02-23 00:10:27.709     0     0 D logd    : logdr: UID=10155 GID=10155 PID=10731 n tail=0 logMask=8 pid=10599 start=0ns timeout=0ns
02-23 00:10:27.710     0     0 D logd    : logdr: UID=10155 GID=10155 PID=10731 n tail=0 logMask=1 pid=10599 start=0ns timeout=0ns
02-23 00:10:27.642   284   284 E tombstoned: Tombstone written to: /data/tombstones/tombstone_45
02-23 00:10:27.643   516 10739 I DropBoxManagerService: add tag=data_app_native_crash isTagEnabled=true flags=0x2
02-23 00:10:27.643   516 10738 W ActivityTaskManager:   Force finishing activity live.streamstyle/.MainActivity
02-23 00:10:27.645   516   550 I BootReceiver: Copying /data/tombstones/tombstone_45 to DropBox (SYSTEM_TOMBSTONE)
02-23 00:10:27.646   516   550 I DropBoxManagerService: add tag=SYSTEM_TOMBSTONE isTagEnabled=true flags=0x2
02-23 00:10:27.648   307   364 D goldfish-address-space: allocate: Ask for block of size 0xf0000
02-23 00:10:27.648   307   364 D goldfish-address-space: allocate: ioctl allocate returned offset 0x3ff8f9000 size 0xf1000
02-23 00:10:27.658   516  6790 D HostConnection: HostConnection::get() New Host Connection established 0xb5fc8580, tid 6790
02-23 00:10:27.661   516   542 W BroadcastQueue: Background execution not allowed: receiving Intent { act=android.intent.action.DROPBOX_ENTRY_ADDED flg=0x10 (has extras) } to com.google.android.gms/.stats.service.DropBoxEntryAddedReceiver
02-23 00:10:27.661   516   542 W BroadcastQueue: Background execution not allowed: receiving Intent { act=android.intent.action.DROPBOX_ENTRY_ADDED flg=0x10 (has extras) } to com.google.android.gms/.chimera.GmsIntentOperationService$PersistentTrustedReceiver
02-23 00:10:27.661   516   542 W BroadcastQueue: Background execution not allowed: receiving Intent { act=android.intent.action.DROPBOX_ENTRY_ADDED flg=0x10 (has extras) } to com.google.android.gms/.stats.service.DropBoxEntryAddedReceiver
02-23 00:10:27.661   516   542 W BroadcastQueue: Background execution not allowed: receiving Intent { act=android.intent.action.DROPBOX_ENTRY_ADDED flg=0x10 (has extras) } to com.google.android.gms/.chimera.GmsIntentOperationService$PersistentTrustedReceiver
02-23 00:10:27.675   516  6790 D HostConnection: HostComposition ext ANDROID_EMU_CHECKSUM_HELPER_v1 ANDROID_EMU_native_sync_v2 ANDROID_EMU_native_sync_v3 ANDROID_EMU_native_sync_v4 ANDROID_EMU_dma_v1 ANDROID_EMU_direct_mem ANDROID_EMU_host_composition_v1 ANDROID_EMU_host_composition_v2 ANDROID_EMU_vulkan ANDROID_EMU_deferred_vulkan_commands ANDROID_EMU_vulkan_null_optional_strings ANDROID_EMU_vulkan_create_resources_with_requirements ANDROID_EMU_YUV_Cache ANDROID_EMU_async_unmap_buffer ANDROID_EMU_vulkan_ignored_handles ANDROID_EMU_vulkan_free_memory_sync ANDROID_EMU_vulkan_shader_float16_int8 ANDROID_EMU_vulkan_async_queue_submit GL_OES_vertex_array_object GL_KHR_texture_compression_astc_ldr ANDROID_EMU_host_side_tracing ANDROID_EMU_async_frame_commands ANDROID_EMU_gles_max_version_2 
02-23 00:10:27.675   516  6790 W OpenGLRenderer: Failed to choose config with EGL_SWAP_BEHAVIOR_PRESERVED, retrying without...
02-23 00:10:27.676   516  6790 D EGL_emulation: eglCreateContext: 0xf4db1400: maj 2 min 0 rcv 2
02-23 00:10:27.678   516  6790 D EGL_emulation: eglMakeCurrent: 0xf4db1400: ver 2 0 (tinfo 0xbd557ef0) (first time)
02-23 00:10:27.765     0     0 I init    : Untracked pid 10731 exited with status 0
02-23 00:10:27.788     0     0 I init    : Untracked pid 10733 exited with status 0
02-23 00:10:27.722   307   364 D goldfish-address-space: allocate: Ask for block of size 0xebb00
02-23 00:10:27.722   307   364 D goldfish-address-space: allocate: ioctl allocate returned offset 0x3fee0d000 size 0xed000
02-23 00:10:27.725   307   364 D goldfish-address-space: allocate: Ask for block of size 0xebb00
02-23 00:10:27.725   307   364 D goldfish-address-space: allocate: ioctl allocate returned offset 0x3fed20000 size 0xed000
02-23 00:10:27.728   307   364 D goldfish-address-space: allocate: Ask for block of size 0xebb00
02-23 00:10:27.728   307   364 D goldfish-address-space: allocate: ioctl allocate returned offset 0x3ffb32000 size 0xed000
02-23 00:10:27.745   291   291 I Zygote  : Process 10599 exited due to signal 6 (Aborted)
02-23 00:10:27.746   516  1465 D ConnectivityService: ConnectivityService NetworkRequestInfo binderDied(NetworkRequest [ TRACK_DEFAULT id=76, [ Capabilities: INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED Uid: 10155 AdministratorUids: [] RequestorUid: 10155 RequestorPackageName: live.streamstyle] ], android.os.BinderProxy@332cef5)
02-23 00:10:27.747   516   614 D ConnectivityService: releasing NetworkRequest [ TRACK_DEFAULT id=76, [ Capabilities: INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED Uid: 10155 AdministratorUids: [] RequestorUid: 10155 RequestorPackageName: live.streamstyle] ] (release request)
02-23 00:10:27.747   516   960 I WindowManager: WIN DEATH: Window{33b4b36 u0 live.streamstyle/live.streamstyle.MainActivity}
02-23 00:10:27.747   516   960 W InputDispatcher: Attempted to unregister already unregistered input channel '33b4b36 live.streamstyle/live.streamstyle.MainActivity (server)'
02-23 00:10:27.747   516  1874 I ActivityManager: Process live.streamstyle (pid 10599) has died: prcp TOP 
02-23 00:10:27.748   516   544 I libprocessgroup: Successfully killed process cgroup uid 10155 pid 10599 in 0ms
02-23 00:10:27.750   443   443 D BufferPoolAccessor2.0: bufferpool2 0xf4680f08 : 0(0 size) total buffers - 0(0 size) used buffers - 153/157 (recycle/alloc) - 4/157 (fetch/transfer)
02-23 00:10:27.750   443   443 D BufferPoolAccessor2.0: Destruction - bufferpool2 0xf4680f08 cached: 0/0M, 0/0% in use; allocs: 157, 97% recycled; transfers: 157, 97% unfetched
02-23 00:10:27.750   443   443 D BufferPoolAccessor2.0: bufferpool2 0xf46809b8 : 0(0 size) total buffers - 0(0 size) used buffers - 21/24 (recycle/alloc) - 3/24 (fetch/transfer)
02-23 00:10:27.750   443   443 D BufferPoolAccessor2.0: Destruction - bufferpool2 0xf46809b8 cached: 0/0M, 0/0% in use; allocs: 24, 88% recycled; transfers: 24, 88% unfetched
02-23 00:10:27.820     0     0 I binder  : undelivered transaction 972957, process died.
02-23 00:10:27.792   676   676 V KeyguardUpdateMonitor: onSubscriptionInfoChanged()
02-23 00:10:27.793   516  1874 W InputReader: Device virtio_input_multi_touch_9 is associated with display ADISPLAY_ID_NONE.
02-23 00:10:27.793   516  1874 W InputReader: Device virtio_input_multi_touch_7 is associated with display ADISPLAY_ID_NONE.
02-23 00:10:27.793   516  1874 W InputReader: Device virtio_input_multi_touch_10 is associated with display ADISPLAY_ID_NONE.
02-23 00:10:27.793   516  1874 W InputReader: Device virtio_input_multi_touch_4 is associated with display ADISPLAY_ID_NONE.
02-23 00:10:27.793   516  1874 W InputReader: Device virtio_input_multi_touch_11 is associated with display ADISPLAY_ID_NONE.
02-23 00:10:27.793   516  1874 W InputReader: Device virtio_input_multi_touch_5 is associated with display ADISPLAY_ID_NONE.
02-23 00:10:27.793   516  1874 W InputReader: Device virtio_input_multi_touch_6 is associated with display ADISPLAY_ID_NONE.
02-23 00:10:27.794   516  1874 W InputReader: Device virtio_input_multi_touch_2 is associated with display ADISPLAY_ID_NONE.
02-23 00:10:27.794   516  1874 W InputReader: Device virtio_input_multi_touch_3 is associated with display ADISPLAY_ID_NONE.
02-23 00:10:27.794   516  1874 W InputReader: Device virtio_input_multi_touch_8 is associated with display ADISPLAY_ID_NONE.
02-23 00:10:27.795   516  1874 W InputReader: Device virtio_input_multi_touch_9 is associated with display ADISPLAY_ID_NONE.
02-23 00:10:27.795   516  1874 W InputReader: Device virtio_input_multi_touch_7 is associated with display ADISPLAY_ID_NONE.
02-23 00:10:27.795   516  1874 W InputReader: Device virtio_input_multi_touch_10 is associated with display ADISPLAY_ID_NONE.
02-23 00:10:27.795   516  1874 W InputReader: Device virtio_input_multi_touch_4 is associated with display ADISPLAY_ID_NONE.
02-23 00:10:27.795   516  1874 W InputReader: Device virtio_input_multi_touch_11 is associated with display ADISPLAY_ID_NONE.
02-23 00:10:27.795   516  1874 W InputReader: Device virtio_input_multi_touch_5 is associated with display ADISPLAY_ID_NONE.
02-23 00:10:27.795   516  1874 W InputReader: Device virtio_input_multi_touch_6 is associated with display ADISPLAY_ID_NONE.
02-23 00:10:27.795   516  1874 W InputReader: Device virtio_input_multi_touch_2 is associated with display ADISPLAY_ID_NONE.
02-23 00:10:27.795   516  1874 W InputReader: Device virtio_input_multi_touch_3 is associated with display ADISPLAY_ID_NONE.
02-23 00:10:27.795   516  1874 W InputReader: Device virtio_input_multi_touch_8 is associated with display ADISPLAY_ID_NONE.
02-23 00:10:27.795   889   889 D Telephony: isEmergencyPreferredAccount: subId=1, activeData=1
02-23 00:10:27.796   676   676 V KeyguardUpdateMonitor: SubInfo:{id=1 iccId=89014103211118510720 simSlotIndex=0 carrierId=1 displayName=T-Mobile carrierName=T-Mobile nameSource=3 iconTint=-16746133 number=+15555215554 dataRoaming=0 iconBitmap=android.graphics.Bitmap@c09ecb7 mcc=310 mnc=260 countryIso=us isEmbedded=false nativeAccessRules=null cardString=89014103211118510720 cardId=-1 isOpportunistic=false groupUUID=null isGroupDisabled=false profileClass=-1 ehplmns=null hplmns=null subscriptionType=0 groupOwner=null carrierConfigAccessRules=null areUiccApplicationsEnabled=true}
02-23 00:10:27.796   889   889 D Telephony: isEmergencyPreferredAccount: Device does not require preference.
02-23 00:10:27.800   516 10738 W ActivityManager: Ignoring remove of inactive process: ProcessRecord{c62ab26 0:live.streamstyle/u0a155}
02-23 00:10:27.803   516   536 W ActivityManager: setHasOverlayUi called on unknown pid: 10599
02-23 00:10:27.814   516  1465 W ActivityManager: Unable to start service Intent { act=android.service.appprediction.AppPredictionService cmp=com.google.android.as/com.google.android.apps.miphone.aiai.app.AiAiPredictionService } U=0: not found
02-23 00:10:27.814   516  1465 W RemoteAppPredictionService: could not bind to Intent { act=android.service.appprediction.AppPredictionService cmp=com.google.android.as/com.google.android.apps.miphone.aiai.app.AiAiPredictionService } using flags 67108865
02-23 00:10:27.840   307   364 D goldfish-address-space: allocate: Ask for block of size 0x177000
02-23 00:10:27.841   307   364 D goldfish-address-space: allocate: ioctl allocate returned offset 0x3ff6cb000 size 0x178000
02-23 00:10:27.846   307   364 D goldfish-address-space: allocate: Ask for block of size 0x177000
02-23 00:10:27.846   307   364 D goldfish-address-space: allocate: ioctl allocate returned offset 0x3ffd10000 size 0x178000
02-23 00:10:27.848   307   366 D goldfish-address-space: allocate: Ask for block of size 0x177000
02-23 00:10:27.848   307   366 D goldfish-address-space: allocate: ioctl allocate returned offset 0x3ffaa7000 size 0x178000
02-23 00:10:27.851   307   364 D goldfish-address-space: allocate: Ask for block of size 0x177000
02-23 00:10:27.851   307   364 D goldfish-address-space: allocate: ioctl allocate returned offset 0x3fec95000 size 0x178000
02-23 00:10:27.856   307   364 D goldfish-address-space: allocate: Ask for block of size 0x177000
02-23 00:10:27.856   307   364 D goldfish-address-space: allocate: ioctl allocate returned offset 0x3fe728000 size 0x178000
02-23 00:10:27.859   307   364 D goldfish-address-space: allocate: Ask for block of size 0x177000
02-23 00:10:27.859   307   364 D goldfish-address-space: allocate: ioctl allocate returned offset 0x3fe5b0000 size 0x178000
02-23 00:10:27.877  1305  9845 E sb.v.u.LiteSuggestSourc: On-device lite suggest model loading error.
02-23 00:10:27.881  1305  1890 W ThreadPoolDumper: Queue length for executor EventBus is now 11. Perhaps some tasks are too long, or the pool is too small.
02-23 00:10:27.884  1305  1786 W LocationOracle: No location history returned by ContextManager
02-23 00:10:27.899  1138  1958 W GCoreFlp: No location to return for getLastLocation()
02-23 00:10:27.910  1305  1305 I BgTaskExecutorImpl: Starting EXCLUSIVE background task TNG_MINUS_ONE_SYNC.
02-23 00:10:27.913  1305  1735 E MDD     : DownloadProgressMonitor: Can't find file group for uri: android://com.google.android.googlequicksearchbox/files/sharedminusonemodule/shared/SharedMinusOneData.pb.tmp
02-23 00:10:27.913  1305  1890 I TngMinusOneSync: Syncing TNG:-1
02-23 00:10:28.146   516   536 W ActivityTaskManager: Activity top resumed state loss timeout for ActivityRecord{4f70e81 u0 live.streamstyle/.MainActivity t-1 f}}
02-23 00:10:28.704   516  1874 D WifiNl80211Manager: Scan result ready event
02-23 00:10:28.704   516  1874 D WifiNative: Scan result ready event
02-23 00:10:28.774   516  1874 I system_server: oneway function results will be dropped but finished with status OK and parcel size 4
techiespace commented 3 years ago
  1. Code:
const conferenceAlias = '12345678_QA_voxeet_back_stage_state';
// 1. Create the conference
await VoxeetSDK.create({ alias: conferenceAlias })
      .then((conference) => {
        console.log('voxeet conference: ', conference);    //call successful
        // 2. Join the conference
          VoxeetSDK.join(conference.conferenceId, {
            .then((participant) => {
              console.log('voxeet joined particiapnt : ', participant);  //App crashes before reaching this line
            .catch((e) => {
              Logger.log('error ', e);
      .catch((e) => {
        Logger.log('error-2 ', e);

The app just exits without any error in console.

  1. Usecase: We have an admin and consumer. Admin sends an invite to multiple consumers and consumer joins the conference. Before joining consumer should see a camera preview in a small window which is also sent to the admin(So admin can see previews of all consumers and then select which ones to allow in the main conference). Once they are satisfied with their lighting conditions they can join in the call. The way we did this on web was by creating two conferences. One for preview and one main conference which the consumer joins after preview. How would you suggest we handle this on react native?

Also, can you please take a look at the usecase above and let us know if it is possible using UX kit on consumer side and Voxeet web SDK on admin side?

codlab commented 3 years ago

Firebase was not the issue 👍 This exception is just a print. It seems that your app is not using the Hermes configuration. Can you clean the folder android/app/build, it really seems that it still uses the previous native build?

codlab commented 3 years ago

Concerning your use case, react-native is only meant to make the use of the UXKit's overlay for now. Future releases will introduce more features

techiespace commented 3 years ago

I did a full clean (./gradlew clean && ./gradlew cleanBuildCache && cd .. && ./gradlew), uninstalled the app(also deleted everything in android/app/build manually) and reinstalled it on emulator. The error is similar to before..

Opening for first time after build:

02-23 01:34:28.280   544  1562 I system_server: oneway function results will be dropped but finished with status OK and parcel size 4
02-23 01:34:28.280   544  4197 I system_server: oneway function results will be dropped but finished with status OK and parcel size 4
02-23 01:34:28.319  8363  8438 D VoxeetSDK: initExceptionIfOk: checking for exception to log internally
02-23 01:34:28.322  8363  8438 D io.sentry.android.AndroidSentryClientFactory: Construction of Android Sentry.
02-23 01:34:28.324  8363  8438 D io.sentry.android.AndroidSentryClientFactory: Sentry init with ctx='live.streamstyle.MainApplication@8eb4b83' and dsn='Dsn{uri=https://sentry.io/}'
02-23 01:34:28.332  8363  8438 D io.sentry.android.AndroidSentryClientFactory: Using buffer dir: /data/user/0/live.streamstyle/cache/sentry-buffered-events
02-23 01:34:28.340  8363  8438 D VoxeetSentry: internalInit: handler ? io.sentry.SentryUncaughtExceptionHandler@e04028b
02-23 01:34:28.340  8363  8438 D VoxeetSentry: internalInit: overriding the default thread uncaught handler ? false
02-23 01:34:28.340  8363  8438 D VoxeetSentry: internalInit: if it's not the intended behaviour, please use the method VoxeetSentry.enableOverride(true/false)
02-23 01:34:28.340  8363  8438 D VoxeetSentry: VoxeetSentry: sentry := com.voxeet.sentry.VoxeetSentry@2fd9f68
02-23 01:34:28.340  8363  8438 D VoxeetSentry: VoxeetSentry: onException := public void com.voxeet.sentry.VoxeetSentry.onException(java.lang.Throwable)
02-23 01:34:28.340  8363  8438 D VoxeetSDK: initExceptionIfOk: finished to try implementing error management
02-23 01:34:28.332  8363  8363 W mqt_native_modu: type=1400 audit(0.0:228): avc: denied { read } for name="version" dev="proc" ino=4026532035 scontext=u:r:untrusted_app_29:s0:c157,c256,c512,c768 tcontext=u:object_r:proc_version:s0 tclass=file permissive=0 app=live.streamstyle
02-23 01:34:28.341  8363  8438 D VoxeetHttp: VoxeetHttp: initializing using appId/password
02-23 01:34:28.351  8363  8363 D SessionService: onCall: start login in promise
02-23 01:34:28.351  8363  8363 D SessionService: onCall: having the list with elements := []
02-23 01:34:28.351  8363  8363 D SessionService: onCall: start login done... can take a time
02-23 01:34:28.376  8363  8363 D FirebaseProvider: FirebaseInstanceId.getInstance().getAccessToken() returned an IllegalStateException, you have an issue with your project configuration (google-services.json for instance)
02-23 01:34:28.376  8363  8363 W System.err: java.lang.IllegalStateException: Default FirebaseApp is not initialized in this process live.streamstyle. Make sure to call FirebaseApp.initializeApp(Context) first.
02-23 01:34:28.377  8363  8363 W System.err:    at com.google.firebase.FirebaseApp.getInstance(com.google.firebase:firebase-common@@16.0.2:240)
02-23 01:34:28.377  8363  8363 W System.err:    at com.google.firebase.iid.FirebaseInstanceId.getInstance(Unknown Source:1)
02-23 01:34:28.377  8363  8363 W System.err:    at com.voxeet.uxkit.firebase.implementation.FirebaseProvider.getToken(FirebaseProvider.java:75)
02-23 01:34:28.377  8363  8363 W System.err:    at com.voxeet.sdk.services.VoxeetHttp.lambda$identifyChain$6$VoxeetHttp(VoxeetHttp.java:272)
02-23 01:34:28.377  8363  8363 W System.err:    at com.voxeet.sdk.services.-$$Lambda$VoxeetHttp$GmbFHlozwHthoal4u5BNnrUgNBA.onCall(Unknown Source:4)
02-23 01:34:28.377  8363  8363 W System.err:    at com.voxeet.promise.PromiseInOut$9.run(PromiseInOut.java:261)
02-23 01:34:28.377  8363  8363 W System.err:    at android.os.Handler.handleCallback(Handler.java:938)
02-23 01:34:28.377  8363  8363 W System.err:    at android.os.Handler.dispatchMessage(Handler.java:99)
02-23 01:34:28.377  8363  8363 W System.err:    at android.os.Looper.loop(Looper.java:223)
02-23 01:34:28.377  8363  8363 W System.err:    at android.app.ActivityThread.main(ActivityThread.java:7656)
02-23 01:34:28.377  8363  8363 W System.err:    at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Native Method)
02-23 01:34:28.377  8363  8363 W System.err:    at com.android.internal.os.RuntimeInit$MethodAndArgsCaller.run(RuntimeInit.java:592)
02-23 01:34:28.377  8363  8363 W System.err:    at com.android.internal.os.ZygoteInit.main(ZygoteInit.java:947)
02-23 01:34:28.414   544  1562 I system_server: oneway function results will be dropped but finished with status OK and parcel size 4
02-23 01:34:28.692  1247  1306 I VoiceInputManagerWrapper: VoiceInputManagerWrapper.shutdownVoiceInternal():95 shutdownVoiceInternal()
02-23 01:34:29.659  8363  8783 D VoxeetHttp: intercept: builderIdentify
02-23 01:34:29.732  8363  8363 D VoxeetHttp: Successful login with id d7d30262-288f-3170-835e-f0e1074e889e
02-23 01:34:29.753  8363  8363 D SessionService: onCall: first login part done success ? true
02-23 01:34:29.999  8363  8788 D WebSocketProxy: onOpen: websocket:=okhttp3.internal.ws.RealWebSocket@52784d7 response:=Response{protocol=http/1.1, code=101, message=Switching Protocols, url=https://ws-in.voxeet.com/v2/session?Token=eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJpYXQiOjE2MTQwMjQyNzAsImRldmljZVR5cGUiOiJBTkRST0lEIiwidGhpcmRQYXJ0eUlkIjoiU3BtOUxHdE40WldfZXUtaEhZSldUQT09Iiwidm94ZWV0UmVnaW9uIjoiaW4iLCJuYW1lIjoidGVzdEBnbWFpbC5jb20iLCJleHRlcm5hbElkIjoidGVzdEBnbWFpbC5jb20iLCJzZXNzaW9uSWQiOiI4YjVhNTllYS05YWVhLTQyYmYtODI1Ny1kMzVlYTE5NDI4ZDMiLCJ1c2VySWQiOiJkN2QzMDI2Mi0yODhmLTMxNzAtODM1ZS1mMGUxMDc0ZTg4OWUifQ.a1LBp5Hhefh88v0tYk7mcx2GBUPwtCKG0i1q3HrY2bc}
02-23 01:34:30.000  8363  8788 D WebSocketProxy: startPing
02-23 01:34:30.000  8363  8788 D VoxeetWebSocket: onStateChanged: newState:=CONNECTED
02-23 01:34:30.002  8363  8363 D ConferenceService: onEvent: SocketConnectEvent not rejoined </3 DEFAULT null
02-23 01:34:30.002  8363  8363 D SessionService: onEvent: calling resolved true
02-23 01:34:30.005  8363  8363 D ConferenceService: onEvent: SocketConnectEvent not rejoined </3 DEFAULT null
02-23 01:34:30.026  8363  8363 D DefaultRootViewProvider: onEvent: state CREATING null
02-23 01:34:30.027  8363  8363 D VoxeetConferenceView: onEvent: ConferenceStatusUpdatedEvent live.streamstyle.MainActivity@e05d02d
02-23 01:34:30.029  8363  8363 D CreateConferencePromiseable: Attempting to create conferene alias:=12345678_QA_voxeet_back_stage_state
02-23 01:34:30.193  8363  8796 D VoxeetHttp: intercept: builder
02-23 01:34:30.289  8363  8793 D VoxeetHttp: intercept: builder
02-23 01:34:30.831  8363  8363 D ConferenceService: createOrSetConferenceWithParams: set conference id := 43d1e6b8-12e6-466b-946b-98fd1e892134
02-23 01:34:30.833  8363  8363 D Conference: log: updateParticipants: create RestParticipant from RestParticipant := Participant{id='d7d30262-288f-3170-835e-f0e1074e889e', participantInfo=ParticipantInfo{name='test@gmail.com', externalId='test@gmail.com', avatarUrl='null'}, status=null, quality='null'}
02-23 01:34:30.833  8363  8363 D Conference: log: 
02-23 01:34:30.833  8363  8363 D DefaultRootViewProvider: onEvent: state CREATED null
02-23 01:34:30.833  8363  8363 D SoundPool: stop: []
02-23 01:34:30.833  8363  8363 D SoundPool: stop: testing out.mp3 1
02-23 01:34:30.833  8363  8363 D VoxeetConferenceView: onEvent: your current conference type is not compatible with ringing
02-23 01:34:30.833  8363  8363 D CreateConferencePromiseable: internalCreate onNext: join with := 43d1e6b8-12e6-466b-946b-98fd1e892134 12345678_QA_voxeet_back_stage_state
02-23 01:34:30.834  8363  8363 D CreateConferencePromiseable: now conference is 43d1e6b8-12e6-466b-946b-98fd1e892134
02-23 01:34:30.835  8363  8438 D com.voxeet.sdk.utils.Validate: hasPermissionInManifest: permission android.permission.RECORD_AUDIO is in manifest
02-23 01:34:30.836  8363  8438 E com.voxeet.sdk.utils.Validate: No Audio permission granted for the app, please add <uses-permission android:name="android.permission.RECORD_AUDIO" /> to your AndroidManifest.xml and request for the permission to use it if sdk > 21 
02-23 01:34:30.836  8363  8438 D RNVoxeetConferencekitModule: join: live.streamstyle.MainActivity@e05d02d does not have mic permission
02-23 01:34:30.836  8363  8438 D RNVoxeetConferencekitModule: requestMicrophone: live.streamstyle.MainActivity@e05d02d
02-23 01:34:30.838   544   564 D EventSequenceValidator: inc AccIntentStartedEvents to 2
02-23 01:34:30.838   544  1562 I ActivityTaskManager: START u0 {act=android.content.pm.action.REQUEST_PERMISSIONS pkg=com.google.android.permissioncontroller cmp=com.google.android.permissioncontroller/com.android.permissioncontroller.permission.ui.GrantPermissionsActivity (has extras)} from uid 10157
02-23 01:34:30.856   544  5262 I MediaFocusControl: abandonAudioFocus() from uid/pid 10157/8363 clientId=android.media.AudioManager@9f844bbexpo.modules.av.AVManager@c596461
02-23 01:34:30.857   544  5262 W ActivityTaskManager: Tried to set launchTime (0) < mLastActivityLaunchTime (3647014)
02-23 01:34:30.858   544  5262 W InputReader: Device virtio_input_multi_touch_10 is associated with display ADISPLAY_ID_NONE.
02-23 01:34:30.858   544  5262 W InputReader: Device virtio_input_multi_touch_9 is associated with display ADISPLAY_ID_NONE.
02-23 01:34:30.858   544  5262 W InputReader: Device virtio_input_multi_touch_4 is associated with display ADISPLAY_ID_NONE.
02-23 01:34:30.858   544  5262 W InputReader: Device virtio_input_multi_touch_7 is associated with display ADISPLAY_ID_NONE.
02-23 01:34:30.858   544  5262 W InputReader: Device virtio_input_multi_touch_11 is associated with display ADISPLAY_ID_NONE.
02-23 01:34:30.858   544  5262 W InputReader: Device virtio_input_multi_touch_5 is associated with display ADISPLAY_ID_NONE.
02-23 01:34:30.858   544  5262 W InputReader: Device virtio_input_multi_touch_2 is associated with display ADISPLAY_ID_NONE.
02-23 01:34:30.858   544  5262 W InputReader: Device virtio_input_multi_touch_6 is associated with display ADISPLAY_ID_NONE.
02-23 01:34:30.858   544  5262 W InputReader: Device virtio_input_multi_touch_3 is associated with display ADISPLAY_ID_NONE.
02-23 01:34:30.858   544  5262 W InputReader: Device virtio_input_multi_touch_8 is associated with display ADISPLAY_ID_NONE.
02-23 01:34:30.858   544  5262 W InputReader: Device virtio_input_multi_touch_10 is associated with display ADISPLAY_ID_NONE.
02-23 01:34:30.858   544  5262 W InputReader: Device virtio_input_multi_touch_9 is associated with display ADISPLAY_ID_NONE.
02-23 01:34:30.858   544  5262 W InputReader: Device virtio_input_multi_touch_4 is associated with display ADISPLAY_ID_NONE.
02-23 01:34:30.858   544  5262 W InputReader: Device virtio_input_multi_touch_7 is associated with display ADISPLAY_ID_NONE.
02-23 01:34:30.858   544  5262 W InputReader: Device virtio_input_multi_touch_11 is associated with display ADISPLAY_ID_NONE.
02-23 01:34:30.858   544  5262 W InputReader: Device virtio_input_multi_touch_5 is associated with display ADISPLAY_ID_NONE.
02-23 01:34:30.858   544  5262 W InputReader: Device virtio_input_multi_touch_2 is associated with display ADISPLAY_ID_NONE.
02-23 01:34:30.858   544  5262 W InputReader: Device virtio_input_multi_touch_6 is associated with display ADISPLAY_ID_NONE.
02-23 01:34:30.858   544  5262 W InputReader: Device virtio_input_multi_touch_3 is associated with display ADISPLAY_ID_NONE.
02-23 01:34:30.858   544  5262 W InputReader: Device virtio_input_multi_touch_8 is associated with display ADISPLAY_ID_NONE.
02-23 01:34:30.934   309   373 D goldfish-address-space: allocate: Ask for block of size 0x1cf980
02-23 01:34:30.934   309   373 D goldfish-address-space: allocate: ioctl allocate returned offset 0x3ff676000 size 0x1d1000
02-23 01:34:30.939   309   373 D goldfish-address-space: allocate: Ask for block of size 0x1cf980
02-23 01:34:30.939   309   373 D goldfish-address-space: allocate: ioctl allocate returned offset 0x3fee1a000 size 0x1d1000
02-23 01:34:30.942   309   373 D goldfish-address-space: allocate: Ask for block of size 0x1cf980
02-23 01:34:30.942   309   373 D goldfish-address-space: allocate: ioctl allocate returned offset 0x3fec49000 size 0x1d1000
02-23 01:34:30.952   544   564 D EventSequenceValidator: dec AccIntentStartedEvents to 1
02-23 01:34:30.952   544   571 D ArtManagerInternalImpl: /data/misc/iorapd/com.google.android.permissioncontroller/300900706/com.android.permissioncontroller.permission.ui.GrantPermissionsActivity/compiled_traces/compiled_trace.pb doesn't exist
02-23 01:34:30.953   544   571 I ActivityTaskManager: Displayed com.google.android.permissioncontroller/com.android.permissioncontroller.permission.ui.GrantPermissionsActivity: +110ms
02-23 01:34:31.211  8363  8792 D VoxeetHttp: intercept: builder
02-23 01:34:31.380   544  1562 I system_server: oneway function results will be dropped but finished with status OK and parcel size 4
02-23 01:34:35.972  1247  1306 I PeriodicStatsRunner: PeriodicStatsRunner.call():180 call()
02-23 01:34:35.972  1247  1306 I PeriodicStatsRunner: PeriodicStatsRunner.call():184 No submit PeriodicStats since input started.
02-23 01:34:37.611  3574  3574 V GrantPermissionsActivity: Logged buttons presented and clicked permissionGroupName=android.permission-group.MICROPHONE uid=10157 package=live.streamstyle presentedButtons=44 clickedButton=32 sessionId=-6082574775502702147
02-23 01:34:37.614   544  5262 I system_server: oneway function results will be dropped but finished with status OK and parcel size 4
02-23 01:34:37.614   544  5262 I system_server: oneway function results will be dropped but finished with status OK and parcel size 4
02-23 01:34:37.621   544  4197 I OneTimePermissionUserManager: Start tracking live.streamstyle. uid=10157 timeout=60000 importanceToResetTimer=100 importanceToKeepSessionAlive=125
02-23 01:34:37.621   544  4197 V OneTimePermissionUserManager: Importance changed for live.streamstyle (10157). importance=100
02-23 01:34:37.622  3574  3574 V GrantPermissionsActivity: Permission grant result requestId=-6082574775502702147 callingUid=10157 callingPackage=live.streamstyle permission=android.permission.RECORD_AUDIO isImplicit=false result=10
02-23 01:34:37.623   309   373 D goldfish-address-space: allocate: Ask for block of size 0xf0000
02-23 01:34:37.623   309   373 D goldfish-address-space: allocate: ioctl allocate returned offset 0x3ff8bf000 size 0xf1000
02-23 01:34:37.632   544  1576 W InputReader: Device virtio_input_multi_touch_10 is associated with display ADISPLAY_ID_NONE.
02-23 01:34:37.632   544  1576 W InputReader: Device virtio_input_multi_touch_9 is associated with display ADISPLAY_ID_NONE.
02-23 01:34:37.632   544  1576 W InputReader: Device virtio_input_multi_touch_4 is associated with display ADISPLAY_ID_NONE.
02-23 01:34:37.632   544  1576 W InputReader: Device virtio_input_multi_touch_7 is associated with display ADISPLAY_ID_NONE.
02-23 01:34:37.632   544  1576 W InputReader: Device virtio_input_multi_touch_11 is associated with display ADISPLAY_ID_NONE.
02-23 01:34:37.632   544  1576 W InputReader: Device virtio_input_multi_touch_5 is associated with display ADISPLAY_ID_NONE.
02-23 01:34:37.632   544  1576 W InputReader: Device virtio_input_multi_touch_2 is associated with display ADISPLAY_ID_NONE.
02-23 01:34:37.632   544  1576 W InputReader: Device virtio_input_multi_touch_6 is associated with display ADISPLAY_ID_NONE.
02-23 01:34:37.632   544  1576 W InputReader: Device virtio_input_multi_touch_3 is associated with display ADISPLAY_ID_NONE.
02-23 01:34:37.632   544  1576 W InputReader: Device virtio_input_multi_touch_8 is associated with display ADISPLAY_ID_NONE.
02-23 01:34:37.632   544  1576 W InputReader: Device virtio_input_multi_touch_10 is associated with display ADISPLAY_ID_NONE.
02-23 01:34:37.632   544  1576 W InputReader: Device virtio_input_multi_touch_9 is associated with display ADISPLAY_ID_NONE.
02-23 01:34:37.632   544  1576 W InputReader: Device virtio_input_multi_touch_4 is associated with display ADISPLAY_ID_NONE.
02-23 01:34:37.633   544  1576 W InputReader: Device virtio_input_multi_touch_7 is associated with display ADISPLAY_ID_NONE.
02-23 01:34:37.633   544  1576 W InputReader: Device virtio_input_multi_touch_11 is associated with display ADISPLAY_ID_NONE.
02-23 01:34:37.633   544  1576 W InputReader: Device virtio_input_multi_touch_5 is associated with display ADISPLAY_ID_NONE.
02-23 01:34:37.633   544  1576 W InputReader: Device virtio_input_multi_touch_2 is associated with display ADISPLAY_ID_NONE.
02-23 01:34:37.633   544  1576 W InputReader: Device virtio_input_multi_touch_6 is associated with display ADISPLAY_ID_NONE.
02-23 01:34:37.633   544  1576 W InputReader: Device virtio_input_multi_touch_3 is associated with display ADISPLAY_ID_NONE.
02-23 01:34:37.633   544  1576 W InputReader: Device virtio_input_multi_touch_8 is associated with display ADISPLAY_ID_NONE.
02-23 01:34:37.662  3574  5872 D OpenGLRenderer: endAllActiveAnimators on 0xe6d894b0 (RippleDrawable) with handle 0xed4b6730
02-23 01:34:37.747   544  5262 I system_server: oneway function results will be dropped but finished with status OK and parcel size 4
02-23 01:34:40.716   544  1562 I system_server: oneway function results will be dropped but finished with status OK and parcel size 4
02-23 01:34:42.700  1247  1306 I PeriodicStatsRunner: PeriodicStatsRunner.call():180 call()
02-23 01:34:42.700  1247  1306 I PeriodicStatsRunner: PeriodicStatsRunner.call():184 No submit PeriodicStats since input started.
02-23 01:34:43.642   529   529 E wifi_forwarder: qemu_pipe_open_ns:62: Could not connect to the 'pipe:qemud:wififorward' service: Invalid argument
02-23 01:34:43.642   529   529 E wifi_forwarder: RemoteConnection failed to initialize: RemoteConnection failed to open pipe
02-23 01:34:43.677   527   527 E netmgr  : qemu_pipe_open_ns:62: Could not connect to the 'pipe:qemud:network' service: Invalid argument
02-23 01:34:43.677   527   527 E netmgr  : Failed to open QEMU pipe 'qemud:network': Invalid argument
techiespace commented 3 years ago

const isHermes = () => !!global.HermesInternal; returns true

codlab commented 3 years ago

The Firebase error will still be displayed, the react-native-uxkit is meant to be used (for now) with Firebase. It then just discard the error (the stack is printed but does not throw)

02-23 01:34:30.835  8363  8438 D com.voxeet.sdk.utils.Validate: hasPermissionInManifest: permission android.permission.RECORD_AUDIO is in manifest
02-23 01:34:30.836  8363  8438 E com.voxeet.sdk.utils.Validate: No Audio permission granted for the app, please add <uses-permission android:name="android.permission.RECORD_AUDIO" /> to your AndroidManifest.xml and request for the permission to use it if sdk > 21 
02-23 01:34:30.836  8363  8438 D RNVoxeetConferencekitModule: join: live.streamstyle.MainActivity@e05d02d does not have mic permission
02-23 01:34:30.836  8363  8438 D RNVoxeetConferencekitModule: requestMicrophone: live.streamstyle.MainActivity@e05d02d

Indicates that this time the app does not have the mic permission. Please retry your flow after having requested the mic permission

techiespace commented 3 years ago

Added the RECORD_AUDIO permission code.

02-23 16:43:49.876 15658 15890 E MediaSDK: JNI Init
02-23 16:43:50.005 15658 15890 I VideoCapabilities: Unsupported profile 4 for video/mp4v-es

Fulll logs:

02-23 16:43:45.443   544  2975 I system_server: oneway function results will be dropped but finished with status OK and parcel size 4
02-23 16:43:45.508 15658 15719 I ReactNativeJS: 'Voxeet test issue hermes: ', true
02-23 16:43:45.514 15658 15720 D VoxeetSDK: initExceptionIfOk: checking for exception to log internally
02-23 16:43:45.523 15658 15720 D io.sentry.android.AndroidSentryClientFactory: Construction of Android Sentry.
02-23 16:43:45.527 15658 15720 D io.sentry.android.AndroidSentryClientFactory: Sentry init with ctx='live.streamstyle.MainApplication@b48b232' and dsn='Dsn{uri=https://sentry.io/}'
02-23 16:43:45.544 15658 15720 D io.sentry.android.AndroidSentryClientFactory: Using buffer dir: /data/user/0/live.streamstyle/cache/sentry-buffered-events
02-23 16:43:45.555 15658 15720 D VoxeetSentry: internalInit: handler ? io.sentry.SentryUncaughtExceptionHandler@7905576
02-23 16:43:45.555 15658 15720 D VoxeetSentry: internalInit: overriding the default thread uncaught handler ? false
02-23 16:43:45.555 15658 15720 D VoxeetSentry: internalInit: if it's not the intended behaviour, please use the method VoxeetSentry.enableOverride(true/false)
02-23 16:43:45.555 15658 15720 D VoxeetSentry: VoxeetSentry: sentry := com.voxeet.sentry.VoxeetSentry@1c28777
02-23 16:43:45.555 15658 15720 D VoxeetSentry: VoxeetSentry: onException := public void com.voxeet.sentry.VoxeetSentry.onException(java.lang.Throwable)
02-23 16:43:45.556 15658 15720 D VoxeetSDK: initExceptionIfOk: finished to try implementing error management
02-23 16:43:45.556 15658 15720 D VoxeetHttp: VoxeetHttp: initializing using appId/password
02-23 16:43:45.552 15658 15658 W mqt_native_modu: type=1400 audit(0.0:272): avc: denied { read } for name="version" dev="proc" ino=4026532035 scontext=u:r:untrusted_app_29:s0:c160,c256,c512,c768 tcontext=u:object_r:proc_version:s0 tclass=file permissive=0 app=live.streamstyle
02-23 16:43:45.578   544   906 I system_server: oneway function results will be dropped but finished with status OK and parcel size 4
02-23 16:43:45.617 15658 15658 D SessionService: onCall: start login in promise
02-23 16:43:45.617 15658 15658 D SessionService: onCall: having the list with elements := []
02-23 16:43:45.617 15658 15658 D SessionService: onCall: start login done... can take a time
02-23 16:43:45.710 15658 15658 D FirebaseProvider: FirebaseInstanceId.getInstance().getAccessToken() returned an IllegalStateException, you have an issue with your project configuration (google-services.json for instance)
02-23 16:43:45.710 15658 15658 W System.err: java.lang.IllegalStateException: Default FirebaseApp is not initialized in this process live.streamstyle. Make sure to call FirebaseApp.initializeApp(Context) first.
02-23 16:43:45.710 15658 15658 W System.err:    at com.google.firebase.FirebaseApp.getInstance(com.google.firebase:firebase-common@@16.0.2:240)
02-23 16:43:45.711 15658 15658 W System.err:    at com.google.firebase.iid.FirebaseInstanceId.getInstance(Unknown Source:1)
02-23 16:43:45.711 15658 15658 W System.err:    at com.voxeet.uxkit.firebase.implementation.FirebaseProvider.getToken(FirebaseProvider.java:75)
02-23 16:43:45.711 15658 15658 W System.err:    at com.voxeet.sdk.services.VoxeetHttp.lambda$identifyChain$6$VoxeetHttp(VoxeetHttp.java:272)
02-23 16:43:45.711 15658 15658 W System.err:    at com.voxeet.sdk.services.-$$Lambda$VoxeetHttp$GmbFHlozwHthoal4u5BNnrUgNBA.onCall(Unknown Source:4)
02-23 16:43:45.711 15658 15658 W System.err:    at com.voxeet.promise.PromiseInOut$9.run(PromiseInOut.java:261)
02-23 16:43:45.711 15658 15658 W System.err:    at android.os.Handler.handleCallback(Handler.java:938)
02-23 16:43:45.711 15658 15658 W System.err:    at android.os.Handler.dispatchMessage(Handler.java:99)
02-23 16:43:45.711 15658 15658 W System.err:    at android.os.Looper.loop(Looper.java:223)
02-23 16:43:45.711 15658 15658 W System.err:    at android.app.ActivityThread.main(ActivityThread.java:7656)
02-23 16:43:45.711 15658 15658 W System.err:    at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Native Method)
02-23 16:43:45.712 15658 15658 W System.err:    at com.android.internal.os.RuntimeInit$MethodAndArgsCaller.run(RuntimeInit.java:592)
02-23 16:43:45.712 15658 15658 W System.err:    at com.android.internal.os.ZygoteInit.main(ZygoteInit.java:947)
02-23 16:43:48.256 15658 15872 D VoxeetHttp: intercept: builderIdentify
02-23 16:43:48.355 15658 15658 D VoxeetHttp: Successful login with id d7d30262-288f-3170-835e-f0e1074e889e
02-23 16:43:48.365 15658 15658 D SessionService: onCall: first login part done success ? true
02-23 16:43:48.542   544   906 I system_server: oneway function results will be dropped but finished with status OK and parcel size 4
02-23 16:43:48.697 15658 15877 D WebSocketProxy: onOpen: websocket:=okhttp3.internal.ws.RealWebSocket@f124da6 response:=Response{protocol=http/1.1, code=101, message=Switching Protocols, url=https://ws-in.voxeet.com/v2/session?Token=eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJpYXQiOjE2MTQwNzg4MjgsImRldmljZVR5cGUiOiJBTkRST0lEIiwidGhpcmRQYXJ0eUlkIjoiU3BtOUxHdE40WldfZXUtaEhZSldUQT09Iiwidm94ZWV0UmVnaW9uIjoiaW4iLCJuYW1lIjoidGVzdEBnbWFpbC5jb20iLCJleHRlcm5hbElkIjoidGVzdEBnbWFpbC5jb20iLCJzZXNzaW9uSWQiOiIyNmFkMGVmZi1lMjIxLTQ3ODYtYmY5OC0zYzhkZmJjZTE0NTYiLCJ1c2VySWQiOiJkN2QzMDI2Mi0yODhmLTMxNzAtODM1ZS1mMGUxMDc0ZTg4OWUifQ.6HLrXQKeNHABay8rBK0Ez_t-x7TnsUXxufT1eQuPkOw}
02-23 16:43:48.697 15658 15877 D WebSocketProxy: startPing
02-23 16:43:48.697 15658 15877 D VoxeetWebSocket: onStateChanged: newState:=CONNECTED
02-23 16:43:48.697 15658 15658 D ConferenceService: onEvent: SocketConnectEvent not rejoined </3 DEFAULT null
02-23 16:43:48.697 15658 15658 D SessionService: onEvent: calling resolved true
02-23 16:43:48.699 15658 15658 D ConferenceService: onEvent: SocketConnectEvent not rejoined </3 DEFAULT null
02-23 16:43:48.713 15658 15658 D DefaultRootViewProvider: onEvent: state CREATING null
02-23 16:43:48.714 15658 15658 D VoxeetConferenceView: onEvent: ConferenceStatusUpdatedEvent live.streamstyle.MainActivity@e05d02d
02-23 16:43:48.715 15658 15658 D CreateConferencePromiseable: Attempting to create conferene alias:=12345678_QA_voxeet_back_stage_state
02-23 16:43:48.940 15658 15885 D VoxeetHttp: intercept: builder
02-23 16:43:49.165 15658 15881 D VoxeetHttp: intercept: builder
02-23 16:43:49.630 15658 15658 D ConferenceService: createOrSetConferenceWithParams: set conference id := 06d83407-4c99-4389-b77f-1c2cdefa30b6
02-23 16:43:49.639 15658 15658 D Conference: log: updateParticipants: create RestParticipant from RestParticipant := Participant{id='d7d30262-288f-3170-835e-f0e1074e889e', participantInfo=ParticipantInfo{name='test@gmail.com', externalId='test@gmail.com', avatarUrl='null'}, status=null, quality='null'}
02-23 16:43:49.639 15658 15658 D Conference: log: 
02-23 16:43:49.641 15658 15658 D DefaultRootViewProvider: onEvent: state CREATED null
02-23 16:43:49.642 15658 15658 D SoundPool: stop: []
02-23 16:43:49.642 15658 15658 D SoundPool: stop: testing out.mp3 1
02-23 16:43:49.642 15658 15658 D VoxeetConferenceView: onEvent: your current conference type is not compatible with ringing
02-23 16:43:49.643 15658 15658 D CreateConferencePromiseable: internalCreate onNext: join with := 06d83407-4c99-4389-b77f-1c2cdefa30b6 12345678_QA_voxeet_back_stage_state
02-23 16:43:49.644 15658 15658 D CreateConferencePromiseable: now conference is 06d83407-4c99-4389-b77f-1c2cdefa30b6
02-23 16:43:49.660 15658 15720 D com.voxeet.sdk.utils.Validate: hasPermissionInManifest: permission android.permission.RECORD_AUDIO is in manifest
02-23 16:43:49.663 15658 15720 D RNVoxeetConferencekitModule: join: joining as listener ? false
02-23 16:43:49.670 15658 15658 D ConferenceService: createOrSetConferenceWithParams: set conference id := 06d83407-4c99-4389-b77f-1c2cdefa30b6
02-23 16:43:49.670 15658 15658 D JoinPromise: Attempting to join conference alias:=12345678_QA_voxeet_back_stage_state conferenceId:=06d83407-4c99-4389-b77f-1c2cdefa30b6
02-23 16:43:49.670 15658 15658 D JoinPromise: onNext: having conference
02-23 16:43:49.671 15658 15658 D JoinPromise: onNext: join with := 06d83407-4c99-4389-b77f-1c2cdefa30b6 12345678_QA_voxeet_back_stage_state
02-23 16:43:49.672 15658 15658 D ConferenceService: joining 06d83407-4c99-4389-b77f-1c2cdefa30b6
02-23 16:43:49.675 15658 15658 D com.voxeet.sdk.utils.Validate: hasPermissionInManifest: permission android.permission.RECORD_AUDIO is in manifest
02-23 16:43:49.676 15658 15658 D ConferenceInformation: isOwnVideoStarted: false
02-23 16:43:49.676 15658 15658 D com.voxeet.sdk.utils.Validate: hasPermissionInManifest: permission android.permission.RECORD_AUDIO is in manifest
02-23 16:43:49.755 15658 15658 D HostConnection: HostConnection::get() New Host Connection established 0xb6b1ea80, tid 15658
02-23 16:43:49.787 15658 15658 D HostConnection: HostComposition ext ANDROID_EMU_CHECKSUM_HELPER_v1 ANDROID_EMU_native_sync_v2 ANDROID_EMU_native_sync_v3 ANDROID_EMU_native_sync_v4 ANDROID_EMU_dma_v1 ANDROID_EMU_direct_mem ANDROID_EMU_host_composition_v1 ANDROID_EMU_host_composition_v2 ANDROID_EMU_vulkan ANDROID_EMU_deferred_vulkan_commands ANDROID_EMU_vulkan_null_optional_strings ANDROID_EMU_vulkan_create_resources_with_requirements ANDROID_EMU_YUV_Cache ANDROID_EMU_async_unmap_buffer ANDROID_EMU_vulkan_ignored_handles ANDROID_EMU_vulkan_free_memory_sync ANDROID_EMU_vulkan_shader_float16_int8 ANDROID_EMU_vulkan_async_queue_submit GL_OES_vertex_array_object GL_KHR_texture_compression_astc_ldr ANDROID_EMU_host_side_tracing ANDROID_EMU_async_frame_commands ANDROID_EMU_gles_max_version_2 
02-23 16:43:49.792 15658 15658 I org.webrtc.Logging: EglBase10Impl: Using OpenGL ES version 2
02-23 16:43:49.795 15658 15658 D EGL_emulation: eglCreateContext: 0xb6b2c5b0: maj 2 min 0 rcv 2
02-23 16:43:49.799 15658 15658 I org.webrtc.Logging: EglBase14Impl: Using OpenGL ES version 2
02-23 16:43:49.801 15658 15658 D EGL_emulation: eglCreateContext: 0xb6b2b430: maj 2 min 0 rcv 2
02-23 16:43:49.802 15658 15658 D EventBus: No subscribers registered for event class com.voxeet.sdk.media.EglBaseRefreshEvent
02-23 16:43:49.803 15658 15658 D EventBus: No subscribers registered for event class org.greenrobot.eventbus.NoSubscriberEvent
02-23 16:43:49.805 15658 15658 W org.webrtc.Logging: WebRtcAudioManager: Overriding default output behavior: setStereoOutput(true)
02-23 16:43:49.828   544   906 I system_server: oneway function results will be dropped but finished with status OK and parcel size 4
02-23 16:43:49.830   544  2975 I system_server: oneway function results will be dropped but finished with status OK and parcel size 4
02-23 16:43:49.831   544  2975 I chatty  : uid=1000(system) Binder:544_15 identical 1 line
02-23 16:43:49.831   544  2975 I system_server: oneway function results will be dropped but finished with status OK and parcel size 4
02-23 16:43:49.846 15658 15658 I org.webrtc.Logging: WebRtcAudioManagerExternal: Sample rate is set to 44100 Hz
02-23 16:43:49.847 15658 15658 I org.webrtc.Logging: WebRtcAudioManagerExternal: Sample rate is set to 44100 Hz
02-23 16:43:49.848 15658 15658 I org.webrtc.Logging: JavaAudioDeviceModule: createAudioDeviceModule
02-23 16:43:49.849 15658 15658 I org.webrtc.Logging: JavaAudioDeviceModule: HW NS will not be used.
02-23 16:43:49.849 15658 15658 I org.webrtc.Logging: JavaAudioDeviceModule: HW AEC will not be used.
02-23 16:43:49.850 15658 15658 I org.webrtc.Logging: WebRtcAudioEffectsExternal: ctor@[name=main, id=2]
02-23 16:43:49.876 15658 15890 E MediaSDK: JNI Init
02-23 16:43:50.005 15658 15890 I VideoCapabilities: Unsupported profile 4 for video/mp4v-es
02-23 16:43:50.056 15658 15890 F libc    : Fatal signal 6 (SIGABRT), code -1 (SI_QUEUE) in tid 15890 (SDK), pid 15658 (ive.streamstyle)
02-23 16:43:50.040 15658 15658 W SDK     : type=1400 audit(0.0:273): avc: denied { ioctl } for path="socket:[628319]" dev="sockfs" ino=628319 ioctlcmd=0x8927 scontext=u:r:untrusted_app_29:s0:c160,c256,c512,c768 tcontext=u:r:untrusted_app_29:s0:c160,c256,c512,c768 tclass=udp_socket permissive=0 app=live.streamstyle
02-23 16:43:50.220 15658 15882 D VoxeetHttp: intercept: builder
02-23 16:43:50.313 15901 15901 I crash_dump32: obtaining output fd from tombstoned, type: kDebuggerdTombstone
02-23 16:43:50.316   286   286 I tombstoned: received crash request for pid 15890
02-23 16:43:50.319 15901 15901 I crash_dump32: performing dump of process 15658 (target tid = 15890)
02-23 16:43:50.365 15901 15901 F DEBUG   : *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** ***
02-23 16:43:50.366 15901 15901 F DEBUG   : Build fingerprint: 'google/sdk_gphone_x86_arm/generic_x86_arm:11/RSR1.201013.001/6903271:userdebug/dev-keys'
02-23 16:43:50.366 15901 15901 F DEBUG   : Revision: '0'
02-23 16:43:50.366 15901 15901 F DEBUG   : ABI: 'x86'
02-23 16:43:50.368 15901 15901 F DEBUG   : Timestamp: 2021-02-23 16:43:50+0530
02-23 16:43:50.369 15901 15901 F DEBUG   : pid: 15658, tid: 15890, name: SDK  >>> live.streamstyle <<<
02-23 16:43:50.369 15901 15901 F DEBUG   : uid: 10160
02-23 16:43:50.369 15901 15901 F DEBUG   : signal 6 (SIGABRT), code -1 (SI_QUEUE), fault addr --------
02-23 16:43:50.369 15901 15901 F DEBUG   :     eax 00000000  ebx 00003d2a  ecx 00003e12  edx 00000006
02-23 16:43:50.369 15901 15901 F DEBUG   :     edi e929c81e  esi a5d018c0
02-23 16:43:50.369 15901 15901 F DEBUG   :     ebp ed83bb90  esp a5d01868  eip ed83bb99
02-23 16:43:50.605 15901 15901 F DEBUG   : backtrace:
02-23 16:43:50.605 15901 15901 F DEBUG   :       #00 pc 00000b99  [vdso] (__kernel_vsyscall+9)
02-23 16:43:50.605 15901 15901 F DEBUG   :       #01 pc 0005ad68  /apex/com.android.runtime/lib/bionic/libc.so (syscall+40) (BuildId: 6e3a0180fa6637b68c0d181c343e6806)
02-23 16:43:50.605 15901 15901 F DEBUG   :       #02 pc 00076511  /apex/com.android.runtime/lib/bionic/libc.so (abort+209) (BuildId: 6e3a0180fa6637b68c0d181c343e6806)
02-23 16:43:50.605 15901 15901 F DEBUG   :       #03 pc 000b8d4c  /data/app/~~mLnm8UqfMvNDEuXsjED2rg==/live.streamstyle-0ChqmJfabyfq2haIdGPrVg==/lib/x86/libc++_shared.so (BuildId: 8771d1ad0fbd042529aa00a1937ddbc7b237a107)
02-23 16:43:50.605 15901 15901 F DEBUG   :       #04 pc 000b29d0  /data/app/~~mLnm8UqfMvNDEuXsjED2rg==/live.streamstyle-0ChqmJfabyfq2haIdGPrVg==/lib/x86/libc++_shared.so (__gxx_personality_v0+416) (BuildId: 8771d1ad0fbd042529aa00a1937ddbc7b237a107)
02-23 16:43:50.605 15901 15901 F DEBUG   :       #05 pc 000a4ec4  /data/app/~~mLnm8UqfMvNDEuXsjED2rg==/live.streamstyle-0ChqmJfabyfq2haIdGPrVg==/lib/x86/libreactnativejni.so (BuildId: 930803d0b368271f5f896b0cefe51d5c5c2e92b3)
02-23 16:43:50.605 15901 15901 F DEBUG   :       #06 pc 000a51b6  /data/app/~~mLnm8UqfMvNDEuXsjED2rg==/live.streamstyle-0ChqmJfabyfq2haIdGPrVg==/lib/x86/libreactnativejni.so (_Unwind_RaiseException+263) (BuildId: 930803d0b368271f5f896b0cefe51d5c5c2e92b3)
02-23 16:43:50.605 15901 15901 F DEBUG   :       #07 pc 000b6d6c  /data/app/~~mLnm8UqfMvNDEuXsjED2rg==/live.streamstyle-0ChqmJfabyfq2haIdGPrVg==/lib/x86/libfbjni.so (__cxa_throw+108) (BuildId: 3546c1351f83366cb88b3802c4c63ee907e2db98)
02-23 16:43:50.605 15901 15901 F DEBUG   :       #08 pc 0005c7a4  /data/app/~~mLnm8UqfMvNDEuXsjED2rg==/live.streamstyle-0ChqmJfabyfq2haIdGPrVg==/lib/x86/libc++_shared.so (std::__ndk1::locale::use_facet(std::__ndk1::locale::id&) const+212) (BuildId: 8771d1ad0fbd042529aa00a1937ddbc7b237a107)
02-23 16:43:50.605 15901 15901 F DEBUG   :       #09 pc 0006d922  /data/app/~~mLnm8UqfMvNDEuXsjED2rg==/live.streamstyle-0ChqmJfabyfq2haIdGPrVg==/lib/x86/libMediaEngineJni.so (BuildId: 645cb905670cf05b212cacfe708ad9bf26cff493)
02-23 16:43:50.605 15901 15901 F DEBUG   :       #10 pc 0006bc79  /data/app/~~mLnm8UqfMvNDEuXsjED2rg==/live.streamstyle-0ChqmJfabyfq2haIdGPrVg==/lib/x86/libMediaEngineJni.so (sole::uuid::str() const+361) (BuildId: 645cb905670cf05b212cacfe708ad9bf26cff493)
02-23 16:43:50.606 15901 15901 F DEBUG   :       #11 pc 0006b0ea  /data/app/~~mLnm8UqfMvNDEuXsjED2rg==/live.streamstyle-0ChqmJfabyfq2haIdGPrVg==/lib/x86/libMediaEngineJni.so (mxe::media_engine<mxe::media_mixer>::create_local_media_stream()+170) (BuildId: 645cb905670cf05b212cacfe708ad9bf26cff493)
02-23 16:43:50.606 15901 15901 F DEBUG   :       #12 pc 0005f372  /data/app/~~mLnm8UqfMvNDEuXsjED2rg==/live.streamstyle-0ChqmJfabyfq2haIdGPrVg==/lib/x86/libMediaEngineJni.so (mxe::media_engine<mxe::media_mixer>::init(std::__ndk1::unique_ptr<webrtc::VideoEncoderFactory, std::__ndk1::default_delete<webrtc::VideoEncoderFactory> >, std::__ndk1::unique_ptr<webrtc::VideoDecoderFactory, std::__ndk1::default_delete<webrtc::VideoDecoderFactory> >, rtc::scoped_refptr<webrtc::VideoTrackSourceInterface>, rtc::scoped_refptr<webrtc::AudioDeviceModule>, webrtc::MediaConstraints const&)+322) (BuildId: 645cb905670cf05b212cacfe708ad9bf26cff493)
02-23 16:43:50.606 15901 15901 F DEBUG   :       #13 pc 0005adf9  /data/app/~~mLnm8UqfMvNDEuXsjED2rg==/live.streamstyle-0ChqmJfabyfq2haIdGPrVg==/lib/x86/libMediaEngineJni.so (Java_com_voxeet_android_media_MediaEngine_Init+2185) (BuildId: 645cb905670cf05b212cacfe708ad9bf26cff493)
02-23 16:43:50.606 15901 15901 F DEBUG   :       #14 pc 00142132  /apex/com.android.art/lib/libart.so (art_quick_generic_jni_trampoline+82) (BuildId: 8191579dfafff37a5cbca70f9a73020f)
02-23 16:43:50.606 15901 15901 F DEBUG   :       #15 pc 0013b922  /apex/com.android.art/lib/libart.so (art_quick_invoke_stub+338) (BuildId: 8191579dfafff37a5cbca70f9a73020f)
02-23 16:43:50.606 15901 15901 F DEBUG   :       #16 pc 001d0381  /apex/com.android.art/lib/libart.so (art::ArtMethod::Invoke(art::Thread*, unsigned int*, unsigned int, art::JValue*, char const*)+241) (BuildId: 8191579dfafff37a5cbca70f9a73020f)
02-23 16:43:50.606 15901 15901 F DEBUG   :       #17 pc 00386701  /apex/com.android.art/lib/libart.so (art::interpreter::ArtInterpreterToCompiledCodeBridge(art::Thread*, art::ArtMethod*, art::ShadowFrame*, unsigned short, art::JValue*)+385) (BuildId: 8191579dfafff37a5cbca70f9a73020f)
02-23 16:43:50.606 15901 15901 F DEBUG   :       #18 pc 0037bcad  /apex/com.android.art/lib/libart.so (bool art::interpreter::DoCall<true, false>(art::ArtMethod*, art::Thread*, art::ShadowFrame&, art::Instruction const*, unsigned short, art::JValue*)+829) (BuildId: 8191579dfafff37a5cbca70f9a73020f)
02-23 16:43:50.606 15901 15901 F DEBUG   :       #19 pc 007a83d8  /apex/com.android.art/lib/libart.so (MterpInvokeDirectRange+504) (BuildId: 8191579dfafff37a5cbca70f9a73020f)
02-23 16:43:50.606 15901 15901 F DEBUG   :       #20 pc 00135ba1  /apex/com.android.art/lib/libart.so (mterp_op_invoke_direct_range+33) (BuildId: 8191579dfafff37a5cbca70f9a73020f)
02-23 16:43:50.606 15901 15901 F DEBUG   :       #21 pc 001f610c  [anon:dalvik-classes3.dex extracted in memory from /data/app/~~mLnm8UqfMvNDEuXsjED2rg==/live.streamstyle-0ChqmJfabyfq2haIdGPrVg==/base.apk!classes3.dex] (com.voxeet.android.media.MediaEngine.lambda$new$0$MediaEngine+80)
02-23 16:43:50.606 15901 15901 F DEBUG   :       #22 pc 007a14fe  /apex/com.android.art/lib/libart.so (MterpInvokeVirtual+1806) (BuildId: 8191579dfafff37a5cbca70f9a73020f)
02-23 16:43:50.607 15901 15901 F DEBUG   :       #23 pc 001357a1  /apex/com.android.art/lib/libart.so (mterp_op_invoke_virtual+33) (BuildId: 8191579dfafff37a5cbca70f9a73020f)
02-23 16:43:50.607 15901 15901 F DEBUG   :       #24 pc 001f5288  [anon:dalvik-classes3.dex extracted in memory from /data/app/~~mLnm8UqfMvNDEuXsjED2rg==/live.streamstyle-0ChqmJfabyfq2haIdGPrVg==/base.apk!classes3.dex] (com.voxeet.android.media.-$$Lambda$MediaEngine$TiQYYqUayy_SdGDCyVCifERtZYA.run+20)
02-23 16:43:50.607 15901 15901 F DEBUG   :       #25 pc 0036fb02  /apex/com.android.art/lib/libart.so (art::interpreter::Execute(art::Thread*, art::CodeItemDataAccessor const&, art::ShadowFrame&, art::JValue, bool, bool) (.llvm.16375758241455872412)+370) (BuildId: 8191579dfafff37a5cbca70f9a73020f)
02-23 16:43:50.607 15901 15901 F DEBUG   :       #26 pc 00379b00  /apex/com.android.art/lib/libart.so (art::interpreter::EnterInterpreterFromEntryPoint(art::Thread*, art::CodeItemDataAccessor const&, art::ShadowFrame*)+176) (BuildId: 8191579dfafff37a5cbca70f9a73020f)
02-23 16:43:50.607 15901 15901 F DEBUG   :       #27 pc 0078b325  /apex/com.android.art/lib/libart.so (artQuickToInterpreterBridge+1061) (BuildId: 8191579dfafff37a5cbca70f9a73020f)
02-23 16:43:50.607 15901 15901 F DEBUG   :       #28 pc 0014220d  /apex/com.android.art/lib/libart.so (art_quick_to_interpreter_bridge+77) (BuildId: 8191579dfafff37a5cbca70f9a73020f)
02-23 16:43:50.607 15901 15901 F DEBUG   :       #29 pc 0201b462  /memfd:jit-cache (deleted) (offset 0x2000000) (android.os.Handler.handleCallback+66)
02-23 16:43:50.607 15901 15901 F DEBUG   :       #30 pc 0202dd91  /memfd:jit-cache (deleted) (offset 0x2000000) (android.os.Handler.dispatchMessage+65)
02-23 16:43:50.607 15901 15901 F DEBUG   :       #31 pc 02028c70  /memfd:jit-cache (deleted) (offset 0x2000000) (android.os.Looper.loop+1584)
02-23 16:43:50.607 15901 15901 F DEBUG   :       #32 pc 0013baf2  /apex/com.android.art/lib/libart.so (art_quick_invoke_static_stub+418) (BuildId: 8191579dfafff37a5cbca70f9a73020f)
02-23 16:43:50.607 15901 15901 F DEBUG   :       #33 pc 001d0392  /apex/com.android.art/lib/libart.so (art::ArtMethod::Invoke(art::Thread*, unsigned int*, unsigned int, art::JValue*, char const*)+258) (BuildId: 8191579dfafff37a5cbca70f9a73020f)
02-23 16:43:50.607 15901 15901 F DEBUG   :       #34 pc 00386701  /apex/com.android.art/lib/libart.so (art::interpreter::ArtInterpreterToCompiledCodeBridge(art::Thread*, art::ArtMethod*, art::ShadowFrame*, unsigned short, art::JValue*)+385) (BuildId: 8191579dfafff37a5cbca70f9a73020f)
02-23 16:43:50.607 15901 15901 F DEBUG   :       #35 pc 0037aa3e  /apex/com.android.art/lib/libart.so (bool art::interpreter::DoCall<false, false>(art::ArtMethod*, art::Thread*, art::ShadowFrame&, art::Instruction const*, unsigned short, art::JValue*)+1070) (BuildId: 8191579dfafff37a5cbca70f9a73020f)
02-23 16:43:50.607 15901 15901 F DEBUG   :       #36 pc 007a4d2d  /apex/com.android.art/lib/libart.so (MterpInvokeStatic+637) (BuildId: 8191579dfafff37a5cbca70f9a73020f)
02-23 16:43:50.607 15901 15901 F DEBUG   :       #37 pc 00135921  /apex/com.android.art/lib/libart.so (mterp_op_invoke_static+33) (BuildId: 8191579dfafff37a5cbca70f9a73020f)
02-23 16:43:50.608 15901 15901 F DEBUG   :       #38 pc 0036e914  /system/framework/framework.jar (offset 0x92b000) (android.os.HandlerThread.run+56)
02-23 16:43:50.608 15901 15901 F DEBUG   :       #39 pc 0036fb02  /apex/com.android.art/lib/libart.so (art::interpreter::Execute(art::Thread*, art::CodeItemDataAccessor const&, art::ShadowFrame&, art::JValue, bool, bool) (.llvm.16375758241455872412)+370) (BuildId: 8191579dfafff37a5cbca70f9a73020f)
02-23 16:43:50.608 15901 15901 F DEBUG   :       #40 pc 00379b00  /apex/com.android.art/lib/libart.so (art::interpreter::EnterInterpreterFromEntryPoint(art::Thread*, art::CodeItemDataAccessor const&, art::ShadowFrame*)+176) (BuildId: 8191579dfafff37a5cbca70f9a73020f)
02-23 16:43:50.608 15901 15901 F DEBUG   :       #41 pc 0078b325  /apex/com.android.art/lib/libart.so (artQuickToInterpreterBridge+1061) (BuildId: 8191579dfafff37a5cbca70f9a73020f)
02-23 16:43:50.608 15901 15901 F DEBUG   :       #42 pc 0014220d  /apex/com.android.art/lib/libart.so (art_quick_to_interpreter_bridge+77) (BuildId: 8191579dfafff37a5cbca70f9a73020f)
02-23 16:43:50.608 15901 15901 F DEBUG   :       #43 pc 0013b922  /apex/com.android.art/lib/libart.so (art_quick_invoke_stub+338) (BuildId: 8191579dfafff37a5cbca70f9a73020f)
02-23 16:43:50.608 15901 15901 F DEBUG   :       #44 pc 001d0381  /apex/com.android.art/lib/libart.so (art::ArtMethod::Invoke(art::Thread*, unsigned int*, unsigned int, art::JValue*, char const*)+241) (BuildId: 8191579dfafff37a5cbca70f9a73020f)
02-23 16:43:50.608 15901 15901 F DEBUG   :       #45 pc 0062f37c  /apex/com.android.art/lib/libart.so (art::JValue art::InvokeVirtualOrInterfaceWithJValues<art::ArtMethod*>(art::ScopedObjectAccessAlreadyRunnable const&, _jobject*, art::ArtMethod*, jvalue const*)+620) (BuildId: 8191579dfafff37a5cbca70f9a73020f)
02-23 16:43:50.608 15901 15901 F DEBUG   :       #46 pc 0062f595  /apex/com.android.art/lib/libart.so (art::JValue art::InvokeVirtualOrInterfaceWithJValues<_jmethodID*>(art::ScopedObjectAccessAlreadyRunnable const&, _jobject*, _jmethodID*, jvalue const*)+85) (BuildId: 8191579dfafff37a5cbca70f9a73020f)
02-23 16:43:50.608 15901 15901 F DEBUG   :       #47 pc 00697701  /apex/com.android.art/lib/libart.so (art::Thread::CreateCallback(void*)+1537) (BuildId: 8191579dfafff37a5cbca70f9a73020f)
02-23 16:43:50.608 15901 15901 F DEBUG   :       #48 pc 000e6974  /apex/com.android.runtime/lib/bionic/libc.so (__pthread_start(void*)+100) (BuildId: 6e3a0180fa6637b68c0d181c343e6806)
02-23 16:43:50.608 15901 15901 F DEBUG   :       #49 pc 00078567  /apex/com.android.runtime/lib/bionic/libc.so (__start_thread+71) (BuildId: 6e3a0180fa6637b68c0d181c343e6806)
02-23 16:43:50.934     0     0 D logd    : logdr: UID=10160 GID=10160 PID=15901 n tail=50 logMask=8 pid=15658 start=0ns timeout=0ns
02-23 16:43:50.939     0     0 D logd    : logdr: UID=10160 GID=10160 PID=15901 n tail=50 logMask=1 pid=15658 start=0ns timeout=0ns
02-23 16:43:51.310     0     0 D logd    : logdr: UID=10160 GID=10160 PID=15901 n tail=0 logMask=8 pid=15658 start=0ns timeout=0ns
02-23 16:43:51.312     0     0 D logd    : logdr: UID=10160 GID=10160 PID=15901 n tail=0 logMask=1 pid=15658 start=0ns timeout=0ns
02-23 16:43:51.278   286   286 E tombstoned: Tombstone written to: /data/tombstones/tombstone_06
02-23 16:43:51.281   544 15908 W ActivityTaskManager:   Force finishing activity live.streamstyle/.MainActivity
02-23 16:43:51.285   544   580 I BootReceiver: Copying /data/tombstones/tombstone_06 to DropBox (SYSTEM_TOMBSTONE)
02-23 16:43:51.286   544   580 I DropBoxManagerService: add tag=SYSTEM_TOMBSTONE isTagEnabled=true flags=0x2
02-23 16:43:51.287   309   378 D goldfish-address-space: allocate: Ask for block of size 0xf0000
02-23 16:43:51.287   309   378 D goldfish-address-space: allocate: ioctl allocate returned offset 0x3ffca6000 size 0xf1000
02-23 16:43:51.295   544 15909 I DropBoxManagerService: add tag=data_app_native_crash isTagEnabled=true flags=0x2
02-23 16:43:51.308   544   572 W BroadcastQueue: Background execution not allowed: receiving Intent { act=android.intent.action.DROPBOX_ENTRY_ADDED flg=0x10 (has extras) } to com.google.android.gms/.stats.service.DropBoxEntryAddedReceiver
02-23 16:43:51.309   544   572 W BroadcastQueue: Background execution not allowed: receiving Intent { act=android.intent.action.DROPBOX_ENTRY_ADDED flg=0x10 (has extras) } to com.google.android.gms/.chimera.GmsIntentOperationService$PersistentTrustedReceiver
02-23 16:43:51.380     0     0 I init    : Untracked pid 15901 exited with status 0
02-23 16:43:51.337   544   572 W BroadcastQueue: Background execution not allowed: receiving Intent { act=android.intent.action.DROPBOX_ENTRY_ADDED flg=0x10 (has extras) } to com.google.android.gms/.stats.service.DropBoxEntryAddedReceiver
02-23 16:43:51.337   544   572 W BroadcastQueue: Background execution not allowed: receiving Intent { act=android.intent.action.DROPBOX_ENTRY_ADDED flg=0x10 (has extras) } to com.google.android.gms/.chimera.GmsIntentOperationService$PersistentTrustedReceiver
02-23 16:43:51.413     0     0 I init    : Untracked pid 15903 exited with status 0
02-23 16:43:51.376   293   293 I Zygote  : Process 15658 exited due to signal 6 (Aborted)
02-23 16:43:51.422   544  2975 D ConnectivityService: ConnectivityService NetworkRequestInfo binderDied(NetworkRequest [ TRACK_DEFAULT id=103, [ Capabilities: INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED Uid: 10160 AdministratorUids: [] RequestorUid: 10160 RequestorPackageName: live.streamstyle] ], android.os.BinderProxy@301d4ef)
02-23 16:43:51.423   544   638 D ConnectivityService: releasing NetworkRequest [ TRACK_DEFAULT id=103, [ Capabilities: INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED Uid: 10160 AdministratorUids: [] RequestorUid: 10160 RequestorPackageName: live.streamstyle] ] (release request)
02-23 16:43:51.423   544  1876 I ActivityManager: Process live.streamstyle (pid 15658) has died: prcp TOP 
02-23 16:43:51.426   544  1563 I WindowManager: WIN DEATH: Window{c25d636 u0 live.streamstyle/live.streamstyle.MainActivity}
02-23 16:43:51.426   544  1563 W InputDispatcher: Attempted to unregister already unregistered input channel 'c25d636 live.streamstyle/live.streamstyle.MainActivity (server)'
02-23 16:43:51.426   442  6705 D BufferPoolAccessor2.0: bufferpool2 0xe9dc2dd8 : 0(0 size) total buffers - 0(0 size) used buffers - 153/157 (recycle/alloc) - 4/157 (fetch/transfer)
02-23 16:43:51.426   442  6705 D BufferPoolAccessor2.0: Destruction - bufferpool2 0xe9dc2dd8 cached: 0/0M, 0/0% in use; allocs: 157, 97% recycled; transfers: 157, 97% unfetched
02-23 16:43:51.427   442  6705 D BufferPoolAccessor2.0: bufferpool2 0xe9dc3438 : 0(0 size) total buffers - 0(0 size) used buffers - 21/24 (recycle/alloc) - 3/24 (fetch/transfer)
02-23 16:43:51.427   442  6705 D BufferPoolAccessor2.0: Destruction - bufferpool2 0xe9dc3438 cached: 0/0M, 0/0% in use; allocs: 24, 88% recycled; transfers: 24, 88% unfetched
02-23 16:43:51.429   544   574 I libprocessgroup: Successfully killed process cgroup uid 10160 pid 15658 in 5ms
02-23 16:43:51.486   544  1876 W InputReader: Device virtio_input_multi_touch_10 is associated with display ADISPLAY_ID_NONE.
02-23 16:43:51.486   544  1876 W InputReader: Device virtio_input_multi_touch_9 is associated with display ADISPLAY_ID_NONE.
02-23 16:43:51.486   544  1876 W InputReader: Device virtio_input_multi_touch_4 is associated with display ADISPLAY_ID_NONE.
02-23 16:43:51.486   544  1876 W InputReader: Device virtio_input_multi_touch_7 is associated with display ADISPLAY_ID_NONE.
02-23 16:43:51.486   544  1876 W InputReader: Device virtio_input_multi_touch_11 is associated with display ADISPLAY_ID_NONE.
02-23 16:43:51.486   544  1876 W InputReader: Device virtio_input_multi_touch_5 is associated with display ADISPLAY_ID_NONE.
02-23 16:43:51.486   544  1876 W InputReader: Device virtio_input_multi_touch_2 is associated with display ADISPLAY_ID_NONE.
02-23 16:43:51.486   544  1876 W InputReader: Device virtio_input_multi_touch_6 is associated with display ADISPLAY_ID_NONE.
02-23 16:43:51.486   544  1876 W InputReader: Device virtio_input_multi_touch_3 is associated with display ADISPLAY_ID_NONE.
02-23 16:43:51.487   544  1876 W InputReader: Device virtio_input_multi_touch_8 is associated with display ADISPLAY_ID_NONE.
02-23 16:43:51.488   544  1876 W InputReader: Device virtio_input_multi_touch_10 is associated with display ADISPLAY_ID_NONE.
02-23 16:43:51.488   544  1876 W InputReader: Device virtio_input_multi_touch_9 is associated with display ADISPLAY_ID_NONE.
02-23 16:43:51.488   544  1876 W InputReader: Device virtio_input_multi_touch_4 is associated with display ADISPLAY_ID_NONE.
02-23 16:43:51.488   544  1876 W InputReader: Device virtio_input_multi_touch_7 is associated with display ADISPLAY_ID_NONE.
02-23 16:43:51.488   544  1876 W InputReader: Device virtio_input_multi_touch_11 is associated with display ADISPLAY_ID_NONE.
02-23 16:43:51.488   544  1876 W InputReader: Device virtio_input_multi_touch_5 is associated with display ADISPLAY_ID_NONE.
02-23 16:43:51.488   544  1876 W InputReader: Device virtio_input_multi_touch_2 is associated with display ADISPLAY_ID_NONE.
02-23 16:43:51.488   544  1876 W InputReader: Device virtio_input_multi_touch_6 is associated with display ADISPLAY_ID_NONE.
02-23 16:43:51.488   544  1876 W InputReader: Device virtio_input_multi_touch_3 is associated with display ADISPLAY_ID_NONE.
02-23 16:43:51.488   544  1876 W InputReader: Device virtio_input_multi_touch_8 is associated with display ADISPLAY_ID_NONE.
02-23 16:43:51.491   936   936 D Telephony: isEmergencyPreferredAccount: subId=1, activeData=1
02-23 16:43:51.491   936   936 D Telephony: isEmergencyPreferredAccount: Device does not require preference.
02-23 16:43:51.516  6919  6919 I MemoryTrimmer: Trimming objects from memory, since app is in the background.
02-23 16:43:51.517  1247  1247 I AppBase : AppBase.onTrimMemory():615 onTrimMemory(): 10
02-23 16:43:51.518  1247  1247 I GoogleInputMethodService: GoogleInputMethodService.onTrimMemory():4225 onTrimMemory(): 10
02-23 16:43:51.524  8178  8540 I cr_BindingManager: onTrimMemory: level=80, size=0
02-23 16:43:51.527   544   564 W ActivityManager: setHasOverlayUi called on unknown pid: 15658
02-23 16:43:51.537   544  1876 W ActivityManager: Unable to start service Intent { act=android.service.appprediction.AppPredictionService cmp=com.google.android.as/com.google.android.apps.miphone.aiai.app.AiAiPredictionService } U=0: not found
02-23 16:43:51.537   544  1876 W RemoteAppPredictionService: could not bind to Intent { act=android.service.appprediction.AppPredictionService cmp=com.google.android.as/com.google.android.apps.miphone.aiai.app.AiAiPredictionService } using flags 67108865
02-23 16:43:51.544   309   378 D goldfish-address-space: allocate: Ask for block of size 0x177000
02-23 16:43:51.544   309   378 D goldfish-address-space: allocate: ioctl allocate returned offset 0x3fde54000 size 0x178000
02-23 16:43:51.550   309   378 D goldfish-address-space: allocate: Ask for block of size 0x177000
02-23 16:43:51.551   309   378 D goldfish-address-space: allocate: ioctl allocate returned offset 0x3fe398000 size 0x178000
02-23 16:43:51.553   309   378 D goldfish-address-space: allocate: Ask for block of size 0x177000
02-23 16:43:51.553   309   378 D goldfish-address-space: allocate: ioctl allocate returned offset 0x3fdac6000 size 0x178000
02-23 16:43:51.596  6919  6970 D HostConnection: HostConnection::get() New Host Connection established 0xed1b18d0, tid 6970
02-23 16:43:51.610  6919  6970 D HostConnection: HostComposition ext ANDROID_EMU_CHECKSUM_HELPER_v1 ANDROID_EMU_native_sync_v2 ANDROID_EMU_native_sync_v3 ANDROID_EMU_native_sync_v4 ANDROID_EMU_dma_v1 ANDROID_EMU_direct_mem ANDROID_EMU_host_composition_v1 ANDROID_EMU_host_composition_v2 ANDROID_EMU_vulkan ANDROID_EMU_deferred_vulkan_commands ANDROID_EMU_vulkan_null_optional_strings ANDROID_EMU_vulkan_create_resources_with_requirements ANDROID_EMU_YUV_Cache ANDROID_EMU_async_unmap_buffer ANDROID_EMU_vulkan_ignored_handles ANDROID_EMU_vulkan_free_memory_sync ANDROID_EMU_vulkan_shader_float16_int8 ANDROID_EMU_vulkan_async_queue_submit GL_OES_vertex_array_object GL_KHR_texture_compression_astc_ldr ANDROID_EMU_host_side_tracing ANDROID_EMU_async_frame_commands ANDROID_EMU_gles_max_version_2 
02-23 16:43:51.611  6919  6970 W OpenGLRenderer: Failed to choose config with EGL_SWAP_BEHAVIOR_PRESERVED, retrying without...
02-23 16:43:51.612  6919  6970 D EGL_emulation: eglCreateContext: 0xed1ae530: maj 2 min 0 rcv 2
02-23 16:43:51.613  6919  6970 D EGL_emulation: eglMakeCurrent: 0xed1ae530: ver 2 0 (tinfo 0xed4ba090) (first time)
02-23 16:43:51.619   309   378 D goldfish-address-space: allocate: Ask for block of size 0x177000
02-23 16:43:51.619   309   378 D goldfish-address-space: allocate: ioctl allocate returned offset 0x3fd94e000 size 0x178000
02-23 16:43:51.623   309   378 D goldfish-address-space: allocate: Ask for block of size 0x177000
02-23 16:43:51.623   309   378 D goldfish-address-space: allocate: ioctl allocate returned offset 0x3fd65e000 size 0x178000
02-23 16:43:51.626   309   378 D goldfish-address-space: allocate: Ask for block of size 0x177000
02-23 16:43:51.626   309   378 D goldfish-address-space: allocate: ioctl allocate returned offset 0x3fd4e6000 size 0x178000
02-23 16:43:51.653  6919 15387 E sb.v.u.LiteSuggestSourc: On-device lite suggest model loading error.
02-23 16:43:51.660  6919  6974 W ThreadPoolDumper: Queue length for executor EventBus is now 11. Perhaps some tasks are too long, or the pool is too small.
02-23 16:43:51.665  6919  6950 W LocationOracle: No location history returned by ContextManager
02-23 16:43:51.705  6919  6919 I BgTaskExecutorImpl: Starting EXCLUSIVE background task TNG_MINUS_ONE_SYNC.
02-23 16:43:51.709  6919  6945 E MDD     : DownloadProgressMonitor: Can't find file group for uri: android://com.google.android.googlequicksearchbox/files/sharedminusonemodule/shared/SharedMinusOneData.pb.tmp
02-23 16:43:51.714  6919  6974 I TngMinusOneSync: Syncing TNG:-1
02-23 16:43:51.785   544   564 W ActivityTaskManager: Activity top resumed state loss timeout for ActivityRecord{9cda581 u0 live.streamstyle/.MainActivity t-1 f}}
02-23 16:43:52.828   544   906 I system_server: oneway function results will be dropped but finished with status OK and parcel size 4
02-23 16:43:52.830   544   906 I system_server: oneway function results will be dropped but finished with status OK and parcel size 4
02-23 16:43:55.725  1174  1664 W Conscrypt: Could not set socket write timeout: java.net.SocketException: Socket closed
02-23 16:43:55.726  1174  1664 W Conscrypt:     at com.google.android.gms.org.conscrypt.Platform.setSocketWriteTimeout(:com.google.android.gms@201817022@20.18.17 (040700-311416286):2)
02-23 16:43:55.726  1174  1664 W Conscrypt:     at com.google.android.gms.org.conscrypt.ConscryptFileDescriptorSocket.setSoWriteTimeout(:com.google.android.gms@201817022@20.18.17 (040700-311416286):0)
02-23 16:43:55.877  1174  1664 W Conscrypt: Could not set socket write timeout: java.net.SocketException: Socket closed
02-23 16:43:55.877  1174  1664 W Conscrypt:     at com.google.android.gms.org.conscrypt.Platform.setSocketWriteTimeout(:com.google.android.gms@201817022@20.18.17 (040700-311416286):2)
02-23 16:43:55.877  1174  1664 W Conscrypt:     at com.google.android.gms.org.conscrypt.ConscryptFileDescriptorSocket.setSoWriteTimeout(:com.google.android.gms@201817022@20.18.17 (040700-311416286):0)
02-23 16:43:56.429   442   873 D BufferPoolAccessor2.0: evictor expired: 2, evicted: 0
02-23 16:43:56.636  1247  1306 I PeriodicStatsRunner: PeriodicStatsRunner.call():180 call()
02-23 16:43:56.636  1247  1306 I PeriodicStatsRunner: PeriodicStatsRunner.call():184 No submit PeriodicStats since input started.
02-23 16:44:21.128   544   664 E ClipboardService: Denying clipboard access to com.android.chrome, application is not in focus nor is it a system service for user 0
02-23 16:44:35.950   527   527 E netmgr  : qemu_pipe_open_ns:62: Could not connect to the 'pipe:qemud:network' service: Invalid argument
02-23 16:44:35.950   527   527 E netmgr  : Failed to open QEMU pipe 'qemud:network': Invalid argument
02-23 16:44:36.016   529   529 E wifi_forwarder: qemu_pipe_open_ns:62: Could not connect to the 'pipe:qemud:wififorward' service: Invalid argument
02-23 16:44:36.017   529   529 E wifi_forwarder: RemoteConnection failed to initialize: RemoteConnection failed to open pipe
02-23 16:45:36.009   527   527 E netmgr  : qemu_pipe_open_ns:62: Could not connect to the 'pipe:qemud:network' service: Invalid argument
02-23 16:45:36.009   527   527 E netmgr  : Failed to open QEMU pipe 'qemud:network': Invalid argument
02-23 16:45:36.076   529   529 E wifi_forwarder: qemu_pipe_open_ns:62: Could not connect to the 'pipe:qemud:wififorward' service: Invalid argument
02-23 16:45:36.076   529   529 E wifi_forwarder: RemoteConnection failed to initialize: RemoteConnection failed to open pipe
codlab commented 3 years ago

What is your react-native project version? Can you forward a public repository integrating the plugin so that I can try to reproduce the issue? is it working on a real device?

techiespace commented 3 years ago

@codlab I created a new repo with same react-native version to isolate the issue and I got the overlay screen there! I'm backtracking the issue with my current repo and will update here on the root cause.

codlab commented 3 years ago

Thanks for the update. Please ping me so I can as well try to reproduce the complete flow on my side 👍

techiespace commented 3 years ago

Here is the link for the repo having the crash issue. Please add and in loginScreen.js. Also provide the permissions for recording and camera manually as mentioned in the README. You might have to restart the app a couple of times before you get a crash. Logcat would show the below log when the crash happens:

2021-02-25 10:17:17.438 7483-7802/live.streamstyle E/MediaSDK: JNI Init
techiespace commented 3 years ago

@codlab did the crash replicate for you?

techiespace commented 3 years ago

@codlab any update on this?

FabienLavocat commented 3 years ago

I can reproduce the crash with your repo, thank you for sharing it. @codlab could it be because the initialization of the SDK is not ready when the conference starts? If you reopen the application after the crash, then it works properly.

@techiespace the function VoxeetSDK.initialize returns a promise, so you must await it or use the .then()

codlab commented 3 years ago

I couldn't work on it with the new SDK version that we are pushing. I will give a look in the next few hours (with as well the new SDK version - there are few improvements that are specifically in the JNI side which means that it may be some good news on this)

techiespace commented 3 years ago

@FabienLavocat Thanks for the update. I tried adding await to to call but unfortunately facing the same crash and error as before.

codlab commented 3 years ago

I also got the crash when testing on my device. I fixed it by removing the direct dependency from the dependencies block. I also integrated the newest version of the SDK + UXKit to be sure it was using the latest binaries (it works normally without this modification)

You can find the modification here https://github.com/codlab/voxeet-demo/commit/31d2119e9c31db99712c2c803bd52677e074f040

It's safe to remove the implementation line + block mentioning the @voxeet/react-native-voxeet-conferencekit

techiespace commented 3 years ago

I cloned the repo and did a fresh install. However the same error pops up. Can you try uninstalling the app and then reinstall it with react-native run-android? Its not always the first time that the app crashes. At times it crashes on reinstalling 3-4 times.

Steps I followed:

  1. Clone the repo
  2. Add key and secret
  3. yarn install
  4. delete all folders in android/app/build/
  5. react-native start
  6. react-native run-android
  7. Grant permissions
  8. Click on Next button (Overlay appeared for 1sec and then app crashed)
  9. Opened the app again 3-4 times and it worked then.

For camera permissions I added this code parallel to the mic permission code in IntroScreens.js:

const grantedCam = await PermissionsAndroid.request(
          title: 'App Camera Permission',
            'App needs access to your Camera ' +
            'so you can take awesome pictures.',
          buttonNeutral: 'Ask Me Later',
          buttonNegative: 'Cancel',
          buttonPositive: 'OK',
      if (grantedCam === PermissionsAndroid.RESULTS.GRANTED) {
        console.log('You can use the Mic');
      } else {
        console.log('Mic permission denied');
codlab commented 3 years ago

I still can’t reproduce the issue using the repo I created. Can you push to your repo to be sure?

codlab commented 3 years ago

Using my fork, I made the following for 20min (between 10 to 15 full rebuilds) : adb uninstall live.streamstyle ; rm -rf android/app/build ; react-native run-android the issue could not be reproduced

techiespace commented 3 years ago

Here is my repo: https://github.com/techiespace/voxeet-demo/tree/codlab-fork (same as your fork with added camera permission)

I've added the complete log during the crash along with a screencast of the crash here. The issue is reproduced at 2:15 in the screencast.

Android device specs:

codlab commented 3 years ago

I could not reproduce the issue. I reverted to non Hermes mode to check it and I have the previously obtained crash where you've got the TKILL exception following sole::uuid::str() call. I will check if I can track the error down (given that the react native is using the precompiled sdk and such it will be quite something but hopefully I'll get more info today about that error).

03-03 06:25:40.078 16268 16268 F DEBUG   :     #00 pc 00000000000224bc  /system/lib64/libc.so (abort+116)
03-03 06:25:40.078 16268 16268 F DEBUG   :     #01 pc 00000000000b8124  /data/app/live.streamstyle-j1rWndKkOyDlWsBajyIL5Q==/lib/arm64/libc++_shared.so
03-03 06:25:40.078 16268 16268 F DEBUG   :     #02 pc 00000000000b43d4  /data/app/live.streamstyle-j1rWndKkOyDlWsBajyIL5Q==/lib/arm64/libc++_shared.so (__gxx_personality_v0+364)
03-03 06:25:40.078 16268 16268 F DEBUG   :     #03 pc 000000000003cce8  /data/app/live.streamstyle-j1rWndKkOyDlWsBajyIL5Q==/lib/arm64/libjscexecutor.so
03-03 06:25:40.078 16268 16268 F DEBUG   :     #04 pc 000000000003d00c  /data/app/live.streamstyle-j1rWndKkOyDlWsBajyIL5Q==/lib/arm64/libjscexecutor.so (_Unwind_RaiseException+252)
03-03 06:25:40.078 16268 16268 F DEBUG   :     #05 pc 00000000000b7a78  /data/app/live.streamstyle-j1rWndKkOyDlWsBajyIL5Q==/lib/arm64/libfbjni.so (__cxa_throw+112)
03-03 06:25:40.078 16268 16268 F DEBUG   :     #06 pc 0000000000068b94  /data/app/live.streamstyle-j1rWndKkOyDlWsBajyIL5Q==/lib/arm64/libc++_shared.so (std::__ndk1::locale::use_facet(std::__ndk1::locale::id&) const+212)
03-03 06:25:40.078 16268 16268 F DEBUG   :     #07 pc 00000000000c58f0  /data/app/live.streamstyle-j1rWndKkOyDlWsBajyIL5Q==/lib/arm64/libMediaEngineJni.so
03-03 06:25:40.078 16268 16268 F DEBUG   :     #08 pc 00000000000c3db0  /data/app/live.streamstyle-j1rWndKkOyDlWsBajyIL5Q==/lib/arm64/libMediaEngineJni.so (sole::uuid::str() const+324)
03-03 06:25:40.078 16268 16268 F DEBUG   :     #09 pc 00000000000c3368  /data/app/live.streamstyle-j1rWndKkOyDlWsBajyIL5Q==/lib/arm64/libMediaEngineJni.so (mxe::media_engine<mxe::media_mixer>::create_local_media_stream(bool, bool)+164)
03-03 06:25:40.078 16268 16268 F DEBUG   :     #10 pc 00000000000b7b90  /data/app/live.streamstyle-j1rWndKkOyDlWsBajyIL5Q==/lib/arm64/libMediaEngineJni.so (mxe::media_engine<mxe::media_mixer>::init(std::__ndk1::unique_ptr<webrtc::VideoEncoderFactory, std::__ndk1::default_delete<webrtc::VideoEncoderFactory>>, std::__ndk1::unique_ptr<webrtc::VideoDecoderFactory, std::__ndk1::default_delete<webrtc::VideoDecoderFactory>>, rtc::scoped_refptr<webrtc::VideoTrackSourceInterface>, rtc::scoped_refptr<webrtc::AudioDeviceModule>, webrtc::MediaConstraints const
codlab commented 3 years ago

Given that react-native libraries are clashing with ours, I suggest to fallback to the 0.61.5 for instance which should be ok using the Hermes engine. I will continue to dig into the issue (I can confirm that it's about using some of the std methods that it clashes. A possibility is that latest react native libs have introduced a regression and use some deprecated libs which collide with the standard ndk's)

Edit: it may be possible that since we are using the NDK r20 and that react-native is still using an outdated r19 version, the clash comes when their *.so are included before ours which could mean that some incompatibility is introduced. Since normally each NDK revisions are retro compatible, I'll try to force injecting the shared objects that we use (libc++.so) before finishing the apk bundle

techiespace commented 3 years ago

Thanks for the update. I'll change the react-native version and re-recheck :+1:

codlab commented 3 years ago

But I still can't reproduce the issue at all with the Hermes engine

techiespace commented 3 years ago

image I'm sure that Hermes is enabled in my setup..

Downgrading the react-native version is leading to a different error:

2021-03-04 09:37:26.145 9696-9768/live.streamstyle E/unknown:ReactNative: Exception in native call
    com.facebook.react.bridge.NoSuchKeyException: avatarUrl
        at com.facebook.react.bridge.ReadableNativeMap.getNullableValue(ReadableNativeMap.java:122)
        at com.facebook.react.bridge.ReadableNativeMap.getNullableValue(ReadableNativeMap.java:126)
        at com.facebook.react.bridge.ReadableNativeMap.getString(ReadableNativeMap.java:161)
        at com.voxeet.RNVoxeetConferencekitModule.toUserInfo(RNVoxeetConferencekitModule.java:542)
        at com.voxeet.RNVoxeetConferencekitModule.connect(RNVoxeetConferencekitModule.java:243)
        at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Native Method)
        at com.facebook.react.bridge.JavaMethodWrapper.invoke(JavaMethodWrapper.java:371)
        at com.facebook.react.bridge.JavaModuleWrapper.invoke(JavaModuleWrapper.java:150)
        at com.facebook.react.bridge.queue.NativeRunnable.run(Native Method)
        at android.os.Handler.handleCallback(Handler.java:883)
        at android.os.Handler.dispatchMessage(Handler.java:100)
        at com.facebook.react.bridge.queue.MessageQueueThreadHandler.dispatchMessage(MessageQueueThreadHandler.java:26)
        at android.os.Looper.loop(Looper.java:224)
        at com.facebook.react.bridge.queue.MessageQueueThreadImpl$4.run(MessageQueueThreadImpl.java:225)
        at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:919)
codlab commented 3 years ago

I will note this for the next version to prevent any issue like this. Can you update the js code from

    await VoxeetSDK.connect({
      externalId: 'test@gmail.com',
      name: 'test@gmail.com',


    await VoxeetSDK.connect({
      externalId: 'test@gmail.com',
      name: 'test@gmail.com',
      avatarUrl: undefined //or "" for instance
techiespace commented 3 years ago

Adding avatarUrl: '' worked. The app has not crashed till now. I'll test it some more today and get back.

techiespace commented 3 years ago

@codlab Do we have any callback which is triggered when a participant leaves the call or is kicker out by another participant?

FabienLavocat commented 3 years ago

@techiespace the UXKit for React Native does not have the conference events implemented in the RN layer.

techiespace commented 3 years ago

Could the RNVoxeetConferenceEvent be of any help here? I see that the SDK also provides VoxeetEvents. If not is any other work around possible?

We have handled the case when the user is kicked out by admin(using socket messages sent from admin). So when user receives the message we call the leave() function along with other functions to update state.

The issue is only when the user leaves the call by himself. Here we want to call some functions to update state variables in our app.

FabienLavocat commented 3 years ago

@techiespace You could implement the events by looking at what is done on the Cordova side - https://github.com/voxeet/voxeet-uxkit-cordova/blob/master/src/android/com/voxeet/toolkit/VoxeetCordova.java#L498 - https://github.com/voxeet/voxeet-uxkit-cordova/blob/master/src/ios/CDVVoxeet.m#L446

codlab commented 3 years ago

Using the latest beta version, (installing the library using @latest as a suffix), you will be able to register for the various events that are provided by the SDK. Until a complete documentation is written, I would suggest using typescript implementation