voxeet / voxeet-uxkit-reactnative

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Get "Conference error" on Android if users do not allow Microphone Permission before receiving income calls #58

Open hungkoala opened 2 years ago

hungkoala commented 2 years ago

Conference error

When an income call arrive -> users accept it -> system ask for permission -> users choose allow -> system shows error above

If this a feature on android, Is there any away to trigger the End button (in red color, image above) so that the caller will be notified and call users back ?

codlab commented 2 years ago

Please follow the issue creation available when opening new issues.

Also please provide logs for the application

hungkoala commented 2 years ago

Hi Codlab, the conference is


I searched in https://dashboard.dolby.io/dashboard/applications/367651/interactivity-apis/monitor/ but there is no info

codlab commented 2 years ago

The log required are device specific, you will need to retrieve these using adb

hungkoala commented 2 years ago

here it is , the conference id is c73194f5-1257-414b-91e5-fec3b8ae5c66 [log.txt.zip](https://github.com/voxeet/voxeet-uxkit-reactnative/files/7881972/log.txt.zip)

hungkoala commented 2 years ago


here is the video how it happens on my mobile app

codlab commented 2 years ago

I'll check this, thanks for the video